Point of View

Point of View

This week’s teaching is the Prologue of my book, Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far. I pray it blesses you and brings you hope and joy:

“It’s important that everyone knows I’m so much more than the bad things that happen to me...You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” Jane Marczewski-Claudio (Nightbirde)

When I first got the idea to write a book on my life with Parkinson’s, the working title was ‘Parkinson’s Moments’. The reason for this title was simple. Parkinson’s gives me many opportunities to experience memorable moments of pain and suffering and how I deal with such moments, but, at the same time, affords me many more opportunities to experience moments of sheer joy and laughter. Parkinson’s Disease is quite a paradox in my life.

A paradox is ‘a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true; a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory; a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.’

The more I learn to live with Parkinson’s, the more of a paradox it becomes. How can pain and suffering coexist with sheer joy and laughter? They coexist, at least for me, based upon a spiritual point of view found in the Biblical text of Romans 8:28.

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose.” Romans 8:28 NASB

Parkinson’s is not a good thing, but God uses it for my good. Parkinson’s is no laughing matter, but I find myself constantly laughing at the way Parkinson’s brings joy to my life and to the fabric of our family tapestry. Parkinson’s is an ugly thread God has, for some reason, allowed to be woven into that tapestry and somehow made it a most beautiful facet of this journey we call life.

After coming to that conclusion, I knew I could not call the book ‘Parkinson’s Moments’ because it is so much more than that. Since I am choosing to see it as a good thing, I find my attitude and mood and overall sense of well-being feeling rejuvenated…re-created!

Immediately, I thought of one of my favorite comedy shows, the very popular and often absurd series, ‘Parks and Recreation’! After a series of laughter-inducing Parkinson’s moments, I knew I had to call the book ‘Parkinson’s and Recreation.’

Recreation is commonly defined as ‘activity done for enjoyment when one is not working; refreshment of strength and spirits’, but my personal definition literally means ‘to re-create one’s point of view which brings refreshment to one’s entire being.’ Rather than seeing Parkinson’s as an insurmountable mountain of a death sentence, I choose to see it as a mere molehill that happens to be a part of my journey and is intended to bring me an even greater depth of life.

I experience many moments of being reduced to laughter due to the symptoms of the illness as well as to the way people respond to me when they find out I have received the diagnosis of Parkinson’s. I have come to find the great benefit of using Parkinson’s as an excuse…for pretty much anything I say or do…objectionable or otherwise! Having lived several years with the disease now, I have found humor and laughter and joy to be vital and beneficial to my well-being.

That all sounds so deep and philosophical, but the simple fact of the matter that caused me to call this book ‘Parkinson’s and Recreation’ is a no-brainer. It’s just pretty dang funny!

Dennis Jernigan

The book, Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far, is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats wherever books are sold.

Photo courtesy of https://pixabay.com/photos/man-hiker-mountains-viewpoint-sit-1839604/

I'm Still Here

I'm Still Here

I don't get much sleep these days thanks to Parkinson's, but I am learning to see those sleepless moments as opportunities to hear from God. This morning, August 16, 2023, I woke from a restless sleep around 4 AM and chose to not take any sleep medication because they tend to make me feel groggy the rest of the day. I decided I would just lie there in bed and see if the Lord had anything for me. Before I knew it, the following lyrics had been written into my notes on my iPhone!

Parkinson's often leaves me feeling very isolated and alone, but that is not truth nor is it reality. I am constantly surrounded with family and have several friends who keep in touch with me. The problem comes when I allow pride to keep me from interacting with others. As an example, I have a very pronounced tremor going almost constantly in my right hand and arm. If I think people are noticing me while in public, I will stick my hand in my pocket and try to hide the tremor. The more self-conscious I feel when I suspect people are noticing the tremor, the more anxious I become. The more anxious I become, the more the tremor intensifies. It becomes a no-win situation that I often allow to keep me from interacting with others. In a way, I go into hiding…which is the opposite thing I should do. Life is found in relationship regardless of whether I have Parkinson's or not. Those who love me don’t care if I have a tremor or not. They just love me. The following lyrics, I hope, will convey to you some of what I am dealing with personally and how I am choosing to deal with it.

Be Blessed and Choose Joy,

Dennis Jernigan

I’m Still Here

Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan

August 16, 2023


Sometimes I get so overwhelmed 

By the simple things of life

Sometimes people avoid me 

I can see it in their eyes

Sometimes my heart’s so shaken 

As I watch the world go by

Like I have already died

Sometimes I get discouraged 

By the storm surrounding me

Sometimes I shut out loved ones

‘Cause I don’t want them to see

Sometimes I lose sight of who I am and used to be 

But deep inside I’m still just me


I’m still here

Caught between the joy and pain 

I’m still here 

Between the desert and the rain

I’m still here 

Just out of reach, yet feel love’s flame

I’m still here

Explainable yet unexplained 

Just be near 

Bringing joy to comfort pain

Just be near

Cool the desert with Your rain

Just be near

Come consume me in love’s flame

Just be near 

When my life goes unexplained 

Just be near 

Just be near 


Sometimes I get so caught up

In the me, myself, and I

I become a desert island 

Left there wondering why

I can choose the darkness 

Or can choose to walk in Light

I choose joy and I choose life


I’m still here

Caught between the joy and pain 

I’m still here 

Between the desert and the rain

I’m still here 

Just out of reach, yet feel love’s flame

I’m still here

Explainable yet unexplained 

Just be near 

Bringing joy to comfort pain

Just be near

Cool the desert with Your rain

Just be near

Come consume me in love’s flame

Just be near 

When my life goes unexplained 

Just be near 

Just be near

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/04/21/12/51/man-4144066_1280.jpg

The Healing Aspect of Worship

The Healing Aspect of Worship

When we lead others in worship, we are literally leading them to an encounter with or an opportunity for intimacy of relationship with Almighty God. To have an intimate relationship with God is to get to know Him - and to allow Him to get to know us. We basically lead people to a place of having the lies of this world confronted with the truth of who God is. This makes the act of worship - even in a corporate setting - a very potentially life-changing encounter every time we have the privilege of leading others. This is one of the greatest responsibilities I know in life. With worship comes a realization of God’s presence. With His presence we find His very nature. His nature is one of truth - and truth always has a way of bringing healing.

You will know the truth and the truth will, what? Of course we all readily know the answer. The truth will set us free according to John 8:32. What does this have to do with worship and its healing facets? In my case and from my perspective, everything. God’s Word is the truth. Jesus is called The Word of God (Rev. 19:13) and He called Himself the way the truth and the life (John 14:6). The importance of this? I do not have a relationship with a book - the Bible. I love the Word of God but I have a relationship with a real, living Savior who is THE truth!

What does it mean to know the truth? The word used for know in this instance is also used in Luke 1:34. When the angel came to Mary and told her she would bring forth a son, her reply was, “Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” What did Mary mean here? She was saying she had not had an intimate relationship with a man. If that is the same word used in John 8:32, we can make the statement ‘You will have an intimate relationship with the Truth (Jesus), and the Truth (Jesus) will set you free!’ By intimacy with Jesus I need to explain what intimacy is. In the act of worship, we are presenting our hearts to Jesus and saying, “Here is my heart, Lord. Into-me-see.” In that same moment, Jesus is saying, “Here is my heart, child. Into-Me-see.” Complete honesty between us and the Lord.

What is the first step of Truth?

We often find no power in the words of John 8:32 because we never really get to the truth. Why is that? Because the first step of truth or toward truth is always our honesty. 1 John 1:9 says, ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ King David, after he committed adultery and murder, made the following honest confession in Psalm 51:3-4, 17. ‘For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.’ Healing came to his repentant honest heart...because truth always leads to freedom.

In my own life I discovered that honesty is a part of brokenness - and brokenness leads to a place of healing. I would not have been healed of homosexuality had I not gotten honest that it was a problem. I had to agree with God that it was sin...that He had dealt with it through Jesus...that I was already forgiven...and that He wanted to give me a brand new identity. When I became honest, the walls of this particular bondage began to fall away from my heart and mind. The greatest fear I had was of being exposed...yet it was the very act of self-exposure that the Lord honored in my life. My greatest fear became my greatest blessing!

Truth leads to honesty. Honesty leads to intimacy. Intimacy leads to health and life. Intimacy simply means I turn to my Father and say to Him ‘Lord, into-me-see’ and at the same time, realize His heart is turned toward me and He is saying, ‘Son, into-Me-see’. Once I took that first step toward truth, healing instantly began to flood through my soul. This all happened for me in the context of a worship experience.

How do we get the sheep to the place of honesty? As a shepherd, I must walk there first. In other words, when I prepare to lead worship, I must be willing to honestly confess my need for God to those I lead. I never share the details of my sin because details can lead to fantasizing and vain imaginations. I have learned that if I share the attitude that led me to sin, others can feel at ease to confess the same attitudes. When we deal honestly with our own attitudes, others we lead - because we really are like sheep in a good way - are inclined to examine their own lives and follow in our footsteps. This can all be done through the songs we select, the words we use to express our hearts, and our very real moments of crying out to God in corporate settings. In that sense, we really are not worship leaders. We then become Lead Worshippers.

Because God so graciously ministers life to me through worship, I tend to use what ministers to me to minister to others. I have watched people who have been bound up in confusion over their sexual identity for decades suddenly fall on their faces in repentance during times of worship as they realize God’s intense love and mercy upon their lives. I have watched in amazement as men and women contemplating suicide confessed their great need and found hope to go on with life while being bathed in God’s presence during a time of worship. I have heard the loud praises of men who were once bound up in bitterness now rejoicing because they not only found God’s forgiveness during a time of worship but began to extend that same forgiveness to others - all in the context of worship.

Lead people to freedom and they will worship. Lead people in worship and healing will result. We must be willing to walk in honesty and to lead in honesty, no longer willing to play the religious games of wearing masks and performing for the approval of others. We must find the place of rest God offers each of us through finding our identity in Him. Even if you don’t know how to lead someone out of a particular sin pattern like sexual confusion, you can still lead them to freedom. How do I know? Because you already know the answer. The answer to any sin problem or identity issue is Jesus! Simply be willing to lead people toward Jesus and you will find God has given you the ability to help people overcome even the most challenging of habitual sin patterns.

Being a minister of healing through worship simply requires your own sincere honesty before God. Honesty leads to truth. Truth leads to freedom. Freedom leads to abundant life. Honesty is not a sign of weakness. I have found quite the contrary...like perhaps in my weakness He is strong (now where have I heard that before?). Being honest is not always easy. We must be willing to receive God’s grace to do so. And He offers His grace to us freely and readily. To be effective as a worship leader who truly desires to minister freedom to His flock, we must be willing to be honest with ourselves, with our God, and with those we lead.

Whether you wear the title of ‘worship leader’ or not, if you are a new creation in Christ you ARE a worship leader…whether you like it or not! As you live your life for Christ, your example of living a lifestyle of worship, makes you a worship leader! That may be in a pew on Sunday morning or it may be in the way you treat others at work. Just remember who and Whose you are…and just lead.

Dennis Jernigan

This Is My Destiny

This Is My Destiny

How does one put on the truth when the reality of their life says one thing about their identity yet God calls them something new?

• My lack of understanding or ability to see what God sees never negates the truth! That brings me great joy and peace as I pursue Him.

• I simply respond to the truth in faith regardless of whether I feel like a new creation or not.

• The truth has the awesome ability to transcend any feeling or circumstance I face.

• The truth sets me free from the snares of fleshly feelings and actually taps me into the emotions of my Creator.

• The truth sets me free from the snares of hopelessness by taking my eyes off of me and my circumstances and placing my gaze upon the goal of my calling, Jesus Christ.

God saw something in Gideon that Gideon could not see. In Judges, we find the story of the Israelites being held captive by the Midianites. The whole nation is reduced to fear and trembling for many years. Our story begins with Gideon cowered down in a threshing pit fearfully going about his work yet hidden from the eyes of the Midianites.

Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and declares, “The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior!”

Valiant warrior? Wouldn’t the term yellow-bellied chicken have been more appropriate? Yet, when God looked upon Gideon He saw a valiant warrior! As Gideon learned to walk in his true identity he was given more and more authority among his own people...and eventually led them to overcome all their enemies. If Gideon had not believed the Word of the Lord he never would have walked in the reality of his true nature. He never would have seen the potential of his destiny fulfilled.

• As a new creation learning to see myself as God sees me, I must also learn to see others the way he sees them. I can no longer judge people according to all I see, but I choose to judge them according to their destiny and true calling.

• With other believers I can make appeals for them to put an end to sinful behavior based upon their identity in Christ.

With my own children, if I see them sin - caught lying, for instance - I can say, “Son or daughter, you lied to me...but that is not who you are. You are not a liar. A new creation’s true desire is to tell the truth. You are a truthful person. Portraits of God’s grace to the world...like trophies that declare the power of God!”

Who does Father say I am?

• He calls me a trophy grace. While this is not a Scriptural term, it does express Scriptural truth. What is a trophy? A trophy is a tangible reminder of some great accomplishment or achievement. The redeemed life is a trophy or reminder to all who see of one of God’s greatest achievements - you! Paul the apostle suffered much, yet he believed his sufferings and the display of God’s grace to carry him through them had a profound purpose. ‘...That the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God (2 Cor. 4:15).’ We must learn to put off the old and put on the new of who we really are. In that way, we confront and deal with sin, yet we tear down only the sin...and not the person. This is how we build one another up. This is how God builds us up! In this way, we each become testimonies of grace.

Who does Father say I am?

• He calls me a letter, written to all mankind (2 Cor. 3:2-3).

As others see the changes God brings about in our lives, it is as if He has written a love letter for everyone who comes in contact with us to read! My life without Jesus spoke volumes. My redeemed life reads like a letter that was written with the greatest of care. My desire is that God be glorified for all He has done for me - so I open up that letter (my heart) for others to see and read. My desire is that, as they read, their lives are brought to a saving faith in Jesus Christ as well!

What do others see when they read our lives?

• Will we allow others to see and read or will we hide what we have experienced of God? We have nothing to be ashamed of by being honest.

• Honesty is a byproduct of truth. Truth sets us - and others - free! Let us ssee beyond our own perceptions and see what we cannot always see. Let us see ourselves as Father sees us. Let us see others as Father does.

Who does Father say I am?

• He says I am a winner!

He gives me the strength to fight the good fight of faith and to run the race toward the goal for the prize of my highest calling! Though I fall, I get up and keep running! To win a race I must run that race.

“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you win (1 Cor. 9:24).”

The Word also says, “Let us lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:1-3).”

What is a failure?

• A failure is the one who falls and does not get back up

• Freedom is worth fighting for

• Falling does not determine one’s identity. The Creator does that!

• I am not defined by past failure; present temptations; circumstances

Who does Father say I am?

• He calls me a fighter!

I do not give up - I am tenacious concerning my desire to conquer sin and to glorify my Redeemer. I fight the good fight of faith by taking hold of the eternal life to which I am called, declaring the truth to all who would see or hear - I am redeemed! (1 Tim. 6:12)

• Father delights in me more than I in Him. His thoughts toward me outnumber the sands of the sea (Psalm 139:17-18). Mine towards Him come nowhere near that!

• I do not have to earn His acceptance or approval. I already have it by virtue of the redeeming work of Christ upon the cross. God’s Word says that He has made us accepted in the Beloved...accepted in Christ! (Ephesians 1:6).

• He calls me His bride...and calls Jesus my bridegroom. One day, my truest identity will be fulfilled in the consummation of true oneness with Christ in the eternal glory of heaven. What joy and pleasure to know I do not have to wait until heaven to experience that joy. I am known by my God in a deeply personal and intimate way...and He allows me to know Him! This is my destiny... ‘…that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...’ (Philippians 3:10)

My destiny?

• To be all God has called me to be! The overcoming testimony of my life? A fragrant aroma. ‘Thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place (2 Cor. 2:14).’

• In am a treasure born of God’s spirit to be given back to Him as a sacrifice of praise.

‘But t we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not ourselves (2 Cor. 4:7-12).’

We will be afflicted in this life - but we will not be crushed. We may be perplexed by the twists and turns of our life - but we will not despair because we have hope. We will be persecuted for the sake of righteousness - but we will never be forsaken. We may even be struck down because of our faith - but we cannot be destroyed! Why? Because this is part of our identity and destiny in Christ. This is who we are!

“Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:16-18).”

Believer. This is your destiny. This is who you are called to be. I am so proud of you! Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy getting to know your God. I cannot wait until we have the time of eternity to share one another’s stories of God’s redemption. Look for me around the throne...I’ll be waiting to hear and testify of God’s goodness with you forever!

Dennis Jernigan

Listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast to hear the song This Is My Destiny at https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-my-86950615

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/04/16/57/road-4818808_1280.jpg

Might As Well Be Happy

Might As Well Be Happy

This week’s teaching is a chapter from my latest book concerning how I am dealin with Parkinson’s Disease. The book is called Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far. I pray the portion I am sharing blesses you in some way.

Dennis Jernigan

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” Groucho Marx

Recently, I was sharing with a friend a joke my son had told me:

Dad: “Doctor! Doctor! You’ve gotta help me! All my sons want to be valets when they grow up!”

Doctor: “Looks like you’ve got Parking Sons Disease!”

I then shared with that friend how my son went on to ask me a very important question after sharing that joke. I realize I have already related this story with you, but it helps make a point. That same son asked me if I would mind if he went as me for Halloween this year. I told him that would be fine with me. He said he planned to wear his normal clothes and just walk around with a tremoring right hand! I loved the idea, but my son ultimately felt others may find his impersonation of me offensive, so he chose not to go as me.

My friend then said to me, “Ya’ll have a great attitude!” My response? “Any other attitude sucks.” The reality is I always have a choice as to what I think and always have a choice as to what my attitude is. I can either be sad and depressed or I can be joyful and happy. I might as well be happy!

Several years ago, I wrote a song called “Might As Well Be Happy”. It seems as if it had been written all those years ago for the moment and circumstances I now find myself facing. You can listen to the song on YouTube later. Here’s the story behind the song:

This song came on June 30, 2011 as one of those spur-of-the-moment happenings. Feeling happy has not always come easily for me. Because of lies I had believed about my identity and about my worth and about my purpose in life, I have battled depression off and on through my life...and I am so glad to say that I am honestly happy even though I now have Parkinson’s to contend with. Why? Because I have learned that life is not easy but life can be enjoyed regardless of my pain, sorrow, suffering, circumstances, or what others think of me.

My point of view changed. I now live my life trying to see every aspect of my life from God's point of view. From my vantage point I often only see the bad, but God (being a very good God) only wants my best and has the ability to take even the harshest turns of life and make something beautiful of them.

My hope is not in what I can do or in what people think of me. My hope is not in money or in success or fame. My hope comes from knowing my Creator wastes nothing of my life if I simply turn to Him with whatever I am facing. His point of view is much more hopeful than mine.

This song came as I simply thought about how much joy I have in my life. When joy is the foundation, happiness is the result. My joy is in knowing God. Whether you believe like I do or not, allow the joyful attitude of this song to brighten your day.

The ukulele seemed the most obvious and happy instrument for the song. The whistle is all me. I purposely wanted to sound like a little boy whistling in response to the joy set before him as he explores his way to his favorite fishing hole.

The pictures used to create the video were drawn by me. My vision was to draw the scenes with crayons from the viewpoint of a young child. We adults tend to make life much too complicated. I am a man…but somewhere deep inside is a small boy with big happy dreams. Life is simple for me now. I love God. He loves me. I love others. Others love me. It is my choice whether I am happy or not. We really do have a choice in the matter.

Life is a journey we are meant to enjoy - regardless of our circumstances. The words of this song have taken on a while new meaning for me since I first received it. In January of 2019, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease…and it rocked my world and caused me to question so much of what I believe about God and His love for me? My conclusion? He is so good and so loving that He is able to use even Parkinson’s for my good and for His glory. I can honestly say having Parkinson’s has revealed a whole new level of joy to my life. My greatest joy of all? I am never alone. He is with me!

Though the fig tree should not blossom

And there be no fruit on the vines,

Though the yield of the olive should fail

And the fields produce no food,

Though the flock should be cut off from the fold

And there be no cattle in the stalls,

Yet I will exult in the LORD,

I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

The Lord GOD is my strength,

And He has made my feet like hinds' feet,

And makes me walk on my high places.

Habakkuk 3:17-19 NASB

Hear and watch the song at https://youtu.be/ZTOInRI4KH8 or simply go to YouTube and type the title and my name into the search bar: Might As Well Be Happy Dennis Jernigan

Might As Well Be Happy

June 30, 2011

It's a big, big world

Full of big, big trials

Full of big, big hurts

Full of weary miles

I heard a wise man say

To every girl and boy, 

"To live a big, big life

You have a big, big choice!”


You might as well be happy! 

You might as well rejoice! 

You might as well be happy 

If you're given a choice!

You might as well be happy! 

Might as well rejoice! 

You might as well be happy 

If you're given a choice!


You might as well be happy! 

The sun is still here shining, 

Though the rain be blinding, 

Though the wind blow strong! 

You can focus on the darkness! 

And you can focus on the pain and loss 

Or you can see beyond!

Here's a little truth:

There's a big, big God

With a big, big love

Enough for one and all

He can take a mountain

In your way so tall

Show you how He sees it

Make it very small!


I might as well be happy!

I might as well rejoice!

I might as well be happy

II'm given the choice!

I might as well be happy!

Might as well rejoice!

I might as well be happy

If I'm given a choice!


I might as well be happy!

The sun is still here shining

Though the rain be blinding

Though the wind blow strong!

I can focus on the darkness!

And I can focus on the pain and loss

Or I can see beyond


There's a big, big world

With a big, big sky

With a big adventure

Where you learn to fly!

Whether good or bad times

You can spread your wings

Rise above the darkness

To what the sunlight brings!

I might as well be happy!

I might as well be happy!

I might as well be happy!

I might as well be happy!

I might as well be

I might as well be

To purchase a copy of the book Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far, go to https://www.amazon.com/Parkinsons-Recreation-Mans-Journey-Through/dp/1948772213/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=parkinsons+and+recreation%2C+dennis+jernigan&qid=1689697474&sprefix=Parkinson%27s+%26+recre%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-1

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2022/07/25/16/41/child-7344169_1280.jpg

Resurrection Day

Resurrection Day

This week’s teaching was inspired by a song called Resurrection Day. This song came to me on June 7, 2017. Here is what I wrote about the song the day I received it:
 This song was born as I mowed the lawn. Since it takes me about 3 hours to mow my entire lawn, I have a lot of time to meditate! It is my practice to use that time to pray and to simply clear my mind. On this particular day, I was sensing the need to write an affirming word or song for my church, All In All Church.

As I thought about the day, my thoughts went to some of the things our little church body was facing along with some health issues I am facing. It occurred to me that, in spite of my circumstances, I could still choose my thoughts. My mind immediately went to the realization that each day I wake up and find breath is like rising again! Simple, I know, but powerful in truth.

As followers of Christ, isn’t every day a day of resurrection? Isn’t every day we face life from the King’s point of view a day of victory? As the simple chorus of the song began to play in my mind, it became a song of rejoicing. Regardless of what we face in this life, we are victorious even in the face of death!

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin.
Romans 6:1-7 NASB

Let's take the next few minutes and simply rejoice in the truth of knowing every day with Jesus is a day of celebrating the resurrected life we have through faith in knowing Him.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to [obtain] an inheritance [which is] imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in [the] last time. In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, [being] more precious than gold which perishes though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:3-9 NASB

Due to my struggle with Parkinson's, I now (2023) have to have help in mowing my lawn, but that does not deter me from meditating on the truth of God’s resurrection power in my life. In fact, I honestly have more time to meditate on that truth due to the symptoms of Parkinson's. So, from my point of you, I receive and live in the power of the resurrection each and every day I draw another breath. Parkinson's does not win. The one who was victorious over sin, death, and the grave wins and I am included in that victory. Every day is Resurrection day for me. How about you?

You and I are both given a free will meaning we can choose what we think and how we think. I just happen to believe that God's Word is the ultimate truth and I choose to put on that truth each and every day. Parkinson's does not diminish God’s goodness in my life. It does not diminish God's love for me. Parkinson's actually serves me in a positive way by pushing me deeper into my dependence upon the presence and love of Almighty God. God really doesn't waste anything we go through in this life. Happy resurrection day!

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, Resurrection Day, go to https://www.patreon.com/posts/resurrection-day-86227825

Photo courtesy of https://pixabay.com/static/frontend/3c346409d336d5f09a7f.svg

Eternal! Immortal! Invisible God!

Eternal! Immortal! Invisible God!

Today's teaching involves a song called Eternal! Immortal! Invisible God. It came to me on April 20, 2015. The story of the song is pretty straightforward and proving to hit close to home in a deeply personal way for me now that I am almost 16 years down the road from the day I received it. You’ll understand why as I share the brief story behind the song.

So much had happened in my life in the three years preceding 2015. I had been asked to step down from the board of directors of a world-wide ministry due to my public statements regarding then-president Obama’s stance on same sex marriage. After that incident, I felt very abandoned and wounded, finding it difficult to want to be seen in public. The invitations to share my story began drying up and it felt like the world, spurred on by the lies of the enemy, had effectively quieted and discredited my voice. Looking back, I now realize I was being ‘cancelled’. At least now I know what to call it!

As I always try to do, I took my eyes off of myself and turned them to Jesus. In the process of doing this, it became apparent to me that the enemy was still speaking lies to my mind, saying things like, “If God is real, why can’t you see Him?” and “If God is ‘for you’ then why has He abandoned you?”

My faith was being tested greatly so I did what I knew to do. I began to worship. As I worshiped God, I could not help but remember all the countless times He had revealed Himself to me through the years. Times of

physical protection. Times of financial provision. Times of encouragement from His Word and by His Spirit and by His body. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Even though I may not have ever seen God physically, I had seen so many incidents of the evidence of His reality and many times when I had felt the weight of His presence. This song was born as a result of reminding myself of the evidence of His existence and His love in my life.

Now faith is [the] certainty of [things] hoped for, a proof of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 NASB

Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday and today, and forever.

Hebrews 13:8 NASB

On The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching I know you can tell from my voice that I am dealing with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. As I listen back to myself it is quite evident and apparent to me that the effects of the disease are taking a toll on my voice. That being said, I will not allow it to silence me nor will I allow it to dictate my love for God or dampen my faith in him and his goodness.

You may be asking yourself, “If God is so good, why did he allow you to get Parkinson’s?" My answer is simple. Mankind brought sin into the world when we first disobeyed God and listened to the voice of the deceiver in the garden of Eden. What makes our God so good is that he is the Redeemer, He is our Healer, and He is so mighty that he is able to take something as dreadful as Parkinson's and somehow use it for my good and for his glory. I do not blame God for the bad things that occur in my life. I blame Satan, the deceiver, and my own moments of turning my back on God and wallowing in sin.

God loves me right where I am no matter where that may be, but he loves me enough to not leave me there. He is walking through this life with me and wants nothing but what is best for me. He causes all things to work together for my good and, besides, I read the end of the book and guess what I found? We win!

Dennis Jernigan

Listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this week’s teaching. As you listen, allow the holy Spirit to show you the vastness of eternity and your place in that eternity with Him. Listen to the free podcast at https://www.patreon.com/posts/eternal-immortal-85874792

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/05/09/03/46/alberta-2297204_1280.jpg

My Thoughts On Being A Father

My Thoughts On Being A Father

“For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison.” Theodore Roosevelt

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent so just be a real one.” Sue Atkins

As I take time to think about Father's Day this year, I cannot help but think about my relationship with my own father. He passed away in 2017. His death was a catalyst to thinking about my own role as a father in the lives of my own children. What I came to realize was that during my younger years, I spent far too much time focusing on the perceived shortcomings of my father rather than on the tremendous blessing he was to my life.

Being a firstborn, I was naturally the ‘practice’ child. You know, the child that has the ‘privilege’ of being the one the parents practice learning how to be parents to in the first place. From my perspective, my father was a stern disciplinarian who never spoke the words ‘I love you' to me until I was well into adulthood. In other words, I focused on the negative aspects of my father rather than on the positive.

That all came to an abrupt stop the moment I became a parent myself. I had always expected my dad to be like the Lloyd Bridges character Mike Nelson from the TV show Sea Hunt; to be like Captain James Tiberius Kirk from the USS enterprise on Star Trek; to be like Ward Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver; to be like Ben Cartwright from the TV show Bonanza; to be like Mike Brady from the Brady Bunch. I expected my dad to be compassionate, heroic, selfless, present, sensitive to my emotional needs, and always available and ready to talk with me about my inner thoughts and deepest feelings. I expected him to be, well, perfect. The only problem is, to this very day, I have yet to meet the perfect parent.

As I said, the moment I became a dad myself, was the moment I began seeing my dad in a whole new light. My dad was heroic. My dad was selfless. My dad was sensitive to my emotional needs in the best way he knew how. My dad was present. What he was not was…he was not me.

I realized I had expected my dad to think like me and to express feelings like me and to see the world through the filter of my way of thinking. That raised so many questions in my mind about my dad that it caused me to pursue a deeper relationship with him. Up to that point, our relationship I felt was, at best, surface and, at worst, nonexistent. Curiosity got the best of me and caused me to rally my courage enough to invite him on a road trip with me.

On that trip I was able to ask him so many questions that I had always been afraid to ask. I asked him why he never talked with me about sex when I was a young boy. I asked him why he got up and walked out of the room when, as a young boy, I asked him about masturbation and whether it was good or bad. I asked him why he never taught me to shave. You get the idea. I asked him about everything from what it meant to be a man to why he believed what he believed about God. And then I got to the big question. “Dad. Why did you never tell me you loved me? Why did you never say those words to me?”

His answer was both shocking and stunningly healing. Both melancholy and joyfully eye-opening. And it proved to be so powerful it actually helped answer all the questions I had ever had about my relationship with him. His answer? “My dad never told me he loved me, so I didn't know how to tell you.”

Suddenly my mind became flooded with the truth and reality that my dad had been the best dad I could possibly have hoped for. He loved my mother. He was faithful to God. He worked many jobs through the years just to provide for me and my brothers. He was always in my corner. It was my dad who encouraged me to take the steps of faith it took for me to share my story and my music with the world. In fact, he actually worked for me for the last 25 years of his life. His honesty with me as he answered that elephant-in-the-room-sized question gave me a whole new perspective on just how great a man he was. And just how great a father he was to me and my brothers.

Raising children is hard. It is often thankless. It makes one realize their own shortcomings very quickly and, in turn, quite often makes a parent overcompensate in so many different ways and on so many different levels. It caused me to work hard at being the best dad possible for my children, but it has also caused me to question whether or not I was even a good dad to my children. It has caused me sleepless nights on more than one occasion wondering whether or not my children perceived me as being emotionally present in their lives. It has caused me to wonder how much damage I did to their souls. I worked at being the fun dad but now, in my old age, wonder if I was a loving, affirming, encouraging, or even an adequate or effective dad.

Melinda and I were blessed with nine of the most amazing human beings I have ever had the privilege of knowing. They stay in constant contact with one another and absolutely enjoy being together. They are the most creative people I know. They own their own issues and are the most compassionate, caring, sensitive people I know. They readily share their opinions, yet do not allow their differences of opinion to dampen their love for one another. They are the hardest working people I know. They are adventurous and daring and creative and inventive and genuinely likable and fun to be around. I love my children and I am so proud of each and every one of them.

With several of my children I have had conversations much like that conversation I had with my dad so many years ago now. It actually brings me joy and cleanses my soul when one of my children feels confident enough in our love for one another to ask me the hard questions about why I responded or reacted or behaved in certain ways that caused them hurt when they were younger and still in the home.

My children and I do not all agree on every matter of life. We do not all agree on the best TV shows or share the same tastes in movies and entertainment. We do not cheer for the same team in the NBA or NFL or the NCAA Final Four. But one thing we do share in common is this: we do not need to agree with one another, but we do choose to love one another - no matter what. I honestly believe that has been made possible because of their mother, my wife Melinda, who is the emotional and spiritual life-blood of communication to our family.

I know I was not the perfect father. My hope is, as my children read this, they would be assured of my love regardless of what they need regarding the answers to their own questions just as I did with my dad. And I want them to know that as long as I have breath, they have access to my heart and my entire being and that they will be loved regardless of how difficult or disheartening their questions for me might be. I want to be a safe place for them to find healing for any wounds I may have brought into their lives.

To my children and to my grandchildren: there is nothing you can say to me that would in any way cause me to love you less than with my entire being. I would gladly lay down my life for any one of you. I honestly would. Because of you, I consider myself to be the most blessed man on earth…


Psalm 127:3-5

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,

So are the children of one's youth.

Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;

They will not be ashamed

When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

PS Now, I have determined to work at being the best grandfather possible to my grandchildren for as long as I have breath…

Grandchildren are the crown of the old,

And the glory of sons is their fathers.

Proverbs 17:6 NASB

I have been young and now I am old,

Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken

Or his descendants begging for bread.

Psalm 37:25 NASB

I Cannot Imagine

I Cannot Imagine

Today I would like to share the story of my song is called I Cannot Imagine. I wrote it on August 19th of 2016. When I think about my life and the things that I could live without, a vast myriad of things come to mind. I imagine I could live without a car, even though getting from place to place may require help from a lot of different people. I imagine I could live without a house, provided I have at least a tarp or some other covering over my head. I imagine I could live without fantasy and adventure and thriller movies, even though I don't like to imagine that, lol! I could go on making an extensive list of things I imagine I could live without, but my heart and mind come to a standstill when it comes to things I imagine I cannot live without.

Of course, the first things that come to mind trying to imagine I could not live without would be the basic essentials of life. The air I breathe. The food I eat. The water I drink. The sorts of things that make human life and existence even possible. But then I come to a deeper realization of things I don't think I could live without and the list grows quite lengthy. I try not to imagine it, but I don't think I could live without my wife, Melinda. I know that if I were to lose her, God would somehow give me grace to get through…but I still do not like to imagine such a thing.

Through the years, people have derided me for having nine children due to their perception that it somehow negatively affects the culture in which we live and puts a greater strain upon the earth and its resources, but I cannot imagine losing one of my children. That would devastate me just as losing my wife would devastate me. With that being said, my faith in God gives me the hope of God’s grace should something like the loss of a child ever occur; grace that would help me bear such grief and sorrow; grace that would help me through the long, dark nights of loneliness and sorrow; grace that would give me a constant awareness of God's presence in my life.

The good news is that because I have had over 40 years of experiencing God's amazing grace as a new creation in Christ, I have evidence that tells me God can get me through anything. The other bottom line truth is that I cannot imagine trying to live my life apart from the love and grace and presence of Almighty God.

Following is the story behind the song I Cannot Imagine from August 2016:

 Sometimes I feel so bombarded by the cares of the world that I forget how good life is. Currently, we are going through a dry time in our finances...not having a paycheck for over 6 weeks is rough...and exacerbated when you break a tooth...AC goes out in your house...and then goes out in your office...and then you get a water bill for about 10 times what it normally is...oh, and then you throw in online harassment or trolling, as the kids are saying these days, and it is understandable why one might feel bombarded! But Truth trumps feelings...and we are determined to get to the Truth. Our bottom line? So what if we lose everything? What's the worst that can happen? We could die…but that just means our physical bodies die, but our true being…our inner core identity…is instantly present with Jesus and all pain and suffering are dealt with once and for all and peace rules our hearts and minds for all eternity.

Of course, the enemy wants us to be deceived into believing God does not exist or God does not care for us or that God does not love us or that God only intermittently intervenes in our lives occasionally. To think of God in such a manner is considered vain imagination; imagining God as having the nature and wisdom of man; in other words, having stinking thinking about God by seeing him through the filter of the depravity of mankind. This song came as I wrestled through such lies to get to the Truth. And guess what I have found? Truth wins.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;

For You I wait all the day.

Psalm 25:5 NASB

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NASB 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage battle according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 [We are] destroying arguments (vain imaginations) and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and [we are] taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.

Here's the good news: we do not have to imagine God not being with us. We never leave his presence. We may choose to not acknowledge his presence or we may simply forget that he is with us every second of our lives and in every breath we take, but he never, ever leaves us or forsakes us…and we can take that to the bank. What I have found, ultimately, is that even in the middle of nowhere moments of my life, God is right there in the smack dab middle of it all…with me. And that gives me peace and hope and a sense of security even while the world seems to be falling apart around me. Our God is good. Let's put off the vain imaginations the enemy would have us think about our God and his love and put on the truth of just how massively great our God's love for us truly is.

Now, go and live like you believe God loves you…and simply be who your Father says you are. And, while you’re at it, dare to dream and stand in awe and wonder of how great and faithful Jesus Is. And remember, the same God that got our forefathers and foremothers through is the same God that will get us through. Trust Him to meet you in the middle of trying times with the necessary grace to see you through and to be with you every step of the way. Imagine that…

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/i-cannot-imagine/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/07/18/03/22/thought-2514632_1280.jpg

Faith of Our Fathers

Faith of Our Fathers

Some of the greatest joys of my life are the songs God has blessed me with through the past 40 some odd years of my life. These songs saw me through college, through the battles fought for my freedom from the bondage of sin, through almost 40 years of marriage now, through the raising of nine amazing children, through the births of 13 grandchildren, and now through the battle I now wage with Parkinson’s Disease. I have a little secret for you. Parkinson’s does not win. I use it for God’s kingdom and find that God is with me smack dab in the middle of Parkinson’s. God is good like that. Faithful and True like that.

Another thing that brings me great joy are the times I get to share the stories behind my songs. Even the older ones still bring comfort and joy and the healing power of God’s love and presence when I sing them. When I was a boy, I did not know there were other faith-based songs out there aside from those in the hymnal. I was our church pianist from the time I was 10 years old and could not read a lick of music, but I could play any song I heard…so I practically memorized the songs we sang each week and often did not even turn to the hymnal page. They were engrained on my psyche.

Imagine the explosion that went off in my mind when I got to college and someone introduced me to the music of 2nd Chapter of Acts and Keith Green! I went nuts for their songs because they put my prayers - my deepest heart’s longings for forgiveness and love and acceptance and affirmation and approval - into a modern musical form that I could relate to. It sounded like the world but it transported me out of this world and into the unavoidable awareness that God was with me and my life was forever changed. But I never forgot the old hymns…which brings me to the story behind today’s song.

Today’s song is called Faith of Our Fathers and I wrote it in October of 2016. Following is what I wrote about the song after I had received it:

 As I watch our culture fall into moral and spiritual decay, I feel compelled to look back through time and see how those who went before us handled such situations. I found people willing to stand alone for righteousness (Like Stephen, a contemporary of Jesus’ disciples who was stoned to death for his faith, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian who was hanged by the Nazis for his). I found people willing to preach Truth when no one seemed to be listening (Jeremiah, Keith Green). I found those who went against the grain of the culture of the state as well as the culture of religion (Jesus, Paul).

Things they had in common? Reverence for God; they called sin, sin; they pointed people to their need of a Savior; they were so convinced of God’s massive love that the massiveness of that love outweighed and dispelled any fear they had; they obeyed God rather than the fear of man; they pointed people to the cross for the remedy for their sin; they were receivers of God’s grace; they did not compromise the Truth even when faced with death. I could go on, but you get the point.

I long for a return to that kind of faith in God. As I long for such a return I am drawn to the old hymns more than when I was a young man because they are straightforward in their proclamation of God’s Truth and sovereignty and of His enduring, unfailing massive love for us. This song came as I pondered these things. May it encourager and strengthen your heart and mind. See if you remember the portions of a few of the old hymns I incorporate in the song as we seek to get back to the faith of our fathers. I will place a link to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog below so you can actually hear the song.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB

As you go about your week, incorporate some of your favorite hymns into your private worship times. I happen to have a recording called Hymns 1 that I think you may find helpful. Just go to my website, www.dennisjernigan.com, and purchase a copy there or simply stream it on your favorite music streaming service. You can find the mp3 of today’s song, Faith of Our Fathers, on my brand new recording called Might As Well Be Happy.

Now, go and live like you believe God loves you…and simply be who your Father says you are. And, while you’re at it, dare to dream and stand in awe and wonder of how great and faithful Jesus is. And remember, the same God that got our forefathers and foremothers through is the same God that will get us through. Trust Him to meet you in the middle of trying times with the necessary grace to see you through and to be with you every step of the way.

Dennis Jernigan

Take a break and listen right now and listen to the song, Faith of Our Fathers, at http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/faith-of-our-fathers/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/08/31/01/15/hymnals-4442608_1280.jpg

How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places

How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places

How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places

Today I want to tell you about a song called How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places. It came to me way back during the month of November of 1986. I had just been leading worship at my church in Oklahoma City for a few months when this song was born. It began to come to me after reading Psalm 84.

Psalm 84:1-12 NASB

1 For the music director; on the Gittith.

A Psalm of the sons of Korah.

How lovely are Your dwelling places,

LORD of armies!

2 My soul longed and even yearned for the courtyards of the LORD;

My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.

3 The bird also has found a house,

And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may put her young:

Your altars, LORD of armies, My King and my God.

4 Blessed are those who dwell in Your house!

They are ever praising You. Selah

5 Blessed is the person whose strength is in You,

In whose heart are the roads [to Zion!]

6 Passing through the Valley of Baca they make it a spring;

The early rain also covers it with blessings.

7 They go from strength to strength,

[Every one of them] appears before God in Zion.

8 LORD God of armies, hear my prayer;

Listen, God of Jacob! Selah

9 See our shield, God,

And look at the face of Your anointed.

10 For a day in Your courtyards is better than a thousand [elsewhere.]

I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God Than live in the tents of wickedness.

11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield;

The LORD gives grace and glory;

He withholds no good thing from those who walk with integrity.

12 LORD of armies,

Blessed is the person who trusts in You!

Although it was inspired initially by Psalm 84 and the fact that the Lord’s presence is my dwelling place, the deeper inspiration came from the realization of two other dwelling places. One of those places is the body of Christ itself…the people who make up the body of Christ.

Whenever I see or experience people worshiping together, I feel I am at home…like the very body of Christ is a sanctuary for me…and when I think of all the stories of redeeming love expressing their gratitude to God together I get overwhelmed with just how awesome the healing power of knowing Christ is. It’s like being sheltered in the praises of hundreds of kindred spirits and kindred hearts because we were all redeemed by the same Savior. When I see the body of Christ worshiping Jesus as one, I am overwhelmed with the beauty of the garments of praise clothing those new creations in Christ. And we can take that recognition of the beauty of the body of Christ and boil it down to its lowest common denominator.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and [that] you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19 NASB

I am literally His dwelling place - a temple for His glory. You are literally His dwelling place! Every time I worship Him, I acknowledge this truth and become fully aware of His presence in my life. I love singing this song even after all these years because of the simplicity of this truth. 

This song came during November of 1986. I cannot believe I have never given it a wide release before now. When I think of God's presence, I firmly believe I never leave His presence nor does He leave mine. That means that during times when I feel He is not near that I either do not acknowledge Him or I simply forget He is here.

Where can I go from Your Spirit?

Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, You are there;

If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.

[If] I take up the wings of the dawn,

[If] I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,

Even there Your hand will lead me,

And Your right hand will take hold of me.

[If] I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,

And the light around me will be night,"

Even darkness is not dark to You,

And the night is as bright as the day.

Darkness and light are alike [to You.]

Psalm 139:7-12 NASB

Let’s do this, brothers and sisters. Let’s think about the fact that we, as new creations, are His dwelling place. We are the dwelling place of the God of the universe! That should take our breath away. When we see other people of faith, we should honor them as dwelling places of God Almighty. When we see unbelievers, we should extend to them our love as potential dwelling places of our amazing God.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places, go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/how-lovely-are-thy-dwelling-places/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/09/19/22/46/lake-1681485_1280.jpg

Use Me

Use Me

The purpose of this weekly blog is to share the stories behind the songs God has written through my life along with the stories of my personal struggles, the storms of my life, the fiery trials I have gone through, the pain and sorrow I have experienced along the way…and how God has used each and every one of those episodes to bring me joy and bring me to a place of hopefulness and purpose in my life. Everyone wants to feel they have a purpose in life. Everyone wants to feel useful and not just a wasted space.

This week’s song is called Use Me and I received it on August 13, 2016 which seems so long ago now, but means even more to me than the day I wrote it. A huge part of the reason it has more significance for me now is because I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in January of 2019 and with that diagnosis, came an extended period of time when I wondered if God was through with me…through with my life. Just being honest here.

After several months of denial and self-pity, I came to the conclusion that I could either see PD from God’s point of view or I could see it from my point of view. I chose to see it from His point of view and found the truth to be very freeing. I stopped denying the diagnosis and decided to use it for the kingdom of God. PD does not have me. I have it, meaning God can use even PD for my good and for His glory. That simple change of perspective nipped self-pity in the bud and allowed me to go from despair to joy almost instantaneously. Another way to see it: if I’m still breathing, God can and will use me for His kingdom…and that does my soul well.

Many times, people feel their sordid pasts makes them unworthy of use. Many times, people believe they have nothing special to offer anyone or that they have no significant talents. Many times, people simply believe the lie of the enemy that constantly berates them, saying, “You’re a nobody! You are a waste of time, energy, and space!” Many times, people feel their hearts or minds have been too broken for God to use. Many times, people feel that because of physical limitations, they have nothing useful to offer the King for use in His kingdom.

We often allow the shame and regret we tend to carry through life keep us from stepping out into service to the King. Some of us have been so burned by the fiery trials of life that we grow weary of the suffering. Some of us have weathered such horrendous storms of life that we dare not risk being hurt all over again.

All of those excuses can be remedied by one statement. God wastes nothing. Not our pain. Not our sorrow. Not even our failures. He is the God Who causes ALL things to work together for our good. The utter, bottom line truth is simple. If you are breathing, you are of use to the King and to the Kingdom! How do I know this? The answer is found in Romans 8:28:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose.Romans 8:28 NASB

When we believe God loves us and wants nothing but what’s best for us in this life, we find it easier to believe we are here on this earth for a reason. I can boil that reason down to a very simple statement. I am here to know Christ and to make Him known to others. If you are a new creation in Christ, that is your destiny and your purpose and should fill your mind with visions of how God can take the fishes and loaves of your lives and spread that little out to many around you.

If you are breathing, God can - and will - use you. Just trust Him. Cease striving to be useful to God and just live your life with Him and for Him and just watch how He uses you and your life for good…regardless of your circumstances.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, Use Me, simply go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/use-me/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2021/06/03/11/54/man-6306922_1280.jpg

The Broken Part of Me

The Broken Part of Me

Today I’ll be sharing the story behind a song called, The Broken Part of Me, from the worship and ministry album called Might As Well Be Happy. This 16 song collection is meant to serve as a companion piece for my latest book, Parkinson’s and Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far.

Even though I battle with Parkinson’s, the book is written from a humorous, joyful point of view. Regardless of my circumstances, I can choose to be sad and despair about it or I can choose to be joyful and use it for good and for the kingdom of God. If I have a choice in the matter, Might As Well Be Happy. See what I did there?

When I first received the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, I was absolutely devastated and went through a period of denial and self-pity…but that got old real quick and I decided to choose to think differently about Parkinson’s. It does not have me. I have it, meaning I will use it for good as I said earlier.

Still, I went through a period of adjustment in every area of my life. My voice was affected so singing was affected. My brain was often foggy so my writing was affected. My stamina was weakened so my relationships with my wife, my children, and my grandchildren were affected. At times, I honestly felt useless…broken beyond repair.

But then, the Lord brought to my memory (even though my memory is somewhat affected by Parkinson’s…or maybe I’m just getting old)…but, anyway, the Lord brought back to my memory a song called The Broken Part of Me. I had received the song on April 23, 2015. That’s four years before my diagnosis.

He used this song to help me begin to put my broken heart back together. Here’s the story behind the song:

In mid April 2015, I began preparing for the next installment of the Next Generation Creative Institute (a special bi-yearly mentoring-ministry time we used to hold in our home before Parkinson’s). As I try to do each time I have a special ministry time or event, I began asking the Lord if He had any special songs of deliverance or worship for this particular group.

Sitting down at my piano, I simply began to cry out to God the feelings that came upon me. This deep sadness came over me...and I knew the sadness was born of much pain and loss. Not thinking too much of the song (I felt it was incomplete), I set it aside as maybe for someone else further down the road. As we dove into the ministry of the weekend, one person’s story bore witness to the fact that I had tapped into a moment of their hurt with the words of this song.

As I sang it over this person in ministry, tears began to flow and healing began to take place. Immediately after this song was shared the Lord began pouring another song - a spontaneous song of deliverance - into my heart.

That song is called Rest and is included on my recording, Kingdom Come. You should give it a listen sometime…but for right now, let’s think about what it means to be broken. I have broken bones in my physical body several times over the course of my life. I have been broken emotionally many times over the course of my life. I have been broken mentally many times over the course of my life, especially as I face Parkinson's disease.

To be broken means having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or no longer in working order. It can also mean having giving up all hope. There have been times in my life when I have felt so damaged or wounded I felt as if I was broken beyond repair. This often left me in the throes of despair.

How did I have those broken places in my life repaired? I went to the source of healing. I went to Jesus and he began to help me put together all the broken pieces of my life. One of the best healing tools He used was to help me recognize and renounce the lies of the enemy and replace those lies with the truth of God's Word. But first I had to get honest with myself and with God that I was, indeed, broken…but not without hope.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;

A broken and a contrite heart, O God,

You will not despise.

Psalm 51:17 NASB

Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He

will exalt you. James 4:10 NASB

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted

And saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18 NASB

Here I am now, 8 years down the road from when I first wrote the song and It means more to me than ever. The bottom line is simple. If you’re going to fall apart somewhere, fall apart in the arms of Jesus and allow Him to put the broken pieces of your life back together. He’s pretty good at it, you know. I have been broken but I have also been repaired. I proudly wear the scars of my brokenness in such a way that others can see the healing power and the healing grace and the healing work Jesus Christ has done in my life. I am not a victim. I am a victor. Jesus restores!

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan podcast version of this week's blog and to hear the song, The Broken Part of Me, go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/the-broken-part-of-me/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/01/11/12/04/people-3075954_1280.jpg

Choose Your Thoughts Wisely

Choose Your Thoughts Wisely

For the past 4 years I have been battling Parkinson’s Disease and I have discovered that I can choose how I think of Parkinson’s and its effects on me. First of all, Parkinson’s does not have me. I have it. What I mean by that is that I believe God causes all things to work together for my good…even Parkinson’s…so I plan to use it for the kingdom of God and to bless as many others along the journey as I can.

I can either see PD as a mountain or as a molehill. From my earthly point of view, I see a mountain, but from the Lord’s point of view I see a molehill. In the grand scheme of things, PD is a blip on the screen and basically an annoyance. What it is not is, it is not a death sentence; it is not what determines my happiness; it is not going to deter my choice to be joyful; and it certainly does not define me.

I recently released a new book called Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far. It’s a humorous look at my life since I was first diagnosed and was, for me, a means of using laughter as a medicine for my soul and as a means of renewing my mind…of taking my thoughts captive rather than being controlled by my thoughts.

In addition to the new book, I released a brand new 16 song album called Might As Well Be Happy: A Worship & Ministry Song Collection. If you read all the way to the end of this blog I’ll tell you how you can receive a digital version of this recording for FREE. Why did I create this recording project? Because God has used music and intimate worship to infuse my mind with His Word and, in the process, I have found healing for my soul long before I ever had PD…but have found the same level of intimacy and joy with Him as I live with the reality of PD and I thought letting you know that might encourage you to do the same.

Today’s teaching is called I Will Think On This and it is based on a song by the same title which I received it on May 26, 1993.

In early 1993, I was feeling a deep stirring in my heart and needed a break from all the mental turmoil I was in. At that time, I had served at a church for 8 years as God taught me how to walk in my true identity. In my heart, I knew something needed to change - that perhaps I was being called to spread my wings and fly.

Reality was that I was still struggling with pleasing others and performing for my affirmation and Father wanted me to stand on the firm foundation of who He is and who He says I am. Soon after, I asked to take a sabbatical to rest my mind ... and that sabbatical was granted. It was during this time that I realized I still had strongholds - lies I was believing - concerning my identity.

I was led to meditate on Philippians 4:6-8 and the Lord gave me this song as a personal go-to song to use as a weapon in the battle for my mind and thoughts. The lyrics have been altered slightly from the original to make them appropriate for everyone in every situation of mental battle. I still sing this song today and it has anchored my mind on the truth of God’s Word in an unforgettable way.

Philippians 4:6-8 NASB

Be careful [anxious] for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:6-8 NASB

God’s Word says that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. What that means to me is that I can choose the way I think about things. Even hard things. Even painful things. Even things out of my control. I always have a choice as to how I think and I always have a choice as to how I will respond to any given situation. I use God’s Word as the anchor for my soul and make the choice to think about my life from God’s point of view. This is how I renew my mind and take my thoughts captive. The bottom line is that every feeling I have begins with a thought I have just had. If I want to change the way I feel, I change the way I think about things. It doesn’t change my circumstances but it does bring peace, and joy, and gratitude to my heart and mind. May it do the same for you.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, I will Think On This, go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/i-will-think-on-this-1677605366/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/02/20/20/15/man-2083817_1280.jpg

Might As Well Be Happy

Might As Well Be Happy

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” Groucho Marx

Recently, I was sharing with a friend a joke my son had told me:

Dad: “Doctor! Doctor! You’ve gotta help me! All my sons want to be valets when they grow up!”

Doctor: “Looks like you’ve got Parking Sons Disease!”

I then shared with that friend how my son went on to ask me a very important question after sharing that joke. I realize I have already related this story with you, but it helps make a point. That same son asked me if I would mind if he went as me for Halloween this year. I told him that would be fine with me. He said he planned to wear his normal clothes and just walk around with a tremoring right hand! I loved the idea, but my son ultimately felt others may find his impersonation of me offensive, so he chose not to go as me.

My friend then said to me, “Ya’ll have a great attitude!” My response? “Any other attitude sucks.” The reality is I always have a choice as to what I think and always have a choice as to what my attitude is. I can either be sad and depressed or I can be joyful and happy. I might as well be happy!

Several years ago, I wrote a song called “Might As Well Be Happy”. It seems as if it had been written all those years ago for the moment and circumstances I now find myself facing. You can listen to the song on YouTube later. Here’s the story behind the song:

This song came on June 30, 2011 as one of those spur-of-the-moment happenings. Feeling happy has not always come easily for me. Because of lies I had believed about my identity and about my worth and about my purpose in life, I have battled depression off and on through my life...and I am so glad to say that I am honestly happy even though I now have Parkinson’s to contend with. Why? Because I have learned that life is not easy but life can be enjoyed regardless of my pain, sorrow, suffering, circumstances, or what others think of me.

My point of view changed. I now live my life trying to see every aspect of my life from God's point of view. From my vantage point I often only see the bad, but God (being a very good God) only wants my best and has the ability to take even the harshest turns of life and make something beautiful of them.

My hope is not in what I can do or in what people think of me. My hope is not in money or in success or fame. My hope comes from knowing my Creator wastes nothing of my life if I simply turn to Him with whatever I am facing. His point of view is much more hopeful than mine.

This song came as I simply thought about how much joy I have in my life. When joy is the foundation, happiness is the result. My joy is in knowing God. Whether you believe like I do or not, allow the joyful attitude of this song to brighten your day.

The ukulele seemed the most obvious and happy instrument for the song. The whistle is all me. I purposely wanted to sound like a little boy whistling in response to the joy set before him as he explores his way to his favorite fishing hole.

The pictures used to create the video were drawn by me. My vision was to draw the scenes with crayons from the viewpoint of a young child. We adults tend to make life much too complicated. I am a man…but somewhere deep inside is a small boy with big happy dreams. Life is simple for me now. I love God. He loves me. I love others. Others love me. It is my choice whether I am happy or not. We really do have a choice in the matter.

Life is a journey we are meant to enjoy - regardless of our circumstances. The words of this song have taken on a whole new meaning for me since I first received it. In January of 2019, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease…and it rocked my world and caused me to question so much of what I believe about God and His love for me? My conclusion? He is so good and so loving that He is able to use even Parkinson’s for my good and for His glory. I can honestly say having Parkinson’s has revealed a whole new level of joy to my life. My greatest joy of all? I am never alone. He is with me!

Though the fig tree should not blossom

And there be no fruit on the vines,

Though the yield of the olive should fail

And the fields produce no food,

Though the flock should be cut off from the fold

And there be no cattle in the stalls,

Yet I will exult in the LORD,

I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

The Lord GOD is my strength,

And He has made my feet like hinds' feet,

And makes me walk on my high places.

Habakkuk 3:17-19 NASB

Even though I struggle with Parkinson’s and my physical balance is not what it used to be, my Father God still makes my feet like hinds’ feet - like a deer on a mountain side - able to traverse even the steep cliffs of Parkinson’s with joy and laughter and happiness. I really do have a choice in the matter. Might as well choose joy, right?

Dennis Jernigan

Listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching at http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/might-as-well-be-happy/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/11/18/19/07/happy-1836445_1280.jpg

Watch the video at https://youtu.be/ZTOInRI4KH8

I Just Want To Dance

I Just Want To Dance

How many times have your heard - or has it been implied - that Christians don’t have fun? I grew up believing that, to a certain degree, Christians shouldn’t dance or play cards or smoke or drink or pretty much anything that wasn’t specifically outlined in the Bible. Why did I feel that way? Because I was so bound up in making sure I jumped through all the right hoops in order to be seen by others as a good boy. I performed for the approval of God and others.

Of course, we played card games, but that was OK as long as we didn’t gamble. And, of course, my cousins and I would sneak out and smoke wild grape vines, but that was seen as a rite of passage for a country boy like me, so we could let that pass. Of course, I never touched as much as a sip of alcohol until my junior year at Oklahoma Baptist University…and easily excused it with the fact that the first miracle Jesus ever performed was turning water into wine. It was suddenly OK to drink as long as I didn’t get drunk.

And, of course, we danced (as long as no one caught us) and danced and danced for hour upon hour. I often felt guilty about the sexualized dances of the day, but excused it with the story of King David and how he danced in celebration at the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and reassured myself by pointing out the fact that King David danced before the Lord and all his subjects in nothing but his undergarments!

And David was dancing before the LORD with all [his] strength, and David was wearing a linen ephod. 2 Samuel 6:14 NASB

David was not naked. He wore the priestly undergarments called an ephod, but many who watched felt he danced in inappropriate attire and in an undignified manner. What it says to me is David danced for joy as if no one was watching. What was more important to Him was expressing the joy and gratitude he felt toward the Lord.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Dance like no one’s watching,” and that’s what I do these days….even with Parkinson’s. I can still cut a rug…just a lot more slowly. I still love dancing with my children and grandchildren. I still love dancing cheek to cheek with my wife. Dancing releases my mind to pure joy for the sake of being alive. Today, I’m going to ask you to step out of your comfort zone and dance for the sheer joy of knowing and being known by Jesus.

We’re going to listen to a song that was inspired by the joy of the Lord that was so intense I could not help but dance. Even if you’re driving down the road as you listen, don’t be afraid to boogie (I recommend you keep at least one hand on the wheel at all times). Even if you can’t stand for some reason, you can dance with your arms flailing, by tapping your toes, or by just moving in some way. The song I am referring to is called I Just Want To Dance and here’s the story behind the song:

When I was in high school, one of my cousins and I would spend hours dancing to popular music of the day…and experienced moments of sheer ecstasy. When in college, I would go to a nearby Catholic University for their monthly dances and I would dance my Baptist tail off…just for the sheer fun of it. Believe it or not, I was THAT guy…the one all the girls wanted to dance with…you know, the one all the other couples would clear a large area of the dance floor to make room for…make room for my free expression and my wild, uninhibited moves. I danced like no one was watching…but, in those days, I danced to fill a huge void in my life.

Before Jesus invaded my heart with His love and redeemed me, I was deeply depressed…but hid it well. More than a few times during high school I contemplated suicide. My depression grew so deep and controlling in my life during my senior year in college that I finally made an attempt to take my own life. Thanks be to God, I failed! On November 7, 1981 my life was forever changed. I was given a brand new identity. Out of sheer gratitude at what God had done and as a way to deepen my intimacy with Him, I began being flooded with songs, and since then, my music has gone around the world and the story of the way Jesus redeemed me has gone around the world to literally millions.

I have experienced persecution. I have experienced betrayal. I have had moments of unbearable grief, and - to top it all off - I now suffer with Parkinson’s. But I can honestly say my life is good because God is good. In spite of all the pain and suffering I have had to endure, God has blessed me with an amazing wife, 9 amazing children and their spouses, and (so far) 13 incredible grandchildren.

Ever since that November night in 1981, my heart has been coming to ever deeper places of joy than I ever thought possible in this life. Joy is in the journey. Joy is knowing I have never been alone. That is the story behind the song and here is Scriptural confirmation that dancing before the Lord is an acceptable and exhilarating act of worship:

Praise the LORD!

Praise God in His sanctuary;

Praise Him in His mighty expanse.

Praise Him for His mighty deeds;

Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.

Praise Him with trumpet sound;

Praise Him with harp and lyre.

Praise Him with tambourine and dancing;

Praise Him with stringed instruments and flute.

Praise Him with loud cymbals;

Praise Him with resounding cymbals.

Everything that has breath shall praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD!

Psalm 150:1-6 NASB

I love to praise Jesus. I love to dance. He gave me a reason to dance, so I might as well dance, right? And whether you like it or not, dancing is an acceptable form of worship…and, dare I say, even recommended! And remember the story of the prodigal son? What did the father command of his servants when his prodigal son returned home?

And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' But the father said to his slaves, 'Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, slaughter it, and let's eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.' And they began to celebrate. Luke 15:21-24 NASB

I don’t know about you, but if one of my children had been lost but then returned safely to my home, I would throw a celebration…and I would jump up and down for joy…and spin around in circles. I would dance for joy! All I can say is, dancing does the heart and mind good.

Go ahead and listen…and just try to keep from moving. I dare you! I dare you to dance before the Lord like David danced - with reckless abandon for knowing Him and for being known by Him - and, of course, I recommend you keep your clothes on…

Dennis Jernigan

Listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and hear (and dance to) the song, I Just Want To Dance at http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/i-just-want-to-dance/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/01/21/13/23/freedom-4782870_1280.jpg

Like A Child

Like A Child

My wife, Melinda and I, have 9 children and 13 grandchildren. We are constantly reminded by our now adult children what it was like growing up under our roof. As we hear those stories we are reminded there is no such thing as a perfect parent but find great personal blessing in seeing how the Lord has used even our imperfections to draw us even closer to our children. We truly have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams.

And don’t get me started on our grandchildren. Melinda and I absolutely adore and cherish each and every one of them. They are each like the most unique, exquisite treasure any person could ever hope to find. I am 64 years old now and I struggle with Parkinson’s, but I still get down on the floor and wrestle with them…still play hide and seek…still play Go Fish and Slap Jack…still write stories and songs for them…still read to them before bedtime and still sing them to sleep whenever they sleep over. I find myself feeling so young when I simply get down on their level and try to see life from their point of view. It is only after they have left our house that my body then shocks my mind back to reality as I get out the ice bag or heating pad…whichever is required at the time.

What this affords me is a vantage point we adults need to take to heart more often than not. When I am thinking and playing on their level, I suddenly see life as a child sees it. My heart is full of wonder where my imagination runs wild with freedom and creativity and complete and utter unfettered joy!

I understand the words of Paul written to the church of Corinth which says, in 1 Corinthians 13:11, “When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.”

But then, at the same time, I am drawn to the wisdom of Psalm 131:2 which says, “I have certainly soothed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child [resting] against his mother, My soul within me is like a weaned child.”

We are to be responsible and live life with the wisdom of God as a necessary part of our maturity as adults, but I believe we are also meant to dare to dream and wonder and walk in awe - like a child seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time or like tasting ice cream or cotton candy for the very first time - as we relate to the awesome presence of God.

Let me ask you a few questions…and I want you to answer as if you were thinking the way a child thinks. What is the most magnificent thing you have ever witnessed in nature? How does that make you feel? If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why? What are three things that bring you joy in life? What are two things you want to do before you die? What is the greatest need or burden in your life? What would it look like for God to meet that need or carry that burden?

On January 1, 2005, I wrote a song called Like A Child and on that day I wrote the following about the song:

This is the very first song I received this year - 2005! A friend of mine had been taken into the OR for back surgery but had suffered a heart attack soon after surgery had begun. After he was on the road to recovery, I stood and talked with him and his wife and I heard a constant theme coming from my friend as he shared about his life from his hospital bed.

He had not had the best childhood and had a warped sense of God as his father. It was no wonder to me that he struggled with his identity - as we all do to some extent. When I got home from our visit, I began to sing over my friend. This song was the result. Because I knew the song was for more than just my friend…more than just for a man to sing.

The Lord gave me a verse for women to complete the song. I used it the very next service at my church and many stood for ministry as I shared the story and asked if anyone else shared similar needs to discover their true identity in Christ. On this recording you will hear my 13 year old daughter, Galen, singing the 'daughter' verse. That was 18 years ago now…I am so proud of her as I was when she first sang it with me! And yes, she is beautiful as the song says! Let’s do this. After reading this post, let’s put on the heart of a child and use the link provided below and listen as a child would listen to a parent sing them a lullaby.

A short time before his crucifixion, Jesus and his disciples were in a house in the region of Judea. Jesus was answering questions posed to him by both the Pharisees and his own disciples. In the course of the Q and A session, Mark 10:13-16 says, 13 And they were bringing children to Him so that He would touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw [this,] He was indignant and said to them, "Allow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." 16 And He took them in His arms and [began] blessing them, laying His hands on them.

Could it be we don’t see the kingdom of God very easily in a chaotic and confused world around us because we see life without wonder and awe…you know…like a child?

Could it be we do not easily embrace the truth of who Father God says we are because we choose to believe the fetters of our past failures still define us rather than seeing with childlike faith that Jesus really has forgiven us and really has given us new identities in Christ?

Here’s my challenge to us all. From here on out, let’s live within the boundaries of adult wisdom and maturity but let us simultaneously allow our thoughts to be consumed with seeing life and seeing the massiveness of God’s love for us with the heart of a child.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear the song, Like A Child, listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog. Just go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/like-a-child/

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/11/10/19/37/person-1037607_1280.jpg

I Give It All

I Give It All

The purpose of this teaching blog is really very simple. It’s intended to encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Reminding people of how massive and far-reaching the love of God is, in spite of their circumstances, is something I want to convey each and every week. I hope to do that by sharing the stories behind the songs God has given me through the years and then by sharing those songs with you.

I have experienced things in my life that I would want no one else to ever experience. I have done things in this life that have brought me much shame and caused me much regret. I, even now, am dealing with Parkinson’s Disease that, frankly, is no walk in the Parkinson’s - pun intended. I have had moments in my life in which the burdens felt too much to bear…felt like I would be crushed mentally, emotionally, and spiritually…but that all changed the day I surrendered all of those things to Jesus Christ and His massive, amazing, cleansing, healing love. And just how did I do that? I got honest with God…and honest with myself.

The moments of sexual abuse I experienced as a child proved too heavy for me to bear, so I gave them to Jesus and He has carried them for me ever since. He has even shown me He was there with me through every moment of those encounters, lovingly speaking and singing hope into my heart and mind even when I felt hopeless and did not know He was even there. Someone got me through.

Concerning the moments of sin and failure in my life - the many regrets I have had to deal with - I came to a place where I realized I could not do one thing to change my past…so I did what I knew to do. I gave each and every one of those mind-crushing failures to Jesus and He forgave me. He spoke to my mind and told me I should stop trying to change the past and that He would use even my past failures to bring about good in my life because He wastes nothing. He forgave me and I received His forgiveness…but, I admit, I still felt ashamed. You know what He told me to do next? Forgive myself. Forgive myself and move on down the road toward Him because He had forgotten all my past and that He had a plan for my future.

Even though I am experiencing Parkinson’s and often deal with physical and mental suffering, I have found a peace and joy I do not think I would have come to otherwise. I get to choose how I think…and choosing how I think about PD involves choosing to see it from Father God’s point of view. When I choose to think differently than the world would have me think, I feel hope rather than despair. I feel joyful rather than sorrowful. It is in John 8:32 that we find the remedy for sharing our burdens. It simply says, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

The first step truth requires is getting honest with God about our thoughts and feelings and failures because we never get to the freedom until we get to the truth…and truth is simple honest confession of our burdens to the only One Who can truly bear them for us and with us. Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,

The God [who] is our salvation.


Psalm 68:19 NASB

Today I would like to share a song that came to me on November 27, 2004 that truly does express in song what I have tried to express in words. Even though I wrote it in 2004, it still rings true for me now…I would say it rings even MORE true than when I first wrote it. Here is a brief summary of what I said about the song when I first received it. I wrote:

This past year (2004), I did not have very many opportunities to lead worship at my home church. I always look forward to those times because I feel connected to the people when given these moments of leading. As we came through the Thanksgiving season, I knew one of those days was coming soon. As I began to seek the Lord for direction, I felt impressed that there were many hurting people in our body. The verses came as I began to think about the lies people are bombarded with. The chorus came as I began to think about words that would help people lay those burdens and lies down at the feet of Jesus. I love this song and I love to sing this song!

Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you;

He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

Psalm 55:22 NASB

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, having cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares about you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 NASB

Nothing catches our God by surprise. He knew I would face PD and met me there - meets me there - with grace. In like manner, there is no burden too big for our God to carry…but He cannot carry what we won’t let go of. I know it sounds overused, but there is power and freedom in the old saying, “Just let go and let God.” Just surrender your burdens to Him - as often as necessary. He is never too busy for His children…and you are His child…and you can trust Him.

Let’s take a few minutes and listen to the song (you will find the link below), I Give It All, and as we listen, let’s give our burdens - whatever they may be - to Jesus. Let’s rid our minds of the lies of the enemy and put off stinkin’ thinkin’ and put on the thoughts our Father God thinks toward us. And then go and live like you believe God loves you…and simply be who your Father says you are.

Dennis Jernigan

Listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast called I Give It All and hear this week’s song. Use this link - http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/i-give-it-all/

Photo courtesy of https://pixabay.com/

How To Hear The Voice Of The Lord

How To Hear The Voice Of The Lord

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me..." 
John 10:27

In 1981, the Lord saved me and gave me a brand new identity and I quickly came to understand that I had believed a lot of lies about myself and about Him for many, many years. Out of my deepest longing to know the One Who had so lavishly loved me, I set upon a quest to learn how to hear His voice. In order to do so, I felt led to go on a fast from as many non-essential voices in my life as possible. My fast consisted of no longer listening to secular radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, and even cutting off relationships that tied me to my old life. My goal was to silence every voice I could that kept me from learning to hear the voice of the Lord. The fast lasted from 1981 until 1993. I missed the 1980s…but as I look back, I realize I did not miss much by way of media!

The reason my fast was so drastic was because I was desperate to hear my Father’s voice. It had come to my attention that government agents assigned to uncover counterfeit money did not study counterfeit money in order to better identify the fake currency. They studied the real thing so that whenever they came across a counterfeit bill, it was easier to recognize that fake bill because they knew the real thing so well. That is what I decided to do to learn to hear my Father’s voice. I would seek the real thing by cutting off as much outside noise as possible…and mainly cutting off the voice of the enemy and his subtle lies. My goal was relationship with the real Living God.

When talking about relationship, we must remember we are in relationship with a God who is alive and not distant. We have already discovered that He desires to have an intimate communion with us. He wants us to know Him even as He knows us. But how do you get to know someone intimately? How do you get to know God? I have several small grandchildren at this juncture of my life. It seems they never tire of asking me questions about myself and what I was like as a child. They enjoy - no, relish would be a better word - the opportunity to quiz other relatives (like their own parents) about what I was like in my younger days. Why do they do this? Because they want to know us...and I believe also because it also helps them understand a bit more about who they are and where they came from - whether they cognitively realize it or not. They get to know us - and themselves - by asking questions. Since our faith comes as a direct result of our ability to ‘hear' God's voice. Faith is born when we ‘hear' the Word of Christ. How can we hear the Word of Christ if we do not ask Him questions about Himself? How can we get to know Him?

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. " 
Romans 10:17

What is the Word of Christ?

We know that all Scripture is God's Word and profitable (necessary!) for the man or woman of God. 
2 Tim. 3:16-17

For years and years and years, I can remember trying to know God simply by reading His Word. Even though I could read that Word and, at times, find direction for my life there, I never felt I had direct access to God - no real relationship. I finally discovered that I could never have a real relationship with a book! I had to seek the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ. I had to seek a real, living, vital, heart to heart relationship with Him! We do not have a relationship with a book but with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebr. 4:12; Rev. 19:11-13).

Who can hear God's voice?

I grew up in a non-charismatic church...but had a grandmother who attended the Assemblies of God church in town - a grandmother who faithfully followed the ministries of Oral Roberts, Kathryn Kuhlman, T. L. Osborn and others of a charismatic persuasion. I can remember hearing those ministers speak of hearing the voice of God and wondering why they could hear Him and why I could not. Even my grandmother told me that she often heard the Lord speak to her. She once told me she would recognize my grandfather Jernigan when she got to heaven because God had told her his new name in glory! I was flabbergasted to say the least. And made more curious by such bold statements. When I came to the end of my rope after college and really got desperate to know God, I began seeking to hear His voice. I soon came to understand that His sheep hear His voice (John 10:27). This only spurred me on to seek to hear His voice that much more - especially after I came to the point of realizing I truly was His sheep! Those who have heard His Word who are born through faith into His Kingdom (Romans 10:17)...and that was me!

So how did I begin to learn to hear His voice? Initially it was just as my children seek to know me: I began to ask Him questions...and then wait for His answer. I soon learned that God was not afraid of any questions I might ask - so I began to ask some very difficult questions. At first, my questions were very child-like: Father, do You love me? But they soon became more and more complex: Father, how do You love me? How can you fix the mess I have made of my life? How can I minister life to this person who faces physical death? etc., etc., etc.. Over the course of my personal journey of learning to hear His voice I have put together my own practical reminders...little tidbits of wisdom which I hope will be of some benefit to you as you seek to hear His voice. The best worship leaders are those who are about their Father's business. How can we know what He is doing moment by moment? Learn to hear His voice moment by moment.

Be quick to hear.

So often with my children, I instruct them to do a certain task only to find that task unfinished when I make my inspection. I hear everything from ‘I didn't hear you' or ‘I don't know that's what you meant' to ‘brother said you didn't mean what you said' or ‘I didn't know you meant ‘now''! As I look at my children, I am reminded that I have made all those same excuses to Father God when I thought I have heard His voice. ‘But I didn't hear You, Lord...Pastor said You didn't mean what I thought You meant...Lord, I didn't know you meant ‘now''! As new creations, we are brought forth by the Word of Truth. This truth reveals our true nature as first fruits among God's creatures. If we do not learn to hear the voice of our Father quickly, the enemy can often wreak havoc upon our souls. My children learn from their mistakes: that all of our actions (even being slow to hear) have consequences. If I learn to hear God's voice, I am more apt to quickly put down the lies of the enemy...because I have learned to discern between God's heart and voice and the condemnation or quick-fix mentality of the enemy. Let us be quick to hear that truth day by day and not be deafened by anger or by the lies of the enemy (James 1:18-19).

Who He is reveals how He speaks.

We know His voice by its content. We know His voice by what He says about Himself. How would a shepherd speak? What would he say? When would a shepherd speak? What are the results of a sheep hearing a shepherd? What about a King, Father, Provider, Victory, Peace, Creator, etc.? (John 10:27). When we are in relationship with someone...when we spend time asking them questions then waiting for the answers, we learn what they sound like...but also what their character is like. In other words, God cannot lie...and He would not treat one of His children like anything less than one of His own. So what is God's voice like?

He speaks truth.

One of the best ways to discern the lies of the enemy from the voice of God is to simply ask yourself, "Would Father say that? Would He say it that way or with that tone of voice? Would He say something like that?" Always remember - God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18)!

Ask the right questions. Be specific.

God is God. He can handle whatever we bring to Him. Often, my children may ask me for something only to be disappointed when I don't come through. Many times, this is simply because they did not ask a specific question. In a relationship, you get what you ask for many times! If you desire specific answers, you must ask specific questions. "Father, do You love me? How do you love me? Lord, is this sin? Holy Spirit, what is the wise direction here?" God's Word says it like this, "You have not because you ask not!”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me..." 
John 10:27

His Sheep Hear and Know His Voice

The truth is that if you are a new creation in Christ, you are one of His sheep…and His sheep can hear His voice. One thing to remember is that God can speak to anyone He wants to - even unbelievers. My personal belief is that Father God is constantly speaking out His love to His lost sheep in a massive variety of ways. When I was lost, I did not have ears to hear because I had shut God out of my life. When I was born again and began to look back upon the events of my life that led me to repentance, I can see very clearly how often and how passionately God was speaking out to me to, “Seek Him while He may be found.” Isaiah 55:6

My simple point is this: we can hear the voice of the Lord but we should not limit Him to any one means of ‘speaking’. What follows are various ways - according to the written Word of God - that God chooses to speak. What I am finding out as I grow older is that I should never put God in a box that says ‘He can only speak in this way or that’. The minute we put God in a box, that is all we get of Him. Let’s take God out of the boxes we have placed Him in and see how creatively He chooses to speak into our lives.

Forms of Communication

Just as we have many ways of speaking to one another on a human level, so, too, God has created many varied ways for us to speak to and hear from Him. Again, this is not meant to be an exhaustive study on hearing God's voice. My main desire is to let you know really how simple communication with God can be - that we can hear His voice if we learn to listen. I also hope to stir up in you a desire to seek God in deeper and more creative ways. His presence is much more vast and magnificent than you or I have discovered to this point...and that is as it should be! Listed on the following pages are many of the ways I have personally used to hear God's voice...to know His heart.


What is prayer? According to the dictionary, prayer is simply communion with God. Communion is the sharing of thoughts and feelings. In other words, we we pray we are simply communicating with God our thoughts and feelings. Simply put, prayer is talking to God! One of my greatest joys in talking with God is that I do not have to wait until all is quiet and I am alone with Him. We can approach Him boldly anytime or anyplace for any reason...even in the midst of a worship time we are leading...or even in a crowded room...in a storm...or in a quiet moment alone. Prayer is simply talking to God. Of course, when talking with someone we must always remember to take time to listen for the other party's response! (Hebrews 4:16). Also, remember that prayer can take on many varied forms: unknown tongues, groanings, wailing, tears, etc.. Do not ever look down upon the various forms of prayer. God uses them all! (See "Other People" in this same chapter).

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God's Spirit on earth. Jesus said that once He had ascended into heaven that He would send a Comforter - the Holy Spirit - to be our guide in this life...to facilitate God's presence on earth! Jesus promised to send Him to comfort, teach, and lead us (John 14:16; John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:7). What we must realize is that He is real and that He is with us. He will not leave. He will not forsake us. If He is with us, we must simply believe and receive that truth by faith...and dive heart first into ready communion with Him!


What is a vision? Something perceived by the spirit from the heart of God - a supernatural sight! God's Word tells us that God often spoke to His people through visions. Remember Ezekiel and Daniel? What is so awesome about our relationship with God is that He has promised in His written Word to do the same thing for us! For me, visions come when I allow God to speak to my mind through the spiritual realm of His nature...to see my life from His point of view.

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh; 
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, 
your young men shall see visions..." 
Joel 2:28


What is a dream or what does it mean to dream? To dream, for the believer, means to meet with God in out sleep! He did so for Joseph and for others in Scriptural history...and He has promised to do the same for us! One of my favorite things to do is to go to bed anticipating meeting with God in my sleep. Often He will give me great visions as I sleep, thus combining two forms of communication, visions and dreams! We should never limit God's ability to speak to us as we sleep...and should never limit our ability to hear and receive from Him even in our sleep. After all, we are new creations! We are His children!

"It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; 
For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep." Psalm 127:2


What is nature? The material or physical world and all it contains. God spoke all of creation into existence. He put that creation in motion and gave it order. Through nature He has often spoken - loudly and clearly. He made it and it belongs to Him. He uses it as He wills (Ps. 29:3-9). If you don't believe me just think about the children of Israel in bondage to Egypt. God needed to get Pharaoh's attention...so He sent a ravaging hail storm, a plague of frogs, a pestilence of flies, and even turned the Nile River into blood. God uses nature...and still does today. Are you listening?


Angels are supernatural beings, created by God to do His bidding and to deliver His messages. An angel, after all, was used to tell Mary she would be the earthly vessel God would use to bring His Son to this world. They are His personal messengers - and they are active even today. Are you listening? (Matt. 28:5; Luke 1:13; Luke 1:18-19; Luke 1:28; Luke 1:30; Luke 1:34; Luke 1:35).


How many times have we asked, "Why did You allow this to happen, Lord?" Somehow, inherently, we seem to know God is a good God, yet we know that even in His goodness bad things happen. Why? Because of sin, pain and suffering came into this world. Because we are not forced to love Him - because He wants us to want Him - He gives us a choice in serving Him. When bad things happen to us, there are any number of reasons God has allowed them. The glory is that He can take anything that life throws our way and then use it to speak life into our hearts. Paul was shipwrecked for a reason (Acts 27:41). Jesus was crucified for a reason (John 3:16). God uses the circumstances of this life to build His life into us.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good 
to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Rom. 8:28

Even though I have never personally heard the audible voice of God, I know He still speaks - because He has not changed! He spoke audibly many times throughout Scripture...and I believe He still desires to do so today (Acts 9:3-6). Are you listening?

Still Small Voice

This one I have heard! When I listen for God's voice - especially after asking a specific question - I wait for Him to speak to the center of my being - what I call the place of ‘knowing' in the center of who I am (1 Kings 19:13). The best way I can explain it is that sometimes ‘I just know'!

Other People

God often sent human messengers to speak for Him. Moses and Samuel are two that come readily to mind. In my own life I have had several such experiences. One I recall quite vividly involves the near-death of my wife, Melinda. She had just given birth to our twin boys nine weeks early. The very next day her liver began to hemorrhage...and we were told we faced a matter of life and death. I began to weep and asked God to help me because I could not pray...I could only cry (a form of prayer). He spoke in that ‘still small voice', telling me that He would save the tears I cried. I did not understand...and wondered if I had really heard His voice. A few moments later, a nurse came to me telling me she had been called in for duty...and that God had sent her just for me and Melinda! She told me God had raised up many people to stand in the gap for us. As she was about to leave, she said she had one more thing from the Lord. She told me that He wanted me to know that He saved all my tears when I cried...and that He would use them as weapons of prayer to put back the enemy! God uses others. Do we listen?


I am sure, if we took the time, we would find many, many instances of God using one or more means of communication in conjunction with another. How many times have we experienced circumstances and heard God speak through them and then to confirm His message through His written Word or through another person or through nature, etc? He often used angels and dreams together to speak His heart and will to His children (Matt. 1:20; Matt. 2:13; Matt. 2:19).

The Written Word of God

Even though we have a relationship with the Living Word of God, we have the greatest love letter ever written at our disposal - the Bible! Think about it. God has taken the time to put into writing how He feels about us and all He desires and plans for His children. For someone to put something in writing requires a great deal of confidence...to put one's deepest feelings in a form all the world can see means that the writer must really love the one he is writing to. That is God!

I receive many letters and notes of encouragement or words of wisdom from my pastor and others whom I trust and value. I save them all...because I enjoy going back from time to time and refreshing my mind with all I know to be true of our relationship. The life is in the relationship, but the written reminders renew and refresh the joy of that knowledge. So it is and more with God's Word. His Word does not return void...but always - always - accomplishes whatever it was sent out to do. Take this love letter out often and use it to deepen the relationship you have with its Author. He speaks volumes through it!
 As with any endeavor to somehow explain what we know of God, we eventually come to the point of realizing the most we can ever do is touch or scratch the surface of Who He is. The joy for you and I, as believers, is in the journey. What a blessed adventure this life becomes when we simply purpose to live it in relationship - in communion - with our God. he has made a way for us to hear and know Him. Where do we begin?

Ask God to open up your spiritual ears.

Just as the blind and deaf came seeking to have their eyes and ears opened, we need to see the truth of our need for Jesus...and then follow Him (Matthew 20:33; Mark 7:37). A simple prayer of beginning is to simply ask Him to open up your spiritual ears to better be able to hear His voice - in all of its many facets! You, as a new creation, already have those spiritual ears. As with a child who is learning to walk or speak, he must take that first step or say that first word for the endeavor to be successful. If you never try, you never will! By faith just believe you can hear the Lord...and then simply begin asking the right questions - and listen!

God speaks to those who are listening.

Listen for answers.

Be available. Those who wish to hear must put themselves in a position to listen. What would keep you from listening for His voice?

"My soul waits in silence for God only" 
Ps. 62:1

"My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him." 
Ps. 62:5

"Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to them,
"Sit here while I go over there and pray." 
Matt. 26:36

"And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, 
O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." 
Matt. 26:39

"And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, 
and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? " 
Matt. 26:40

I'm so busy! How can I take time to listen?

We make time for things we consider important. If I consider my family to be important, I will spend time with my family - no, I will make time for my family...or my wife...or my job...or my hobby...or my friends, etc.. You get the picture. Even when our families or our jobs seem to take a majority of our time, God has the ability to speak to us even in a crowd. So what does that mean for the busy man or woman? We must learn to hear Him even in a crowd. Of course, we need to seek time with God - alone time. But when that is not possible, we must open our ears to His voice no matter where we are. That would be the wise thing to do anyway!

So, how can I recognize God's voice?

As I stated earlier, God's voice is as distinctive as His character - His nature. Who He is will tell You how He would speak. In other words, As our Shepherd He will speak guidance when we are lost. As our Father, He will speak life and not death. Because He is a good Father and loves His children, His voice will also be recognizable by the power and results we see in His life. You see, just as the written Word of God does not return without accomplishing what it was sent to do, so, too, His spoken word does not return without accomplishing what He sent it to do! This means we will know His voice because we will experience His power in a real and tangible way in our lives. His voice will bring you:

• Encouragement - Hebrews 6:17-18

• Hope - Romans 15:4

• Peace - Phil. 4:6-7

• Increased faith - Matthew 21:21-22

• Sustaining power - Matthew 4:4

• Satisfaction - Rev. 3:20

• Security - Matthew 10:31-32

• Gratitude & Praise - Luke 18:41-43

• Healing - Mark 3:5; Mark 5:41-2

• Calming of fears - Mark 6:50

• Conviction of sin for the purpose of building us up.

Remember, the voice of the enemy speaks condemnation and attacks our identity and tears down our sense of worth (Rom. 8:1-5). The voice of our Father speaks truth and brings conviction of sin and always builds up the reality of who we are while tearing down the strongholds we have believed to be a part of our identity for so long. In other words, He speaks truth and the enemy speaks lies! Whom will you believe?
 Another thing to remember about our Father's voice is that He will not force Himself upon us. He woos us as a loving Father who desires that we not remain in bondage to our old lives. He is jealous and patient and pursuant in His spoken love for us...but He does not force Himself on anyone who does not want Him...We must choose to listen!

...the kindness of God leads to repentance. Romans 4:2

Since the choice to listen and obey is ours, we must believe He can speak and give Him entrance to our hearts. There is no shame in admitting we have sinned. The true shame we experience is in not being honest with Him when we hear His questioning voice. To hide the sin (remember Adam and Eve?) only compounds the weight of our sin.

All things are possible to him who believes! Mark 9:23

What do we do when we can't hear His voice?

There have been many, many times and seasons in my life when I have found it difficult to hear His voice...times when I simply could not hear His voice. What do I do when those times occur? This is the point where faith and trust come into play. If He truly loves me and His Word is true, He will not leave me or forsake me. My job, as a new creation, is to lift up my ‘wings' of faith and fly on the ‘wind' of the Holy Spirit and trust that He is there even in spite of my lack of hearing. His Spirit will lift my faith above the dry times - through the un-hearing times! He is there. I simply trust Him enough to know that He will not always remain silent and that even in His silence (as I perceive it), I know and trust His heart. He will not abandon me. I must simply trust Him with the depths of my being - with the depths of my heart.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 
Jeremiah 29:13

What would be a hindrance to hearing God's voice?

Noise is the biggest ‘deafener' I know! I cannot hear the voice of those who call to me as clearly in a storm. I cannot hear the voice of those who would call to me as clearly in a crowded room. I will not hear the voice of those who call me as clearly if I have my ears pointed toward other sources of sound. I cannot hear the voice of those who call to me as clearly if my focus is distracted by other ‘attractive' or interesting sounds.

The enemy desires to deceive us. He often deceives us by imitating the voice of the Lord. The enemy can also speak through other sources. Not only can he disguise his voice, he will also add just enough of the truth to make his words seem somehow plausible. As Adam and Eve discovered, listening to other voices can get one into a lot of trouble. While other voices are not inherently or necessarily evil, they can become instruments of ‘vocalization' for the father of lies - the enemy of God - who very often comes to us disguised as an angel of light.

What we must never forget is this truth: God cannot lie! Always test the voices you hear...for content of truth....content of God's nature and character...content of even the attitude in which the voice was spoken.

There is a difference between blindly following every voice one hears and listening in a wise and discerning way. God cannot lie...therefore, His spoken Word will never contradict His written Word. When in doubt, seek those you trust and ask them to join you in discerning God's voice. We can trust the voice of God. We just need to make sure that His is the voice we are listening to!

Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2022/04/26/05/51/man-7157422_1280.jpg

A Thought For Today

A Thought For Today

“…And I will fix my eyes on You…”

Where we fix our eyes is where we tend to go. When driving a car we do not dare drive by using the rear view mirror. That is a sure way to lead us right to wreckage and injury and despair…yet we do that in our spiritual lives all the time. We tend to dwell on our past mistakes rather than to receive God’s forgiveness – forgive ourselves – and move on! By trying to change our past, we actually waste our time and energy…and tend to get into all kinds of emotional wreckage and despair. Let us use the rear view mirrors of our memory to only glance back to gain perspective in where we are going. Let us always keep our eyes focused on Jesus and move forward in our relationship with Him. It is there that we will find joy in the journey.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB