Recently, I made an appointment with a counselor, feeling I needed to get a mental tune-up regarding my approach to dealing with Parkinson’s. That session took place yesterday. It was a wonderful time of being encouraged. Over the course of that hour, I came to a place of peace when it dawned on me that I was actually thinking right thoughts. I won’t bore you with what those thoughts were except to repeat what my counselor said to me. “You’re way too hard on yourself. You have blessed so many others. Don’t keep yourself from receiving blessings in return. Enjoy your life.”
As he spoke those words to me, I remembered that just before being called back to the counselor’s office, I had received a message on my phone that read, “Forty-two. He ain’t through with you yet!” My first thoughts were, “My birthday isn’t until February…and I’m a little bit older than 42!” And then it hit me. Yesterday’s date was November 7, 2023…42 years since I was born again and given a brand new identity in Christ. Like a warm wave of love, my body and my mind were flooded with what felt like a lifetime’s worth of affirmation and blessing and a very deep sense of gratitude…and joy.
Forty-two years ago, on November 7, 1981, I attended a concert by the band 2nd Chapter of Acts and my life was forever altered. I usually set aside that day and spend a lot of time in retrospection and celebration. What I realized is that I had allowed Parkinson’s to take up so much of my attention that I had forgotten the most profound, momentous, monumental day of my life. When my counselor had admonished me to be a good receiver of blessings, I realized that this was a very timely kiss from heaven…and I received the blessing.
As soon as I got out of the counseling session, I messaged the person who had messaged me with, “Thank you for remembering…”
Her response? “Always! Jesus worked through you to change my life forever!”
I said, “That makes me happy.”
Continuing, she said, “and millions of us are leading others to freedom because of you!”
I was stunned. In that moment all I could feel was love and gratitude. To think that what God had done for me somehow affected the lives of countless others was both humbling and breath-taking. I had forgotten my own anniversary, but God sent an unexpected message by way of an unexpected messenger to gently remind me…He remembered.
I then listened to 2nd Chapter of Acts music the 50 minutes it took me to get home from my session…and I may have listened to ‘Mansion Builder’ more than once! God is so good…
Dennis Jernigan
To watch the full-length documentary film of my life, Sing Over Me, go to
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