“However weak we are, however poor, however little our faith, or however small our grace may be, our names are still written on His heart; nor shall we lose our share in Jesus' love.” Charles Spurgeon

Today’s teaching comes from the story  behind my song called, Your Name Is Beautiful. The words came to me on July 6, 1987 and the music arrived on August 8, 1987.

Following are the words I wrote about this song, Your Name Is Beautiful, when I first received it way back in 1987:

I was once challenged by someone who really questioned the need for outward expression of worship. This person asked me, “What if I were physically unable to express my worship? What if I could not lift my hands or dance before Him? How can I expect someone to do that?” My response? If we are talking about me, I am physically able to do so, so I WILL praise Him with my physical being, but let’s say I was unable to move my limbs. What would I do then? The answer would still be the same. I’d still praise Him for all He has done for me! I’d blink my eyes in worship! I would dance in my mind! I would breathe as loudly as I could breathe to express in one way or another what Jesus Christ means to me!
 When we think about redemption and salvation, we need to see ourselves as being rendered able to move in our spirits…though once crippled and incapacitated by sin. When we are washed clean and redeemed of that sin, we are healed of our weakness. Abiding in Jesus is learning to walk with Him. Worship is really like our spiritual therapy! Because I see how desperate my life was without Him, I would do anything He asked me to do in worship. I would be glad to do it. Because of that gratefulness in my life, I will use whatever gifting He has given me…whatever means I have available to give Him the glory He deserves. This song came as a result of these types of questions in my life. If I could not praise Him physically, I would find a way Think about it. What would you do?
 Since the penning of those words in 1987, the lyrics of this song have become both bittersweet and poignant; powerful and prophetic. In the song, questions are raised about whether or not I would praise God if I lost my ability to move…or to sing…or to praise my God with reckless abandon. Since my diagnosis with Parkinson’s, these words are sweeter and more meaningful than ever to me and bring much comfort to my soul:

If there never was a song

For my feeble tongue to raise

If there nevermore was music

I would find a way to praise Your name

Your beautiful name

If there never was a body

Or a fleshly hand to raise

If I could not dance before You

I would find a way to praise Your name

Your beautiful name

With the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, my world came crashing down in many ways. I lost my ability to sing as I once did. My body just doesn’t seem to be healing as I would hope. I find it difficult to get some notes out regardless of how much I try. Most days, I experience pain and suffering in a physical and mental sense, yet I still make a daily choice to praise the name of Jesus. As of this writing, we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world in 2020, leaving us feeling isolated and giving us moments of anxiousness as to whether we will be able to survive financially due to my illness. Even though the words of this song were written over 30 years ago, they ring more true than ever in my life:

If I never knew Your healing

If my days were filled with pain

Just the fact that You are near me

Gives me strength to still proclaim

Your name

Your beautiful name

If I lost all my possessions

Or the family I hold dear

I would gladly give my life up

If it meant the world would hear Your name

Your beautiful name

It is in the names of God that I find much solace from the world falling apart around me…comfort through the suffering of my disease. He is my Righteousness. He is my Holiness. He is my Healer. He is God With Us. He is my Shepherd. He is my Provider. He is my Peace. He is my Victory. He is Jesus. In that one name we find all that God is…and so much more. The way we develop intimacy with someone is often begun by simply learning the other person’s name. As I have learned the names God calls Himself, I have learned about His character - His nature. In the process, I have come to understand the meaning of my own name as a child of God. Dennis means ‘worshipper’. That is who I am…and I am known intimately by the One Who gave me my name. There is great peace in knowing God knows my name…and great comfort in expressing how I feel about all His name means to me…


Dennis Jernigan

The name of the LORD is a strong tower;

The righteous runs into it and is safe.

Proverbs 18:10 NASB

To listen to the audio version of this teaching along with the song, listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast at http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/your-name-is-beautiful/

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