Therefore from now on we recognize no one by the flesh; even though we have known Christ by the flesh, yet now we know [Him in this way] no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [this person is] a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

2 Corinthians 5:16-17 NASB

This week’s song, I’m Changed, was received on April 20, 1983, roughly a year and a half after my salvation and new birth in Christ. It is a very precious gift to me that God placed upon my heart as a remembrance of all He has done for me.

On November 7, 1981, God had radically touched and changed my life. Yet, here I was a year and a half into my new identity and I was still being bombarded by the old lies concerning that very identity.

This song was inspired by my friend, John Jewell, who looked me in the eye and told me to stop doubting what God had done and simply believe the truth. He said, “Dennis, if God changed you, you are changed!”

This song came out of sheer joy at the way my soul felt as this truth flooded over me. I won't bore you with my story for the umpteenth time. You already know it, but just in case you would like to hear my story again, you can always go to YouTube and type in the search bar the title Sing Over Me, the Dennis Jernigan movie.

I have a little surprise for you to conclude this week’s podcast version of this blog and it involves that movie I mentioned before. In 2014, the documentary of my life called Sing Over Me was released. For years and years I had constantly been bombarded by people telling me I was faking my change and that I wasn't who I said I was, so I wrote this song as a way to settle my own mind and to answer my critics once and for all. Mainly, it is just my affirmation to God that I am His and His alone.

The first song was called I'm Changed. This song, which is played over the end credits of the movie, is called I Am Changed and I received it on March 20, 2013.

There is need for no more explanation. This song is my heart and I leave it as a blessing for you to end this week’s podcast. Thank you for going on this journey with me…

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this blog, go to

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