I suppose you wonder why I write so much about my music - and that is a fair thing to wonder about. Every song that I have received or written has been born out of my relationship, in one way or another, with Jesus Christ. In a sense, my music has become my personal journal of my journey through life - and I write about what I know. One of my greatest joys is sharing the stories behind those songs in the hope that you would find the same healing and redemption and freedom that I have found in knowing Jesus Christ personally.
Of all the songs I've ever written, this week’s tune holds a unique place in my heart. It expresses the deep, intimate connection I've come to know with the Lord in a way that no other song of mine ever has. And honestly, I truly believe it captures the boundless love that Jesus Christ has for every single human being who has ever existed or will ever exist.
The song is called "When I Fell in Love with You," and it came to me way back on May 2, 1994. As I write this blog, that means this song is now over 30 years old - and yet, to this day, it still gives me goosebumps when I hear it. It's dedicated to Bethesda Community Church in Fort Worth, Texas, as well as the worship pastor there at the time, J. Daniel Smith.
I met Dan through the worship leader for the James Robison Bible Conferences, Jeanne Rogers. Jeanne was one of the first public figures to start using my music, and Dan was her musical arranger. James and Betty Robison also gave my music a huge platform to launch from, and I'll be forever grateful for their support.
In the years leading up to 1994, I had the privilege of serving as the worship pastor at Western Hills Church in Oklahoma City (today it is known as Together Church). But in 1993, I stepped down from that role, and my music began to take off in an overwhelming way. Suddenly, I found myself dumbfounded that people were truly worshiping God through the songs I had written. It was during one of those overwhelming moments that I began to cry out to God, asking for His help to keep from burning out.
Melinda and I were preparing for the birth of our eighth and ninth children, and we were also getting ready to record our Christmas album, "Like Christmas All Year 'Round," which was produced by none other than J. Daniel Smith. On top of that, I was being invited to minister in churches all across the nation. It was all becoming a bit too much to handle, so I had no choice but to turn to the Lord for help. And He did not let me down.
As I prayed, I felt a deep impression, a clear leading from the Holy Spirit, to get back to the very first things in my relationship with God. I felt a profound compulsion to return to my first love - that initial, passionate connection I had cultivated with the Lord.
And just what was, or is, my first love? The simple answer is Jesus. In fact, it was around this time that my spiritual mentor, Jack Taylor, gave me some of the best advice I have ever received. He said to me, "Dennis, don't seek a ministry. Seek Jesus. It is in the seeking of Jesus and the ever-deepening relationship developed with Him that true ministry to others is born.”
As I reflect on those words, I can still feel the weight and wisdom they carried. In that moment, it was as if a veil was lifted, and I was reminded of the foundational truth that should guide my life and work - that my primary focus should be on cultivating an intimate, abiding connection with the Lord, not just building a platform or pursuing accolades.
In that pivotal moment, I was reminded that the true wellspring of any genuine ministry must flow from a heart that is fully surrendered to Christ. It's not about seeking the spotlight or building an impressive resume, but rather about maintaining an unwavering focus on Jesus and allowing Him to work through me in ways that bring glory to His name.
This profound insight from my dear friend and mentor Jack Taylor was a turning point for me. It set the trajectory for the song "When I Fell in Love with You" and, in many ways, for the entire trajectory of my life and ministry. For in rediscovering that first, fervent love for my Savior, I found the inspiration and the anointing to create music that truly touches the hearts of those who hear it.
1 John 4:18-19 in the NASB says, 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 19 We love, because He first loved us.
Jesus was my first love, so I had to lay all other loves aside and place them in proper order - God, marriage, children, church, and others. I had to come to the place where I recognized that any fame, popularity, or blessing that came about as a result of my music had to pass through the filter of my love for Jesus and my love for His Word. The bottom line of my life became quite simple: this life is not about me, it is about God and others.
The most important step in getting my heart and mind back to my first love was to simply recall how far into sin I had fallen, and how Jesus had never stopped pursuing me - ever. I needed to recall the massiveness of His love for me when He broke my hardened heart on November 7, 1981. I can still vividly remember the sensation of His presence, the weight of His words as He spoke to my heart and mind, saying, "Dennis, I see the things you are so ashamed of; the wounds, the depth of depravity, the abuse, the betrayals, the things you think you can hide from me. The truth is, I see all those things, and I love you anyway. I love you right where you are, but love you enough to not leave you there.”
In that moment, with my heart standing naked and exposed, yet clothed in the unfathomable love of my Savior, I fell in love with Him. It was in that sacred encounter that this song was born - a song that has become a tangible expression of the transformative power of Christ's relentless pursuit of our hearts. The melody, the lyrics, the very essence of the song, all flowed from that pivotal moment when I rediscovered the boundless depths of my first love.
The words seemed to flow effortlessly, as if guided by the very hand of God. I could feel the Holy Spirit stirring within me, giving voice to the depths of my heart's longing to know Christ more deeply, to bask in the warmth of His unfailing love.
The sounds of my fingers gliding across the keys of the piano, the gentle hum of a mind set at peace, the way the chords seemed to resonate with the very rhythm of my soul - all of these sensory details are seared into my memory. I was lost in a sacred moment, acutely aware of the Lord's presence surrounding me.
As the song unfolded, I found myself transported to a place of profound worship, my spirit soaring with a newfound appreciation for the boundless love our Savior has for each of us. As I said, it was as if the veil had been lifted, and I was granted a glimpse into the immensity of Christ's love.
Matthew 6:33 in the NASB says, 33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.”
And just how do we seek first his kingdom and his righteousness? We seek first the king! We seek Jesus in every aspect of our lives and in the process we have all of our needs met. After all, the deepest need of every human heart is to know and to be known and the ultimate experience of that deepest need being met is through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ through simple faith.
That day, on May 2, 1994, something profound happened. A song was birthed that has continued to touch the hearts of countless individuals over the past three decades. And for me, it remains a tangible reminder of the power of returning to that first, fervent love for my Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or left feeling crippled with shame or feeling unloved or unlovable, listen to this week’s song a few times and make it personal to you and your circumstances and let the truth of those lyrics set you free. You are so massively loved. Now go and be who your Father says you are.
Dennis Jernigan
To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog and to hear re song, "When I Fell in Love with You”, go to https://www.patreon.com/posts/when-i-fell-in-112608459
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