Child of My Heart

Child of My Heart

Blessed is one who considers the helpless;

The LORD will save him on a day of trouble.

The LORD will protect him and keep him alive,

And he will be called blessed upon the earth;

And do not turn him over to the desire of his enemies.

The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed;

In his illness, You restore him to health.

Psalm 41:1-3 NASB

Upon the occasion of my eldest son’s 8th birthday (He is almost 40 now), I was reminded of how far God went to rescue me…and it made me wonder if I would be willing to do the same for my son if he was lost.

When I was lost on the mountain of despair, Jesus climbed to my point of need. When I was lost in the desert of hopelessness in need of a Savior, Jesus came bringing the Living Water. When I was caught in the fiery snare of sin, Jesus dispelled the flames with redemption and forgiveness. When I was dying in the coldness of loneliness, Jesus came with the overwhelming warmth of His ever-abiding presence upon my life. My Father did all that for me – and more.

This all makes more sense to me than ever when faced with the realization that I would do whatever was necessary to save or go after one of my own children. If I, being what I hope to be - a good father - want to give good gifts to my son, how much more does my heavenly Father want to bless me? I thank God for giving me my son and for teaching me about His love for me through my love for my son.

"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own, and My own know Me, just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15 NASB

Our Father loves us so much more than we can humanly comprehend. The most basic truth of that reality is that He saw fit to create us in the first place. He wanted us. He wants us to know Him. He wants what is best for us. He gave His own Son to make us His own - to save us from our sin. You were birthed in His heart and mind. You truly are a child of His heart. Walk in the power and peace of that reality today. You are a child of the Most High God!

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, Child of My Heart, go to

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A Thought For Today

A Thought For Today

October 19, 2022

“…Less of me and more of You, Lord…”

Do you ever have days when you basically get on your own nerves? I do! What usually brings me to this point is when I try to control my circumstances and put wrong expectations on others. God is in control. I am not! My expectation should be to expect people to respond like people and expect God to be there to give me grace whenever those expectations are unmet. Basically, I need less of me and more of Father God!

But as for me, I will wait continually,
And will praise You yet more and more.
Psalm 71:14 NASB

I Will Hold You

I Will Hold You

According to Psalm 32:7, the Lord surrounds us with songs of deliverance. We find that He rejoices over us with singing in Zephaniah 3:17. The picture these verses bring to my mind is of me singing my children to sleep when they were little and of me singing my grandchildren to sleep when they spend the night.

The other picture that these passages of Scripture bring to my mind is of the many times when I was emotionally wounded and the way my Heavenly Father would hold my heart close to His and He would sing songs of deliverance to me and sing songs expressing His massive love for me. All I had to do was call out to Him.

The LORD is righteous in all His ways,

And kind in all His works.

The LORD is near to all who call on Him,

To all who call on Him in truth.

He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;

He will also hear their cry for help and save them.

The LORD watches over all who love Him,

But He will destroy all the wicked.

My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD,

And all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever.

Psalm 145:17-21 NASB

How much of the Lord do we want? How near to us do we want Him to be? How much intimacy can we attain with Him in this life? As with any relationship, we can hold God at a distance. Even though He sees through any walls or smokescreens we throw up, He desires that we desire Him and trust Him enough to let Him inside our woundedness.

God uses my children and grandchildren to help me hear songs of deliverance and love and intimacy in my own life. One such song is called “I Will Hold You”. This is a song of brokenness, for it takes an honest and broken heart to say, “Father, I cannot help myself. I cannot overcome my own sinful desires…But I know You can. Will You be my Strength through the long, hard night?”

God is faithful and able to meet us at our deepest point of hurt and bring healing. He is able to take us in the state of lostness and bring hope and salvation. He will not leave us, nor will He forsake us.

Come close to God and He will come close to you…Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. James 4:4a, 10a NASB

I shared this last week, but it is vital to remember this truth. Our children are precious to us. We want them to be happy…to be successful…to experience more joy and happiness in their lives than we experienced in ours. That is just part of our spiritual DNA. If we love our children like that, how much more does our heavenly Father love us? To Him, there is no one more precious than you. Think about it…and listen for the songs of rejoicing He sings over you. Just be listening!

Dennis Jernigan

To hear the song “I Will Hold You”, listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast at

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My God Is (The Joy of the Lord)

My God Is (The Joy of the Lord)

I have written many songs this year but have not had a chance to record them and prepare them properly yet. I looked back through my archives and found this song I never got to put on an album. I love this song! It is the perfect song for me for where I find myself in life these days...needing the presence and joy of the Lord!

My God Is (The Joy of the Lord) - Song History


Dennis Jernigan

August 9, 2016

During the time this song was being written, Melinda and I have been going through one of the roughest periods of our lives as a married couple. Due to the economy, we were experiencing the pain like everyone else. Cutting back in every way we knew how and not receiving an income for almost 5 weeks had been, to say the least, difficult. My dilemma? I say the joy of the Lord is my strength...but do I believe it when tough times arise? This song came as a declaration of the Truth regardless of my circumstances and in spite of my feelings. I will declare to my soul Who God is and I will declare His joy to be my strength through whatever. I will.

Dennis Jernigan

Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10b NASB

My God Is (The Joy of the Lord) Lyrics


The joy of the Lord is my strength! 

I know this joy cannot be taken! 

The joy of the Lord is my strength! 

I know the Solid Rock that can't be shaken! 


My God is the Overcomer! 

My God is! My God is! 

My God is my Hope! 

He is my Joy! 

My God is my soul's Redeemer! 

My God is! My God is! 

God with me Who reigns forevermore! 


The joy of the Lord is my strength! 

I know this joy cannot be taken! 

The joy of the Lord is my strength! 

I know the Solid Rock that can't be shaken! 


My God is the Overcomer! 

My God is! My God is! 

My God is my Hope! 

He is my Joy! 

My God is my soul's Redeemer! 

My God is! My God is! 

God with me Who reigns forevermore!


Great is the Lord once crucified! 

Great is the Lord Who bled and died! 

Great is the Lord Who gave His life for me! 

Great is the Lord Who shed His blood! 

Great is the Lord! Redeeming Love!

Great is the Lord Who rose to set me free! 

Set me free! 


My God is the Overcomer! 

My God is! My God is! 

My God is my Hope! 

He is my Joy! 

My God is my soul's Redeemer! 

My God is! My God is! 

God with me Who reigns forevermore!

God with me Who reigns forevermore!

God with me Who reigns forevermore!

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Watch the video and hear the song at

Might As Well Be Happy

Might As Well Be Happy

Today’s blog is about a song. A very simple and happy song. Watch the video and listen here:

This song is over 11 years old. I never put it on one of my albums because I thought it was not a worship song and because it seemed too simple and too controversial. It's simplicity makes it beautiful to me and expressing the song from my soul is an act of worship to God. The fact that I believe I can change the way I feel by changing the way I think or by changing my attitude may seem controversial to some. I just choose to see life from a different point of view. Now that I have Parkinson's, the choice to be happy has become even more apparent and invaluable to me. If I have a choice, I might as well choose to be happy!

This quote expresses my heart very well:

“It’s important that everyone knows I’m so much more than the bad things that happen to me...You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” Jane Marczewski-Claudio (Nightbirde)

Might As Well Be Happy - Words & Music - Dennis Jernigan - Received on June 30, 2011 

This song came as one of those spur-of-the-moment happenings. Feeling happy has not always come easily for me. Because of lies I had believed about my identity and about my worth and about my purpose in life, I have battled depression off and on through my life...and I am so glad to say that I am honestly happy. Why? Because I have learned that life is not easy but life can be enjoyed regardless of my pain, sorrow, suffering, circumstances, or what others think of me. 

My point of view changed. I now live my life trying to see every aspect of my life from God's point of view. From my vantage point I often only see the bad, but God (being a very good God) only wants my best and has the ability to take even the harshest turns of life and make something beautiful of them. 

My hope is not in what I can do or in what people think of me. My hope is not in money or in success or fame. My hope comes from knowing my Creator wastes nothing of my life if I simply turn to Him with whatever I am facing. His point of view is much more hopeful than mine. 

This song came as I simply thought about how much joy I have in my life. When joy is the foundation, happiness is the result. My joy is in knowing God. Whether you believe like I do or not, allow the joyful attitude of this song to brighten your day.

        The ukulele seemed the most obvious and happy instrument for the song. The whistle is all me. I purposely wanted to sound like a little boy whistling in response to the joy set before him as he explores his way to his favorite fishing hole. 

        The ukulele seemed the most obvious and happy instrument for the song. The whistle is all me. I purposely wanted to sound like a little boy whistling in response to the joy set before him as he explores his way to his favorite fishing hole. 

        The drawings were all me. My vision was to give a sense of childlike wonder to the song, so, I imagined how my 8 year old self might have illustrated the lyrics. Watching the video after all these years makes me...well...happy!

Life is a journey we are meant to enjoy - regardless of our circumstances. The words of this song have taken on a while new meaning for me since I first received it. In January of 2019, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease…and it rocked my world and caused me to question so much of what I believe about God and His love for me? My conclusion? He is so good and so loving that He is able to use even Parkinson’s for my good and for His glory. I can honestly say having Parkinson’s has revealed a whole new level of joy to my life. My greatest joy of all? I am never alone. He is with me! 

Though the fig tree should not blossom 

And there be no fruit on the vines, 

Though the yield of the olive should fail 

And the fields produce no food, 

Though the flock should be cut off from the fold 

And there be no cattle in the stalls, 

Yet I will exult in the LORD, 

I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. 

The Lord GOD is my strength, 

And He has made my feet like hinds' feet, 

And makes me walk on my high places. 

Habakkuk 3:17-19 NASB

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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

During the early part of the 1980s, I had been ‘taken in’ by the Jewell family in Oklahoma City. They were amazing friends and selfless mentors. John and Linda already had two sons and during this time, soon found they were expecting another child.

This was my first real exposure to the truth about life beginning at conception. Here was a woman I respected and spent much time with, carrying a brand new life inside of her. As we prayed over the child John and Linda introduced me to the concept of speaking to the child even before birth.

As I had been learning to do, I asked the Lord for a song for the family - for the new baby. That song became Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. The song came as I meditated on this new little life, yet to be born. I also contemplated my own identity and destiny as if that little life were a representation of my life before God…and this song came…for Adam Jewell…a gift to him and to his family while waiting for his birth…

LORD, You have searched me and known [me.]

You know when I sit down and when I get up;

You understand my thought from far away.

You scrutinize my path and my lying down,

And are acquainted with all my ways.

Even before there is a word on my tongue,

Behold, LORD, You know it all.

You have encircled me behind and in front,

And placed Your hand upon me.

[Such] knowledge is too wonderful for me;

It is [too] high, I cannot comprehend it.

Where can I go from Your Spirit?

Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, You are there;

If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.

[If] I take up the wings of the dawn,

[If] I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,

Even there Your hand will lead me,

And Your right hand will take hold of me.

[If] I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,

And the light around me will be night,"

Even darkness is not dark to You,

And the night is as bright as the day.

Darkness and light are alike [to You.]

For You created my innermost parts;

You wove me in my mother's womb.

I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully [made;]

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well.

My frame was not hidden from You

When I was made in secret,

[And] skillfully formed in the depths of the earth;

Your eyes have seen my formless substance;

And in Your book were written

All the days that were ordained [for me,]

When as yet there was not one of them.

How precious also are Your thoughts for me, God!

How vast is the sum of them!

Were I to count them, they would outnumber the sand.

When I awake, I am still with You.

Psalm 139:1-18 NASB

The words of this Psalm are condensed into the song and the song lyrics are intended to express the massive love Father God has for us and how He takes delight in knowing us. Do we take delight in knowing Him?

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 NASB

Need I say more? We are made in the image of our Father God. Because we are new creations in Christ, we have His spiritual DNA running through our spiritual veins. We are like our Father. Let us stop believing the lies of the enemy that constantly try to condemn us and confuse us. God’s Word says that as a man or woman thinks in their heart so he or she is. Let’s be who our Father says we are today. Let’s believe He loves us and openly receive that love.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, go to

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Rock Me, Hold Me

Rock Me, Hold Me

Have you ever gotten to a place of such deep pain that you felt like giving up - where you wanted to curl up into the fetal position and have someone just hold you close in their arms of comfort and security and rock you back and forth until the pain was loved away? I have…

The whole year of 1981 will always hold a special place in my heart. That was the year I began getting honest about my struggles with sin and the year in which God supernaturally revealed His redeeming power and love to me at a Second Chapter of Acts concert.

As is often the case, the Lord allowed me to fall to the bottom of my own self – you know to the point where it is obvious that one cannot help or rescue one’s self? When I was at the bottom and needed to hear from my heavenly Father, He sent a friend named Linda to begin teaching me about my need for a fresh relationship with my heavenly Father. Her advice to me was to stop seeing Father God through the filter of my relationship with my earthly father.

My father and I were not close at all during my childhood and teen years. It was hard to believe he loved me. He never spoke those words to me until after I had my own family. We became close after I got married and began having children and he began to work for me in my ministry. But up until 1981, I had perceived God’s love for me through the filter of met relationship with my dad.

God used a song to help me process this new way of thinking. That song is called “Rock Me, Hold Me.” The song came one night as Linda challenged me to face the truth about my deep spiritual and emotional needs and to begin accepting the truth of my God’s deep, deep love for me. I remember vividly of sitting alone in my little pink house in Oklahoma City and crying almost all night as the words of this song brought deep release and comfort to my soul.

Just as a father has compassion on [his] children,

So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.

Psalm 103:13 NASB

I became completely honest with Father God about my wounds and my failures and I allowed Him to hold me close and rock me gently in His loving arms.

Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NASB

I urge you to take time to bare your soul to Father in the coming days…and allow Him to meet you right where you are. Regardless of your age or level of maturity, allow your soul to be rocked gently in the arms of His love as He holds you close to His massive heart of love.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast on this subject and to hear the song, “Rock Me, Hold Me”, go to

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The Table of God's Presence

The Table of God's Presence

“…Setting a table in the presence of my enemies, My God is faithful…"

Our God is so faithful to be with us that He sees fit to prepare a constant feast of His presence for us and invites us to sit at His table - the table of the King - and enjoy the feast with Him. When? During times of peace. During times of anxiety. During times of deep joy. During times of sorrow. During times of clarity. During the heat of battle that spiritual warfare tends to surround us with every day. We do not have to sit under the table and wait for crumbs to fall down from above. We are the children of the Most High God and our place is at the table WITH Him! Let’s sit at the table of the King today and enjoy the feast of His awesome presence…no matter what.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…
Psalm 23:5a NASB

This devotion is from the Daily Devotions series by Dennis Jernigan. These daily devotions are available to members of Dennis Jernigan’s Patreon team. To find out more, go to

Song of Hope

Song of Hope

This week I am sharing the story behind one of my most personal and intimate songs. It is called Song of Hope. There is so much I could say about this song. So much of my identity in Christ. So much of my calling in life. So much of my passion for others to know the healing love of Jesus I have come to know. So much gratitude to God for all He has done. So much the toll it has taken upon my life. So worth everything I have gone through to know intimacy with Christ.

You see, on November 7, 1981, I walked out of a homosexual identity and into the identity of a new creation in Christ. I had dreamed since the time I was a little boy of one day being set free from same sex attraction. I grew up hearing sermons telling me how much God loved me but how much of an abomination same sex attraction was to Him. I saw absolutely no hope and felt I was condemned to hell…and my early life was like a living hell on earth because I had to live two lives. One life of doing all the right things people expected me to do and the other life of hiding who I truly felt I was.

Imagine my surprise when God’s love broke through the lies I had been believing about myself and released me to a freedom I had only dreamed might be possible. I felt completely loved and completely accepted and completely new.

When God delivered me I immediately wanted others to know the healing I had come to know…but I was warned by a counselor that I should not say anything about the specifics of my hidden life because the church would not be so accepting. I was advised that I am not responsible for anyone else’s choices but my own and was told to forget about my past because God had forgotten about it so there was no need to bring it up ever again.

As far as the east is from the west,

So far has He removed our wrongdoings from us.

Psalm 103:12 NASB

This was great news to me…at first…because I felt my past would bring shame upon me and mark me for life. The only thing keeping quiet about my sin did for me was to keep me living in fear of being found out. In the core of my being I ached to be able to tell others of the amazing work Jesus Christ had done in and for me. Since I was trapped in fear, I did the next best thing. I wrote a song to express the heart I longed to share with others. This song speaks for itself. It is my heart’s deepest cry.

The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 NASB

Jesus does not want anyone to perish in unwanted sin. Quite the opposite. He gave His very life for people like me…for people like you. It took about 7 years from the moment of my initial freedom to the moment I shared my story publicly for the first time. I was given a brand new identity in November of 1981 and shared with my church body in July of 1988. The reason I broke my silence? Two things opened my heart to be able to receive the grace to share my story. First:

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,

For His mercy is everlasting.

The redeemed of the LORD shall say [so,]

[Those] whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy…

Psalm 107:1-2 NASB

If we who are redeemed do not share what we have been redeemed from, how in the world are those struggling in the same manner ever going to know freedom is possible?

The second thing that pushed me over the edge of telling my story was quite simple. I remembered being a young boy wishing someone would tell me freedom was possible. The least I could do was to tell my generation that freedom was possible through faith and an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Song of Hope means so much more to me now than the moment I wrote it so long ago. It’s been almost 39 years since I wrote the song (December 6, 1983) and almost 41 years since I was set free. God is very patient…and the song is even more relevant today than it was some 39 years ago. I pray it brings you a deeper measure of hope in your own life as you listen to it. I pray that it brings others - for generations to come - into an awareness of their need for a Savior and, as a result, place their hope and faith in Jesus Christ.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear Song of Hope, go to

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Break My Heart

Break My Heart

There are certain times in my life in which God has revealed to me many ways I don’t love Him or know Him. To think I have “arrived” – in any area of my life – simply reveals my pride and the hardness of my heart. I need to daily confess my lack and my need to Him – to confess I am utterly helpless, useless and worthless apart from Him.

As we humble ourselves and become honest with God and others, the sweet fragrance of intimacy and fellowship with Jesus is released. His pure love is the perfume that He wants to pour out through us. But He can only pour Himself out of a broken vessel. Let me share a short account from the life of Jesus about the importance of having our hearts broken by the healing love of Jesus Christ.

Now one of the Pharisees was requesting Him [Jesus] to eat with him, and He entered the Pharisee's house and reclined [at the table.] And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining [at the table] in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, and standing behind [Him] at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and she wiped them with the hair of her head, and [began] kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw [this,] he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman [is] who is touching Him, that she is a sinner!" And Jesus responded and said to him, "Simon, I have something to say to you." And he replied, "Say it, Teacher.”

"A moneylender had two debtors: the one owed five hundred denarii, and the other, fifty. When they were unable to repay, he canceled the debts of both. So which of them will love him more?" Simon answered and said, "I assume the one for whom he canceled the greater debt." And He said to him, "You have judged correctly." And turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave Me no kiss; but she has not stopped kissing My feet since the time I came in. You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but the one who is forgiven little, loves little." And He said to her, "Your sins have been forgiven." And [then] those who were reclining [at the table] with Him began saying to themselves, "Who is this [man] who even forgives sins?" And He said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Luke 7:36-50 NASB

In John 11 we find the story of how Jesus received word that His dear friend, Lazarus, had passed away. In verse 36 we find His simple response to this news. It says, “Jesus wept.” I believe Jesus had his heart broken by the loss of His friend…and this, in turn, reminds me that Jesus’ heart was broken over the sin and wounding and suffering of mankind to such a great degree that He gave His life to bring us salvation and healing and comfort and joy. That is the heart of our Lord and, as new creations, should be our heart as well.

We live in a divisive time. That’s just reality. One of the things that gets me through such times is actually quite simple. I am not commanded to agree with anyone else…but I am commanded to love every person I come in contact with. I can disagree and still lay down my life for the person I disagree with. How can I do that?

I don’t take animosity toward me in a personal way. When I am insulted or offended or ridiculed or mocked I simply remind myself that I am God’s vessel on this earth and that those hurtful words or actions are actually directed at the Lord. I pray for those who express hatred toward me. I bless those who curse me. I honestly want others to know the depth of God’s healing love I have come to know and this helps me put on forgiveness and keep on loving.

I do not carry the burden of changing anyone else’s mind or life. I want to see others as Father God sees them…and this breaks my heart in a good way. I just want others to know Jesus and the love of God that healed me…even if I get hurt along the way.

I think the attitude of Jesus as expressed in John 3:16-17 explains it best. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.”

Let that same attitude be ours in the coming days. Let’s live our lives broken and spilled out for Jesus as we put His love in action.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, Break My Heart, O God, go to

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Your Love Is Too Pure

Your Love Is Too Pure

Today’s teaching is inspired by a song I received way back on November 12, 1987. That song is called Your Love Is Too Pure.

One of the foundational truths I build and live my life upon is my absolute belief that God loves me massively…and that He likes me…and that He likes being with me. In fact, I don’t get to decide whether our not God loves me. The simple truth of the matter is that God IS love. That is His nature. My free will gives me the choice as to whether or not I believe that or not. My encouragement to you is to choose to believe God loves you.

When God set me free by the healing power of His love, I began leading others in times of corporate worship. Most people could not get enough of these intimate times of connecting to Father God with every ounce of our entire being, but there were a few who got caught off guard by the outward and boisterous and emotional expression of that worship - that expression of our love for God.

On more than one occasion I had someone tell me, “You can’t make me love God,” which took me by surprise. What they were really saying was, “I don’t have to outwardly, emotionally express my love for God. He knows I love Him.” My response was simple. “Is love that is not expressed really love at all?” As they stood there in stunned silence I simply said, “For God so loved the world that He GAVE,” meaning God expressed His love for us with the entirety of His being.

Once they had regained their composure, they said, “I don’t have to express my love for God the way you do…and besides, you can’t make me love God! What if I was a quadriplegic and could not bodily express my love for God?”

My response? “I am not trying to make you love God and I am not saying my expressions of worship are the only expressions of worship…and I am certainly not trying to MAKE you love God. That’s up to you. Concerning your remark about ‘what if I was a quadriplegic?’…that’s not even anything I have to deal with, but I can tell you this. If I was unable to physically move - unable to physically express my love for God - I would find a way. Because of the way God expresses His love for me, I would breathe out as loudly as possible in praise to my God…I would blink my eyes as a means of physically expressing my love for Him.”

I then asked another question. “When your favorite football team scores a touchdown on a despised rival team, how do you respond?” They said, “I pump my fists in the air and I jump up and down for joy!” I replied, “You have no problem expressing your love outwardly for a team and a score that means nothing in the grand scheme of eternity, yet you balk at doing the same for the One Who gave His only Son to save you and set you free from your sin. God does not demand that you love Him. He loves you whether or not you express your love back to Him or not.” They got the point.

My personal belief is that Father God would never force me to love Him. This of course only makes me want to love Him more because of the sense of freedom this truth brings. What’s more, I realize that my human reasoning only gets in the way of loving Him and that if I am a new creation then my truest and deepest desire is to love Him in an uncontrollable manner – the way He loves me – totally consumed in His love for me!

For this reason I bend my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner self, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; [and] that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him [be] the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:14-21 NASB

When we boast in the greatness of our God and His love for us we actually encourage our own soul. Take time to boast in our God - especially when being bombarded by the lies of the enemy - and then let’s let go of the heavy burdensome weight of wondering whether or not God loves us. We don’t get to decide whether or not He loves us. That’s been settled. He loves us no matter what. Our choice is simple. We either believe it or we don’t. Believe it and receive it as often as needed. God is love and He loves you with His own life.

Dennis Jernigan

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God remains in him, and he in God. We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him. By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, we also are in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:15-19 NASB

To hear more on this subject and to hear a song inspired by the truth that God does not force us to love Him, listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast at

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Laughter and A Different Point of View

Laughter and A Different Point of View

Today’s blog is a chapter from a new book I am working on that details how to find joy even in the midst of Parkinson’s. I will announce the name of the new book once I have completed the writing. I still have several weeks before that goal is met. I hope this encourages you today wherever you may find yourself in the journey of life…

“Perspective is everything when you are experiencing the challenges of life.” Joni Eareckson Tada

One of the things that has brought comfort to my soul since my diagnosis is in the number of notable people who have suffered with or currently suffer with Parkinson’s Disease. Just to know I am not alone in this journey - that others have lived quite meaningful and rich and joyful lives with great depth and fullness - has brought me much hope for my own journey. I’ll list a few. Some you already know of. Some will surprise you. Still others may shock you - or give you an ‘aha’ moment.

In no particular order, here are a few fellow Parkinsonians. Actor and one of the funniest people on the planet in addition to being one of the most visible and outspoken champions of those who deal wth PD, Michael J. Fox.

Alan Alda, who - for me - will always be Hawkeye from M*A*S*H, has PD. I loved the show M*A*S*H so much that I even attended the final episode screening party at a friend’s house dressed as Corporal Klinger (Fitting? I’ll let you decide!).

Muhammad Ali, world champion boxer who lived his life after the initial diagnosis in a very public and joyful way that truly inspires me.

Former President, George H.W. Bush, lived his final years with Parkinson’s and lived with a joyful demeanor.

James Doohan - Scotty, Chief Engineer of the Starship Enterprise - had Parkinson’s. Read my life story to find out how Star Trek changed my life (Sing Over Me). Need I say more?

There are so many more historical and notable and positive public figures who dealt with Parkinson’s, but I had to include this one for the sheer fact that Parkinson’s can affect anyone. Adolph Hitler had post-encephalitic Parkinson’s. When I first heard this, I found myself asking, “Does this mean I will one day have a tendency toward maniacal world domination and genocide and self-aggrandizement?”

Nope. Parkinson’s did not create Hitler’s worldview nor did it create the evil in his heart. Those had already been established. Again, I just found it worth noting that Parkinson’s can affect anyone…from God-fearing, people-loving song writers like me, to the aforementioned former self-proclaimed leaders of the Third Reich.

I do not wish to make light of another person’s suffering. It is not my intention to belittle anyone else who suffers with Parkinson’s - or any other illness - but I believe in the power of laughter and the foundation of joy from which I have chosen to live my life. Of course I realize no two people experience Parkinson’s Disease in the same way. For some, it is debilitating. For others, it is almost unnoticeable. For some, the disease progresses quickly. For others, it develops slowly over a long number of years. For some, the degenerative nature of the disease is a constant reminder that their body and mind are under attack. For others, it becomes a point of standing one’s ground and fighting for every ounce of clarity of thought. For some, it hits late in life. For some, early in life. For me, it hit right when I was ready to really enjoy my life!

Don’t misunderstand me. I am enjoying my life immensely even though I have Parkinson’s. Even in using the term ‘I have Parkinson’s’ there is purpose. I have IT. Parkinson’s does not have ME! In other words, I have chosen to see it as something God can use for good in my life. I was diagnosed just before my 60th birthday. In the many years leading up to that momentous age, my thoughts were completely focused on seeing my dreams come true…of being able to step away from public ministry…of being able to travel to visit my family who are scattered abroad around the world…of spending time with my wife…of playing with my grandchildren. In one sense, the diagnosis dashed all those dreams. In another sense, the diagnosis deeply enhanced all those dreams and gave me laser focused, more creative methods of seeing those dreams realized in even more meaningful ways. I may not have control over how the symptoms of Parkinson’s manifest or increase as they invade the dreams of my life, but I always have a choice as to how I view them. Perspective is everything.

“The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.” Chris Pine

Even though I take steps to slow the progression of the disease, reality is I experience the symptoms on a daily basis. Though I go through periods of trying to ignore them or have moments when I feel little or no symptoms, they always have a way of creeping back into my life. An hour without a tremor in my right hand is seen as a victory. A day when I do not experience dreaded constipation is a victory. A few hours without a foggy feeling in my brain is a few hours of victory. Time spent with my family - especially with my grandchildren - are times of victory over Parkinson’s. Early on, as a family, we decided to take on what I have already noted the Romans 8:28 point of view. Let me remind you one more time:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose. Romans 8:28 NASB

Even though I had to take a few weeks to grieve the initial diagnosis, there came a point when we - as a family - stopped walking around on eggshells regarding PD and faced it with honesty. And to be frankly honest, humor played a huge roll in breaking through the barrier of my own fears and anxieties as well as those of my family. My fear was that people would treat me with pity and as a ‘less than’. That way of thinking - I call it stinkin’ thinkin’ - flies in the face of my personal rule concerning what I think of myself. My rule? “Dennis Jernigan does not have the right to call himself anything other than what his Father God calls him.” That, by inference, means I also do not get to think of myself as ‘less than’ ANYTHING or anybody!

As I learned to apply that rule to the reality of PD in my life, it soon became apparent that the diagnosis, in the grand scheme of the journey of my life, is a mere blip on the screen…more of an annoyance and an inconvenience than anything…and certainly not a part of my identity in Christ as a new creation! Still, I had not realized how self-focused I had become as a result of the diagnosis - that my mind had become so consumed with the ‘what if’ and ‘why me?’ and ‘why now?’ sort of thoughts that I effectively began cutting off the very thing that brings me the most life. Relationship - intimacy - knowing and being known. On one hand, the withdrawing from others was out of fear of what others would think and on the other, I did not even realize I had been withdrawing from people.

Walking in relationship with others requires both giving and receiving. It is a two way street. We were not created to walk alone. We were created - wired for - relationship. Without relationship there is no life.

The Sea of Galilee in Israel is full of life. It receives rain and run-off from the surrounding hills. That same water, full of life, flows all the way to the Dead Sea via the Jordan River. The Dead Sea receives the same water yet it’s DEAD! How can that be? Even though it receives water from the Sea of Galilee, it has no outflow. There is no give and take. There is no life because it only takes in and gives nothing back! As new creations in Christ, we are intended to thrive and flourish as we walk relationally with God and with others…whether we have PD or not!

Without relationship, life is drudgery and lonely. Without relationship, nothing is shared. Burdens are carried alone. Emotional wounds are left unattended. Incredible moments of celebration are empty and meaningless without someone to share them with. Without relationship, there is no joy in life. I literally thrive on joy! My soul is buoyed by joy in the sea of despair PD can often become. By choosing to walk in joy, the sounds of the crashing waves of the sea of despair are replaced with the laughter I share with others as we find joy even in the hard times of life.

A joyful heart is good medicine,

But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 NASB

What I have come to believe and practice throughout the course of my life that has helped me traverse the journey of Parkinson’s is knowing the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is ‘feeling or showing pleasure or contentment’ and is based on my circumstances. When my circumstances are good, I feel pleasure and contentment. When my circumstances are bad, I feel discouraged and like I am floundering around in an endless ocean with no land in sight.

My definition of joy is derived from what I believe about God’s love for me and presence with me. I believe God is with me through each and every circumstance of life - even my own moments of failure. I believe He loves me massively and likes me and likes being with me - no matter what. Knowing I am never alone goes along way in helping me conquer fear and walk in self-control when I have moments of Parkinson’s-induced anxiety. Knowing I am completely and utterly loved is the security blanket of my soul, my shelter in the storms of life, my foundational anchor from which I view the world and my circumstances. God’s presence is always with me and His love is the air I breathe.

A great example of what I am trying to convey is my relationship with my own children and grandchildren. I absolutely LOVE being with them. I adore my children and grandchildren. I like my children and their children. When we get together, one of my favorite things to do is listen to them share memories and tell stories about their own lives. It blesses me to no end to see the wonder in the eyes of my grandchildren as they listen to their parents reminisce about their own childhoods. I am reduced to moments of laughter that goes deeper than the pain of my illness. I am reduced to blubbering tears of joy at the love between my children and their own children - a joy that my illness can come nowhere near. I love just being with my children and grandchildren. Don’t even have to say a word. Just to be with them is enough for me. If I, as an earthly father, feel such a deep love for my children and feel such a deep joy at simply being with them, how much more does our heavenly Father love and enjoy being with us?

When we gather together as a family, I don’t want to miss a thing…so I have to be honest with myself about my weaknesses and about my point of view. I need to stop focusing on myself and on my own circumstances and focus my attention on the truth of God’s Word to me and to focus my attention on the needs of others. My children and grandchildren do not need me to be Super Man. They just need me to be dad…to be G Pa…they just need me to BE with them. I have discovered that when I focus on God and others, my own emotional needs get met…and then some. I just honestly need to get over myself!

One of the things, oddly enough, that helped me get over myself came from a conversation with a friend who I used to swim laps with at the local swim and fitness center. He happened to have a medical degree. During a break between laps, he asked me about my recent medical test concerning the possible diagnosis of PD. I told him the neurologist had confirmed a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. My friend then asked me to list my symptoms.

I told him about my right arm and the occasional tremors…about the occasional moments of feeling fogginess in my brain…about the moments of walking into a room and wondering why I had even come to that room in the first place…about the occasional moments of constipation…about feeling easily fatigued at the easiest of tasks…about the constant insomnia. After listing a few more things I considered symptoms of Parkinson’s, he stopped me and said very matter-of-factly, “You just described getting old. You don’t have Parkinson’s, Jernigan. You’re just getting old!” This did more for my emotional and mental health than almost anything anyone has done for me since the diagnosis! It made me laugh - a lot - and gave me a better perspective on my illness. Life is not about me. It’s about bringing love and joy to those I am in relationship with. Its about where my faith lies and it is about what is truly of value. Relationship.

“Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life.” Gregory Peck

I know I have not shared much about the moments of Parkinson’s induced laughter as the title of this chapter might suggest. It is meant to be an introduction into why my family and I have so many moments of joy and laughter as a direct result of Parkinson’s.

And the utter reality of life? I am getting old…and I am OK with that…which reminds me that one of my sons, while still in high school, nonchalantly informed me, “When you’re old, I’m putting you in a home first chance I get.” I recently reminded him of that…and he denies it (but one of his younger brothers has confirmed the veracity of this statement, lol)!

Dennis Jernigan

I Run To You

I Run To You

I want to share the story behind a song of mine called “I Run To You”. This song came as the Lord began having me publicly share concerning my deliverance from my old identity. I was set free and became a brand new creation in Christ on November 7, 1981 and was overwhelmed with joy and a freedom I never realized was even possible.

Due to the nature of my past life - my former sexual identity - I was afraid to share what I had been set free from with anyone else. I was afraid the church would disown me due to the nature of my temptation and feared the world would mock me for even daring to think I could walk out of what I had once assumed to be my true identity.

That all changed in 1988 - seven years after my initial freedom - when I dared to receive God’s grace for me and openly share that God had brought me out of same sex attraction and given me a heterosexual way of thinking about myself.

My fear of rejection was very legitimate, but that fear was conquered by the massive love of Jesus Christ toward me. Sadly, I was rejected by several Christian friends and was mocked by the world, but something amazing began to happen.

When you begin to declare what He has done for you people begin to receive hope - and faith is released – but Satan begins to work as well. God calls us to lay down our reputation for His reputation and for His glory. The world needs to see that there is a way – but how will they see if those who were once blind don’t tell about their healing? The truth is this, we have all fallen into the depravity of sin no matter how “innocent” our past may seem in comparison to mine. It still separates us from God. The good news is the Father is waiting for us to simply run to Him…day in and day out!

In Luke 15:11-32 we find the story of the prodigal son. What is so amazing to me is that when the father saw the son…the son’s head was bowed in shame because he had squandered his inheritance and messed up his life and was now coming home to seek his father’s mercy…the son walking slowly in shame…but what did the father do? The word says he ran to greet his son and to welcome him home!

That is the God we serve! He runs toward us even when we are covered in the filth of our sin and crippled by the shame of our failure, he runs to us and wraps us in his arms of love. Let’s do this in the coming days. Let’s be like our Father and run toward Him. Let’s allow him to wipe away the filth of our sin and replace the shame of our failure with the complete and utter embrace of His great love towards us. Let’s run to him!

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, I Run To You, go to

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My Yoke Is Easy

My Yoke Is Easy

I want to be honest with you. The reason I share so many blogs/teachings involving the stories behind my songs is that they are inspired by my own journey toward wholeness in Christ and the songs become practical and memorable tools to help you recall the spiritual truths I share from God’s Word. Today’s teaching is a prime example. I am going to be writing about my song, My Yoke Is Easy, which was actually written on February 21, 1990.

This song came to me as a prophetic song to our church Body in Oklahoma City. So many times, in the busyness of our lives, we get to thinking no one cares about us or no one is concerned with our lives. That’s a form of self-focus - a sort of pride - and demonstrates a lack of faith. Why would I say that? Because God’s Word tells us that He is concerned with every detail of our lives. He knows the number of hairs on our heads. He knows us by name. He never leaves us. Never forsakes us. Never stops thinking about us.

The truth is that we worry too much about what others think of us. Another point of truth is that man will always fall short of the glory of God when it comes to caring. We can only take care of a finite number of people and people just don’t think about us as much as we would like to think they do. We often drive ourselves into despair and self-pity when we worry about what others think of us. Life has enough burdens for us to carry. Why not give up to Jesus! Be honest with how you feel and trust Father God to meet you in that place.

Another aspect of God’s constant thoughts toward us is that He wants to bear even the burdens we carry in life. Even our failures. Our sin. We have but to trust our burdens to Him and He will carry them for us. We have but to confess our sin to God and He forgives us instantly. What a privilege it is to have a God who loves us even when we’re honest. In honesty comes total freedom. In taking responsibility for our own attitudes, thoughts, words or deeds we find rest in God’s unconditional love. Let’s let go of our burdens and let God carry them.

In Matthew 11:28-30 NASB, Jesus says, 28 "Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 "For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”

Let’s just do that in the coming days. Give up to Jesus and let Him do the heavy lifting. Receive His presence. Receive His forgiveness and remember to forgive yourself in the process. Listen to this song from the Father’s point of view toward you…and lighten your load.

Dennis Jernigan

To listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, My Yoke Is Easy, go to

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Greater Are You Who Is In Me

Greater Are You Who Is In Me

One of the most powerful things I can do to encourage other parts of the body of Christ is to declare the greatness of our God to them. I know I find my own faith bolstered when I hear others boldly declaring the greatness of God. It just does something in my soul. It simultaneously reminds me of the truth as it stirs up the passion of my own gratitude for Who God is and for all He has done for me.

We need to declare to the enemy the words of 1 John 4:1-4. We need to declare this same passage to God as a declaration of our faith in His power. We need to declare it to our own spirit, soul, and body as a blessing of all that Jesus is. He lives in us and He lives through us.

1 John 4:1-4 NASB says, 1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the [spirit] of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now it is already in the world. 4 You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

Let’s take a few minutes and make this declaration. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world!

When the world opposes the body of Christ, how should we respond? When the world tries to silence us, how should we respond? When the world belittles us for our faith, how should we respond?

The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome the following words that seem even more relevant to me today. In Romans 8:31-39 NASB, he writes, 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [is] against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? 33 Who will bring charges against God's elect? God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, but rather, was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. 35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? [Will] tribulation, or trouble, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 Just as it is written: "FOR YOUR SAKE WE ARE KILLED ALL DAY LONG; WE WERE REGARDED AS SHEEP TO BE SLAUGHTERED." 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Brothers and sisters of the body of Christ, we have need of one another. Let’s encourage one another in the coming days. And one more thing, brothers and sisters. Just be who Father says you are. He says you are conquerors. That means you are victors. That means you win. Let’s live as the conquerors our God says we are in the coming days. No matter what happens, we win!

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear a song on the subject, go to

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He Is the Mighty One

He Is the Mighty One

This week, I would like to share the story behind a song of mine that is nearly 33 years old. It came into my life and ministry on August 21, 1989. It is called He Is the Mighty One. This song was given as a call to the church to rise up and be who God called us to be – Light in the midst of the darkness! How can we do that? By proclaiming the truth of who Jesus is (the answer to any question – the solution to any problem) and by declaring with boldness that He is Almighty God! He is the Mighty One.

Even though I received this song so many years ago, the message is more relevant than ever. Let’s think about it. When mankind declares ‘there is no God’ and declares itself to be the savior of the world, reality is that mankind reveals its own arrogance.

We have witnessed the very things we are experiencing right now throughout human history. Our political climate is nothing new. Wars and rumors of war are nothing new. Even major weather events and climate change are nothing new. Groups of people being enslaved by other groups are nothing new. Groups of people trying to completely wipe out other ethnic groups are nothing new.

We have political systems that strive for power, preaching compassion and tolerance and freedom to live as one wishes and freedom to speak as one believes while, at the same time, silencing its critics with complete intolerance and humiliation and hate disguised as progressive thinking.

We are currently witnessing a segment of society that feels it has the right to tell other people what they can and cannot think. I run into what I call the thought police every day in some form or fashion. One quote I ran across on social media puts it like this:

Society says, out of one side of its mouth, “Be authentic and unapologetic.”

Society, speaking out of the other side of its mouth, then says, “Just not like that.”

My question is, “Should one person have the right to dictate what another person thinks?” The answer, of course, is no, but reality is quite another thing.

Even though I feel much of my life has been cancelled by the current cancel culture, God still proves His might to me on a daily basis. I personally believe God gives mankind any wisdom it has attained. I personally believe that God created science and math and uses them to reveal His genius to mankind. I personally believe God created the human intellect and uses it to lead men to the final conclusion that God is real and is good and is the ultimate answer to every question asked. I personally believe God created the human imagination to help us get a glimpse of how awesome and magnificent and absolutely wondrous He is.

When I recorded the collection of songs which includes He Is the Mighty One (called Break My Heart, O God), I wanted to make a statement of faith as a means of encouraging others that the God of the Old Testament - the One Who saved the world from a flood; the One Who parted the waters of the Red Sea; the One Who provided manna for millions of His people while they wandered about a desert for 40 years; the God Who gave a young shepherd boy the courage and wisdom to stand up to a 9 foot giant and defeat that giant - is the same God who longs to reveal His might to us today.

One of the best ways to open our eyes to the power and might of our God is to declare Who He is and declare what He has done for us.

I began this collection of songs with a brief personal testimony that has proven to be more and more controversial as these past 33 years have gone by. I will post a link to the podcast version of this teaching at the end of the blog so you can hear that personal statement of what God has done for me. What you will hear is that testimony and then the song, He Is the Mighty One. I pray it brings encouragement to your soul and grace to believe in the might and power of our God’s love and ability to deliver us from this present darkness.

The bottom line is simple: Our God is mighty. Always has been. Always will be. Even while still in His mother’s womb, Jesus demonstrated His might. When Mary, the expectant mother of Jesus, was paid a visit by her cousin, Elizabeth, the power of God was so evident in the unborn baby that even Elizabeth could sense the coming Messiah. This caused Mary to begin to praise God. We find this account in Luke 1 beginning at verse 46:

Luke 1:46-55 NASB

46 And Mary said: "My soul exalts the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. 48 "For He has had regard for the humble state of His bond-servant; For behold, from now [on] all generations will call me blessed. 49 "For the Mighty One has done great things for me; And holy is His name. 50 "And His mercy is to generation after generation Toward those who fear Him. 51 "He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered [those who were] proud in the thoughts of their hearts. 52 "He has brought down rulers from [their] thrones, And has exalted those who were humble. 53 "He has filled the hungry with good things, And sent the rich away empty-handed. 54 "He has given help to His servant Israel, In remembrance of His mercy, 55 Just as He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his descendants forever.”

Brothers and sisters, whether you realize it or not, we are in a spiritual battle right now. You are equipped to do battle. You are assured the victory - whether you live or die. The utter truth is this: God is still doing great and mighty things. He is still the Mighty One - in spite of what the world and the current culture would have you believe.

I urge you to continue to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus no matter how dark the times grow…no matter how much the world tries to silence you or tries to force you to believe something you do not believe. Just as He delivered Daniel from the lion’s den; just as He brought down the walls of Jericho; just as He raised Jesus Christ from the dead, our God can do the same for us.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching, go to

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Love Is Worth Living For

Love Is Worth Living For

This is the story  behind my song, Love Is Worth Living For, from the worship recording, This Is My Destiny. It seemed an appropriate song for Independence Day. The song came to me on September 21, 1995.

In September of 1995, my pastor called me and asked if I would like to see the movie “Braveheart”. I had missed the original theatrical release when it had first come out. This was the second theatrical release. You know. The one when movies that are up for an academy award are re-released to help bolster the film’s chances for an Oscar. Thinking this would be a good opportunity for a ‘guy’s night out’ I was simply looking forward to some good fellowship. Little did I know of what God truly had in store for me that evening.

This movie is based on the life of Sir William Wallace, a man who lived in thirteenth century Scotland. This was a time of English domination of that small country. The movie describes not only the violent deaths that many men faced and faced well but also portrayed the truth that living without freedom is not really living at all. Sir William simply lives his life in pursuit of freedom and in calling others to see their need for that freedom. With his dying breath his cry was ‘Freedom!’…at least that is the movie version!

As I left the theater, I had to walk alone to my car which was completely on the other side of the mall. Being locked out of the mall, I could not walk through so I had to walk around the entire mall. I began to cry out to God because I was overwhelmed with tremendous loneliness. Getting in my car and beginning the 20 mile drive home I began to weep…and I did not know why…and I could not stop.

I began to ask God why I was so affected by this movie. He spoke to my heart that I needed to see myself as William Wallace…that my life was just like his. I had been called to call men to their freedom…and in so doing my very life could be required to spread that freedom to others…but that my freedom was not only worth living for…but worth dying for as well. To live is to know Christ, but to die is to be free of the chains of this fleshly world, and to give me freedom to know Him even more intimately than this life allows. When I got home from the movie, I went straight to my keyboard and this song was birthed as I thought about my life and God’s grace to live it well…and to one day die well…

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 NASB

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 NASB

Through all these years since my deliverance on November 7, 1981, my testimony has been either cheered or jeered. I began sharing my story publicly in July of 1988 and have had many moments since that time in which I have been very publicly derided and many moments in which I have feared bodily harm.

What has kept me going? Remembering the many times from my youth when I hoped someone would tell me freedom was possible and no one ever did. I had believed a lie my entire life up until that point. I had to recognize that I had been deceived. Reality was that I did not want to be in bondage to same sex attraction.

It was not until 1981 that I ran into someone who told me freedom - a new identity in Christ - was possible…and their love and kindness led me to freedom in Christ. I keep telling my story because I want to help as many as I possibly can discover freedom and identity in Jesus Christ. God’s challenge to me was simple.

In Psalm 107 He tells the redeemed to ‘say so’. In other words, if we who have been redeemed don’t say what we have been redeemed from, how will those in the same bondage going to know freedom is even possible?

In today’s cancel culture I have been cancelled - silenced - in many ways…but I do not plan to keep silent. There are so many who desire freedom from unwanted same sex attraction - so many who reach out for help. I tell them this: knowing Jesus Christ intimately is worth any struggle I have been through in this life. My job is not to save or redeem anyone. My job is to point people to Jesus and let HIM worry about saving and setting them free.

Remember, the real battleground of life is the battleground of our minds. It is through relationship with Jesus Christ that I have learned how to renew my mind by replacing my old thoughts with new thoughts. As I have changed the way I think, my attitudes have changed; my behavior has changed; and temptation no longer defines me. I am who my Father God says I am. It is hard work. It requires spiritual warfare…but freedom is worth the work and warfare required to attain it. The love of Christ really is worth living for…really worth dying for.

Dennis Jernigan

If you are struggling with unwanted temptations of any kind, watch the documentary Sing Over Me on YouTube at and read the free ebook called Victim to Victor. Use this link to download that ebook:

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, Love Is Worth Living For, go to

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Run the Race

Run the Race

If you know me, you know I believe Father God rejoices over me with singing. I believe He surrounds me with songs of deliverance. Today’s blog is a prime example of the way in which He does that for me. To help explain my point, I would like to share the story behind one of my songs.

In the days when I was still able to travel and take part in live ministry events, I was very keen on asking the Lord for brand new songs for those specific events. One of those specific songs is called Run the Race. Here is what I wrote about the song way back in 1996:

Each time God allows me to host a worship conference, I seek His heart for songs to encourage just that particular group of people. As I was in prayer (which means me singing to God) for a certain conference I was leading in 1996, I was led to sing from God’s point of view. The words for this song flowed out as I tried to tap into what Father was wanting to say to this particular group. What came out was simply His truth as derived from His written Word – a song of encouragement.

1 Corinthians 9:19-24 NASB the apostle Paul says, 19 For though I am free from all people, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may gain more. 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the Law, [I became] as [one] under the Law, though not being under the Law myself, so that I might gain those who are under the Law; 21 to those who are without the Law, [I became] as one without the Law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might gain those who are without the Law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak; I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some. 23 I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it. 24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but [only] one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.

What the apostle Paul was saying is simply, “Life is not about me and my comfort. Life is to be lived for the sake of the Gospel. One of the ways I do that is that I find a way to identify with others I come in contact with in order that I might present the Good News of Jesus Christ to them. I choose to see my life as a race - a marathon - and I see Jesus as the finish line. I run to Him and plan on bringing as many people along as possible.”

Today’s song is a call from Father God’s heart to us. Do you have any area of your life where you feel like just giving up. If so, do this: listen to the song and disregard me…and hear your Father’s heart for you.

Be like the psalmist who wrote in Psalm 27:8 which simply says, [When You said,] "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "I shall seek Your face, LORD.” Let’ seek our Father’s face and find encouragement and the grace to endure whatever phase of the race of our life we find ourself in.

Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let's rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let's run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB

I’ll be honest with you. The I first received the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease I felt like giving up. I felt physically weak and unable to function. My brain felt foggy most of the time. I lost over 40 pounds. I began having panic attacks at the mere thought of being with people. My voice seemed gone - damaged and unrecognizable and raspy and unpleasant. People would ask me, “What is going on with you? You don’t look well.” I would tell them of my diagnosis and almost every person gasped a bit and said, “Oh, I am so sorry.”

I know they were trying to encourage me. It was just the pity and hopelessness I heard in their reaction that made me not want to be around people at all. And still others pummeled me with suggestions for cures of all kinds that I felt overwhelmed I honestly felt, at times, that I was being judged for not being spiritual enough or I would be cured. Again, this made me not want to be around people. It was during this time that I came to the place where I felt like God just needed to take me home.

Thanks be to God that I didn’t listen to the feelings I was having…or to the overwhelming amount of health and curative suggestions…or to the lies of the enemy.

I decided to run the race - in spite of Parkinson’s - and to use it FOR the kingdom of God. I am so glad I didn’t give up on the race. So grateful. I found grace to battle back from the severe weight loss. I found grace to fight through the foggy days and find clear blue skies in my thought life. I found grace and inspiration to continue creating music and writing books. I even found grace to fight back to a place of physical health in which my voice is strong enough to lead worship for about 40 minutes every Wednesday evening.

All I am trying to say is ‘Run the race with faith and grace and endurance.’ My personal plan? To enjoy the race - the epic, grand adventure called life, with joy - basically, to keep running until I run right into Father’s arms.

Let’s do this in the coming days. Let’s just keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and run toward Him as if our very lives depend on Him…because they do! And do this: in spite of our specific circumstances, run with joy toward the finish line…and finish well as you run right into Father’s waiting arms of victory.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear the song and The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog, go to

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Run the Race


Dennis Jernigan

July 19, 1996


Run the race with all your might

Keep your eyes on the sight of My face

And though you fall you’re not done

Just get up and keep running the race


For this race is not over until it is done

Though fallen or weary I’ve already won

Just right up keep running as if for your life

Don’t look back

Just keep your eyes here on the Light


Keep your eyes on the goal

I am strength for your soul by My grace

Through the fire like shining gold

Run the race ‘til you behold My embrace


For this race is not over until it is done

Though fallen or weary I’ve already won

Just right up keep running as if for your life

Don’t look back

Just keep your eyes here on the Light


Run the race with all your might

Keep your eyes on the sight of My face

And though you fall you’re not done

Just get up and keep running the race

Run the race

Wounded Soldier

Wounded Soldier

If you know me, you know I believe Father God rejoices over me with singing. I believe He surrounds me with songs of deliverance. Today’s teaching is a prime example of the way in which He does that for me. I’d like to share the story behind a song of deliverance I heard Father sing over me way back in 1997. That song is called Wounded Soldier.

Wounded Soldier, as the title implies, was born out of a time of great personal wounding that took place in my life. Reality is that life is full of such moments. We have all been wounded by angry outbursts hurled our way. We have all been disillusioned when someone we trust has let us down, or in some way, betrayed us. As believers in and followers of Christ, we have all had moments when we have been mocked or belittled or silenced in some way simply because of our faith in Christ. It is one thing to be wounded by those who see us as the enemy…and quite another to be wounded in the name of Christ by those we assumed were fellow followers of Christ.

The story behind Wounded Soldier is quite straight forward. In 1997, I was invited to lead worship for a statewide denominational event. I was ecstatic because it was one of the first times I was being embraced publicly by the denomination in which I was raised. I felt affirmed and accepted and loved at the invitation and immediately accepted it. All the plans were in place. All the promotion and marketing covered the entire state. Many churches in this denomination had begun using my music and I couldn’t wait to lead the worship sessions for the gathering. Thousands were expected to attend. This was literally a dream-come-true moment for me.

But that dream was shattered in a devastating way. Literally two weeks before the event, I received a letter notifying me that I had been uninvited. The reason for being uninvited? We were told that the local denominational association - 43 churches - had sent a letter to the leadership of the event informing them that “If Dennis Jernigan takes part in the event, all 43 churches in the association would not be attending the event.”

My manager asked for a copy of that letter…and, believe it or not, the event coordinator sent us a copy. The gist of the letter expressed three major concerns:

1 Dennis Jernigan has questionable beliefs about the Holy Spirit. He believes the gifts of the Holy Spirit did not pass away and he believes that speaking in tongues is a valid manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Basically, their great concern was that I was charismatic.

2 Dennis Jernigan actively proselytizes from other local churches and seeks to divide the body of Christ.

3 The personal testimony of Dennis Jernigan’s deliverance is not acceptable, appropriate, or needed.

First of all, I do believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit but would never pressure anyone to believe as I do nor would I ever judge anyone who did not believe as I do. Secondly, I have never sought to bring division to the body of Christ. Actually, one of the main focal points of my entire public ministry has been to bring the body of Christ together, regardless of denomination. Last, but certainly not least, I am commanded of the Lord to share my testimony…you know…that pesky little verse found in Psalm 107:1-2 that says we who have been redeemed are to ‘say so’…

That letter from the 43 churches was signed by three men. My pastor, worship leader, and I asked for a meeting with these three men. What enabled us to actually have this meeting was the fact that a friend of mine - a supporter of my ministry - happened to be a nationally recognized political leader whom everyone trusted to mediate the meeting.

To make a long story short, my three friends and I showed up at the meeting. I, having never personally met any of these men, introduced myself and immediately began to cry. I explained, through tears, that I had longed to be accepted by the denomination which had been a major part of my spiritual heritage. I told them I had never set out to bring division to the body of Christ…and I told them I felt I had been robbed of the opportunity to share my story with those who would be attending the conference and - by this time I was sobbing - I told them I felt they had effectively robbed those who needed to hear the story of my redemption of possibly finding freedom in Christ.

The room was so tense. I was an emotional mess. My political friend then asked how many of the 43 churches mentioned in the accusatory letter were actually in attendance of the meeting where this letter had been drafted. The three signers began to fidget nervously in their seats. My friend asked again, “How many of the 43 churches listed in the letter had actually been at the meeting when the letter was drafted and adopted?”

The main drafter of the letter said, “Just the three of us,” and the room grew very silent. After a few more very intense moments of silence, the leader of the letter-writing men looked at his watch and said nervously, “Oh, I forgot. I’ve got another meeting,” and ushered us out of his office. My three friends and I were stunned and very hurt.

It is one thing to be wounded by the enemy. It is entirely a different matter when you have to watch someone you love walk through a wounding moment. I was personally attacked concerning my faith – but my friends were also wounded in the process. What made the wounding so painful was that it came from people we thought were on our side.

Yet, if I’m completely honest, it seemed these Christian leaders were working for the enemy – deliberately trying to cause us to give up on our quest to lead others to wholeness and freedom in Christ. As I sought the Lord for my own woundings, I asked Him to let me hear Him sing a song of deliverance over my heart – and to let me heart what He was singing over my friends.

This song flowed from this time of intercession over the course of two cold and difficult days in November of 1997. I will say this with the benefit of hindsight and a kingdom point of view, that the healing I personally received through this song was worth the wounding I had to go through to receive it.

Luke 10:30-37 NASB, says, 30 Jesus replied and said, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he encountered robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead. 31 "And by coincidence a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 "Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 "But a Samaritan who was on a journey came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, 34 and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on [them;] and he put him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 "On the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you.' 36 "Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' [hands?]" 37 And he said, "The one who showed compassion to him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do the same.”

In Psalm 32:7 we find that the Lord will surround us with songs of deliverance. In Zephaniah 3:17 we find that our Father God rejoices over us with singing. He binds up the broken-hearted. Let’s let Him bind up our broken hearts…and then let us go about being conduits of the healing power of God’s love to the wounded around us. Let’s bind up the broken-hearted God brings into our lives. And let’s be quick to forgive those who wound us.

Dennis Jernigan

Wounded Soldier


Dennis Jernigan

November 4-5, 1997


Wounded soldier on the ground

Broken, bleeding, beaten down

Feeling defeated. Feeling not needed.

Alone, abandoned on the battleground

Wounded soldier, faithful friend

Beaten down by those you defend

Your heart once open, now pierced and broken

Needing hope to rise again


Let Me bind up every wound

Let Me comfort every pain

Let Me carry you to a place of rest, shelter from pouring rain

Let Me hold you. I can be right where you are

Let Me hold you in the shelter of My heart

When You’re weary from the battle and all hope just seems so far

Just remember I am with you faithfully guarding your heart

While the battle rages on I will hold you through the night

In the shadow of the cross I’ll be your Champion, fight your fight

Let Me hold you, I can be right where you are

Let Me hold you in the shelter of My heart


Wounded soldier, you’ll rise again

You can trust Me. I always win!

When you face harshness or total darkness

I’m ever watching, faithful to defend

Wounded soldier. Faithful one.

When you’re fallen I’ll help you run

With every testing I’ll bring you resting

And say to you, “My child, well done!”


Let Me bind up every wound

Let Me comfort every pain

Let Me carry you to a place of rest, shelter from pouring rain

Let Me hold you. I can be right where you are

Let Me hold you in the shelter of My heart

When You’re weary from the battle and all hope just seems so far

Just remember I am with you faithfully guarding your heart

When you feel you can’t go on, you be weak and I’ll be strong

With the power of My strongest love from My heart’s deepest song

Let Me hold you, I can be right where you are

Let Me hold you in the shelter of My heart

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, Wounded Soldier, go to

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When Lightning Strikes Twice

When Lightning Strikes Twice

“…Like lightning and thunder, life is resounding…”

There have been many times of sheer joy in my life. There have been many moments of sheer despair and pain and discouragement. Moments of joy can be interrupted and shattered like a bolt of lightning striking the heart and shattering dreams. That is one way to view life, but I have chosen to view life in a different manner. In every moment of despair and pain and discouragement, the Lord has struck my heart with the lightning of His presence, giving me grace to endure and giving me a kingdom perspective on what has just taken place. The old saying, “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place” is absolutely wrong. My heart has been struck by the goodness of the lightning of His love and presence time and time again.

The sound of Your thunder was in the whirlwind;
The lightning lit up the world;
The earth trembled and shook.
Psalm 77:18 NASB

Dennis Jernigan

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