Some of the greatest joys of my life are the songs God has blessed me with through the past 40 some odd years of my life. These songs saw me through college, through the battles fought for my freedom from the bondage of sin, through almost 40 years of marriage now, through the raising of nine amazing children, through the births of 13 grandchildren, and now through the battle I now wage with Parkinson’s Disease. I have a little secret for you. Parkinson’s does not win. I use it for God’s kingdom and find that God is with me smack dab in the middle of Parkinson’s. God is good like that. Faithful and True like that.
Another thing that brings me great joy are the times I get to share the stories behind my songs. Even the older ones still bring comfort and joy and the healing power of God’s love and presence when I sing them. When I was a boy, I did not know there were other faith-based songs out there aside from those in the hymnal. I was our church pianist from the time I was 10 years old and could not read a lick of music, but I could play any song I heard…so I practically memorized the songs we sang each week and often did not even turn to the hymnal page. They were engrained on my psyche.
Imagine the explosion that went off in my mind when I got to college and someone introduced me to the music of 2nd Chapter of Acts and Keith Green! I went nuts for their songs because they put my prayers - my deepest heart’s longings for forgiveness and love and acceptance and affirmation and approval - into a modern musical form that I could relate to. It sounded like the world but it transported me out of this world and into the unavoidable awareness that God was with me and my life was forever changed. But I never forgot the old hymns…which brings me to the story behind today’s song.
Today’s song is called Faith of Our Fathers and I wrote it in October of 2016. Following is what I wrote about the song after I had received it:
As I watch our culture fall into moral and spiritual decay, I feel compelled to look back through time and see how those who went before us handled such situations. I found people willing to stand alone for righteousness (Like Stephen, a contemporary of Jesus’ disciples who was stoned to death for his faith, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian who was hanged by the Nazis for his). I found people willing to preach Truth when no one seemed to be listening (Jeremiah, Keith Green). I found those who went against the grain of the culture of the state as well as the culture of religion (Jesus, Paul).
Things they had in common? Reverence for God; they called sin, sin; they pointed people to their need of a Savior; they were so convinced of God’s massive love that the massiveness of that love outweighed and dispelled any fear they had; they obeyed God rather than the fear of man; they pointed people to the cross for the remedy for their sin; they were receivers of God’s grace; they did not compromise the Truth even when faced with death. I could go on, but you get the point.
I long for a return to that kind of faith in God. As I long for such a return I am drawn to the old hymns more than when I was a young man because they are straightforward in their proclamation of God’s Truth and sovereignty and of His enduring, unfailing massive love for us. This song came as I pondered these things. May it encourager and strengthen your heart and mind. See if you remember the portions of a few of the old hymns I incorporate in the song as we seek to get back to the faith of our fathers. I will place a link to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog below so you can actually hear the song.
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB
As you go about your week, incorporate some of your favorite hymns into your private worship times. I happen to have a recording called Hymns 1 that I think you may find helpful. Just go to my website,, and purchase a copy there or simply stream it on your favorite music streaming service. You can find the mp3 of today’s song, Faith of Our Fathers, on my brand new recording called Might As Well Be Happy.
Now, go and live like you believe God loves you…and simply be who your Father says you are. And, while you’re at it, dare to dream and stand in awe and wonder of how great and faithful Jesus is. And remember, the same God that got our forefathers and foremothers through is the same God that will get us through. Trust Him to meet you in the middle of trying times with the necessary grace to see you through and to be with you every step of the way.
Dennis Jernigan
Take a break and listen right now and listen to the song, Faith of Our Fathers, at
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