Are you win need of safety and shelter in any area of your life. If so, I would like to share with you the story behind one of my songs. This song is titled "The Safe and Mighty Arms of Your Love,” and was received on May 9, 2019.

This song was born out of a personal trial my wife and I are currently navigating. With a damaged vocal cord and a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis on my plate, and with Melinda faithfully by my side through it all, the journey has been a challenging one. While there are rough days sprinkled here and there, medication helps tilt the scale towards more good days than bad.

Fighting health battles is no walk in the park and drains one in every possible way. But let's not overlook the unsung heroes in these battles – the caregivers. They bear a heavy burden silently. Melinda witnesses my struggles, supporting me through moments of discouragement, grieving over the diagnosis, and lifting me up emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and sometimes even physically. In many ways, I believe the caregiver's suffering matches, if not surpasses, that of the one facing health issues.

This song blossomed as my way of offering her solace amidst the constant care she bestows upon me. I can sense the weight of my needs on her shoulders. I catch the tremor of fear in her voice as she bravely leans on her faith to support us both. I know she stands alone when she crumbles into tears, worrying over me as I sleep.

This song, though deeply resonant with my own struggles, is dedicated to her – a gentle touch from the Lord to soothe her weary soul as she witnesses my battle with illness. It's my humble effort to uplift her, the one who tirelessly uplifts me. May it bring healing to her heart, soul, and mind, and may its soothing essence reach you and yours too.

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;

A broken and a contrite heart, O God,

You will not despise."

Psalm 51:17 NASB.

Songs like this one may sound easy to sing, but living out their message can prove to be quite the challenge. Personally, I hold unwavering faith in God, trusting Him wholeheartedly. I firmly believe in His goodness, His desire for my ultimate well-being, and His ability to work even through the trials like Parkinson's for my benefit. Regardless of the circumstances, I find solace anytime, anywhere, under any conditions, within the secure and powerful embrace of His love because His love is flawless, and perfect love drives out fear. Embrace His love and trust in it today.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear the song, go to

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