This week’s teaching is a chapter from my latest book concerning how I am dealin with Parkinson’s Disease. The book is called Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far. I pray the portion I am sharing blesses you in some way.
Dennis Jernigan
“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln
“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” Groucho Marx
Recently, I was sharing with a friend a joke my son had told me:
Dad: “Doctor! Doctor! You’ve gotta help me! All my sons want to be valets when they grow up!”
Doctor: “Looks like you’ve got Parking Sons Disease!”
I then shared with that friend how my son went on to ask me a very important question after sharing that joke. I realize I have already related this story with you, but it helps make a point. That same son asked me if I would mind if he went as me for Halloween this year. I told him that would be fine with me. He said he planned to wear his normal clothes and just walk around with a tremoring right hand! I loved the idea, but my son ultimately felt others may find his impersonation of me offensive, so he chose not to go as me.
My friend then said to me, “Ya’ll have a great attitude!” My response? “Any other attitude sucks.” The reality is I always have a choice as to what I think and always have a choice as to what my attitude is. I can either be sad and depressed or I can be joyful and happy. I might as well be happy!
Several years ago, I wrote a song called “Might As Well Be Happy”. It seems as if it had been written all those years ago for the moment and circumstances I now find myself facing. You can listen to the song on YouTube later. Here’s the story behind the song:
This song came on June 30, 2011 as one of those spur-of-the-moment happenings. Feeling happy has not always come easily for me. Because of lies I had believed about my identity and about my worth and about my purpose in life, I have battled depression off and on through my life...and I am so glad to say that I am honestly happy even though I now have Parkinson’s to contend with. Why? Because I have learned that life is not easy but life can be enjoyed regardless of my pain, sorrow, suffering, circumstances, or what others think of me.
My point of view changed. I now live my life trying to see every aspect of my life from God's point of view. From my vantage point I often only see the bad, but God (being a very good God) only wants my best and has the ability to take even the harshest turns of life and make something beautiful of them.
My hope is not in what I can do or in what people think of me. My hope is not in money or in success or fame. My hope comes from knowing my Creator wastes nothing of my life if I simply turn to Him with whatever I am facing. His point of view is much more hopeful than mine.
This song came as I simply thought about how much joy I have in my life. When joy is the foundation, happiness is the result. My joy is in knowing God. Whether you believe like I do or not, allow the joyful attitude of this song to brighten your day.
The ukulele seemed the most obvious and happy instrument for the song. The whistle is all me. I purposely wanted to sound like a little boy whistling in response to the joy set before him as he explores his way to his favorite fishing hole.
The pictures used to create the video were drawn by me. My vision was to draw the scenes with crayons from the viewpoint of a young child. We adults tend to make life much too complicated. I am a man…but somewhere deep inside is a small boy with big happy dreams. Life is simple for me now. I love God. He loves me. I love others. Others love me. It is my choice whether I am happy or not. We really do have a choice in the matter.
Life is a journey we are meant to enjoy - regardless of our circumstances. The words of this song have taken on a while new meaning for me since I first received it. In January of 2019, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease…and it rocked my world and caused me to question so much of what I believe about God and His love for me? My conclusion? He is so good and so loving that He is able to use even Parkinson’s for my good and for His glory. I can honestly say having Parkinson’s has revealed a whole new level of joy to my life. My greatest joy of all? I am never alone. He is with me!
Though the fig tree should not blossom
And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive should fail
And the fields produce no food,
Though the flock should be cut off from the fold
And there be no cattle in the stalls,
Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds' feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.
Habakkuk 3:17-19 NASB
Hear and watch the song at or simply go to YouTube and type the title and my name into the search bar: Might As Well Be Happy Dennis Jernigan
Might As Well Be Happy
June 30, 2011
It's a big, big world
Full of big, big trials
Full of big, big hurts
Full of weary miles
I heard a wise man say
To every girl and boy,
"To live a big, big life
You have a big, big choice!”
You might as well be happy!
You might as well rejoice!
You might as well be happy
If you're given a choice!
You might as well be happy!
Might as well rejoice!
You might as well be happy
If you're given a choice!
You might as well be happy!
The sun is still here shining,
Though the rain be blinding,
Though the wind blow strong!
You can focus on the darkness!
And you can focus on the pain and loss
Or you can see beyond!
Here's a little truth:
There's a big, big God
With a big, big love
Enough for one and all
He can take a mountain
In your way so tall
Show you how He sees it
Make it very small!
I might as well be happy!
I might as well rejoice!
I might as well be happy
II'm given the choice!
I might as well be happy!
Might as well rejoice!
I might as well be happy
If I'm given a choice!
I might as well be happy!
The sun is still here shining
Though the rain be blinding
Though the wind blow strong!
I can focus on the darkness!
And I can focus on the pain and loss
Or I can see beyond
There's a big, big world
With a big, big sky
With a big adventure
Where you learn to fly!
Whether good or bad times
You can spread your wings
Rise above the darkness
To what the sunlight brings!
I might as well be happy!
I might as well be happy!
I might as well be happy!
I might as well be happy!
I might as well be
I might as well be
To purchase a copy of the book Parkinson’s & Recreation: One Man’s Journey Through Parkinson’s…So Far, go to
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