I wrote the following message as a challenge and blessing to one of my grandchildren last year. I think it is a good reminder of truth for a child of ANY age:

You may not always have a choice as to the things that happen to you, but you always have a choice as to how you will respond to those things.

God causes all things, whether good or bad, to work together for your good. A wise son or daughter learns to see life from God’s point of view.

You can always change your attitude.

You can always change the things you think about and you can always choose the WAY you think about things.

Bad thoughts lead to bad feelings. Good thoughts lead to good feelings. It is your choice.

A child of God does not get to call himself or herself something that Father God does not call them.

The words we speak have the power to build us up or the power to tear us down. We can speak words to ourselves that build us up or we can speak words to ourselves that tear us down. Which words sound like the wise words to speak about yourself?

In like manner, the words we speak to others have the power to build up or the power to tear down others. We can speak words to others that build them up or we can speak words to others that tear them down. Which words sound like the wise words to speak to others?

Life is not about you. Life is about serving others and helping others. It is not wise to only think about yourself. A wise son or daughter knows that their own needs get met when they meet the needs of others.

A wise son or daughter does not allow their mistakes to define them (tell them who they are). A wise son or daughter learns from their mistakes and finds ways to turn those mistakes into something good.

The truth about every son and every daughter:

• He/she is loved no matter what

• He/she is wanted no matter what

• He/she is never alone because God is always with him/her

• He/she is considerate of the needs of others

• He/she does not complain when He/she doesn’t get his/her way

• He/she is slow to anger

• He/she stands up for what is right

• He/she finds joy in blessing others

• He/she tries to see even bad things from a good point of view

• When he/she is discouraged, he/she finds a way to encourage others

• When he/she is sad, he/she finds ways to comfort others

• When he/she offends someone else or hurts someone else, he/she seeks their forgiveness

• He/she forgives himself/herself and reminds himself/herself he/she is loved no matter what mistakes he/she makes

• He/she is a humble boy/girl and knows that a prideful attitude is a selfish attitude and that he/she can always humble himself/herself

• He/she knows that one failure does not equal defeat. When he/she fails or falls in some way, he/she just keeps getting back up, dusting himself/herself off and heading toward Jesus.

• When he/she feels afraid, he/she reminds himself /herself of truth number one: He/she is loved no matter what and he/she is never alone no matter where he/she is