“...I know without You I cannot survive…”
If we understand that our very existence is because of God the Creator, then our perspective is automatically inclined to see and live life from a more spiritual point of view. If our spiritual reality is the truest and most ultimate reality then we must understand that apart from God our existence is an exercise in futility at best. When we truly believe that God is the reason we exist then it makes sense to go to Him for our very sustenance. Apart from Him, I have and am nothing...but IN Him, I have the universe as my domain! The sky is NOT the limit - God is! And He is infinite! Revel in that truth and what it means to your life today.
...for in Him we live and move and exist...
Acts 17:28a NASB
Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/08/31/09/11/cliff-2699812_1280.jpg