How many times have your heard - or has it been implied - that Christians don’t have fun? I grew up believing that, to a certain degree, Christians shouldn’t dance or play cards or smoke or drink or pretty much anything that wasn’t specifically outlined in the Bible. Why did I feel that way? Because I was so bound up in making sure I jumped through all the right hoops in order to be seen by others as a good boy. I performed for the approval of God and others.

Of course, we played card games, but that was OK as long as we didn’t gamble. And, of course, my cousins and I would sneak out and smoke wild grape vines, but that was seen as a rite of passage for a country boy like me, so we could let that pass. Of course, I never touched as much as a sip of alcohol until my junior year at Oklahoma Baptist University…and easily excused it with the fact that the first miracle Jesus ever performed was turning water into wine. It was suddenly OK to drink as long as I didn’t get drunk.

And, of course, we danced (as long as no one caught us) and danced and danced for hour upon hour. I often felt guilty about the sexualized dances of the day, but excused it with the story of King David and how he danced in celebration at the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and reassured myself by pointing out the fact that King David danced before the Lord and all his subjects in nothing but his undergarments!

And David was dancing before the LORD with all [his] strength, and David was wearing a linen ephod. 2 Samuel 6:14 NASB

David was not naked. He wore the priestly undergarments called an ephod, but many who watched felt he danced in inappropriate attire and in an undignified manner. What it says to me is David danced for joy as if no one was watching. What was more important to Him was expressing the joy and gratitude he felt toward the Lord.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Dance like no one’s watching,” and that’s what I do these days….even with Parkinson’s. I can still cut a rug…just a lot more slowly. I still love dancing with my children and grandchildren. I still love dancing cheek to cheek with my wife. Dancing releases my mind to pure joy for the sake of being alive. Today, I’m going to ask you to step out of your comfort zone and dance for the sheer joy of knowing and being known by Jesus.

We’re going to listen to a song that was inspired by the joy of the Lord that was so intense I could not help but dance. Even if you’re driving down the road as you listen, don’t be afraid to boogie (I recommend you keep at least one hand on the wheel at all times). Even if you can’t stand for some reason, you can dance with your arms flailing, by tapping your toes, or by just moving in some way. The song I am referring to is called I Just Want To Dance and here’s the story behind the song:

When I was in high school, one of my cousins and I would spend hours dancing to popular music of the day…and experienced moments of sheer ecstasy. When in college, I would go to a nearby Catholic University for their monthly dances and I would dance my Baptist tail off…just for the sheer fun of it. Believe it or not, I was THAT guy…the one all the girls wanted to dance with…you know, the one all the other couples would clear a large area of the dance floor to make room for…make room for my free expression and my wild, uninhibited moves. I danced like no one was watching…but, in those days, I danced to fill a huge void in my life.

Before Jesus invaded my heart with His love and redeemed me, I was deeply depressed…but hid it well. More than a few times during high school I contemplated suicide. My depression grew so deep and controlling in my life during my senior year in college that I finally made an attempt to take my own life. Thanks be to God, I failed! On November 7, 1981 my life was forever changed. I was given a brand new identity. Out of sheer gratitude at what God had done and as a way to deepen my intimacy with Him, I began being flooded with songs, and since then, my music has gone around the world and the story of the way Jesus redeemed me has gone around the world to literally millions.

I have experienced persecution. I have experienced betrayal. I have had moments of unbearable grief, and - to top it all off - I now suffer with Parkinson’s. But I can honestly say my life is good because God is good. In spite of all the pain and suffering I have had to endure, God has blessed me with an amazing wife, 9 amazing children and their spouses, and (so far) 13 incredible grandchildren.

Ever since that November night in 1981, my heart has been coming to ever deeper places of joy than I ever thought possible in this life. Joy is in the journey. Joy is knowing I have never been alone. That is the story behind the song and here is Scriptural confirmation that dancing before the Lord is an acceptable and exhilarating act of worship:

Praise the LORD!

Praise God in His sanctuary;

Praise Him in His mighty expanse.

Praise Him for His mighty deeds;

Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.

Praise Him with trumpet sound;

Praise Him with harp and lyre.

Praise Him with tambourine and dancing;

Praise Him with stringed instruments and flute.

Praise Him with loud cymbals;

Praise Him with resounding cymbals.

Everything that has breath shall praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD!

Psalm 150:1-6 NASB

I love to praise Jesus. I love to dance. He gave me a reason to dance, so I might as well dance, right? And whether you like it or not, dancing is an acceptable form of worship…and, dare I say, even recommended! And remember the story of the prodigal son? What did the father command of his servants when his prodigal son returned home?

And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' But the father said to his slaves, 'Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, slaughter it, and let's eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.' And they began to celebrate. Luke 15:21-24 NASB

I don’t know about you, but if one of my children had been lost but then returned safely to my home, I would throw a celebration…and I would jump up and down for joy…and spin around in circles. I would dance for joy! All I can say is, dancing does the heart and mind good.

Go ahead and listen…and just try to keep from moving. I dare you! I dare you to dance before the Lord like David danced - with reckless abandon for knowing Him and for being known by Him - and, of course, I recommend you keep your clothes on…

Dennis Jernigan

Listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and hear (and dance to) the song, I Just Want To Dance at

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