One of the schemes of the enemy - the father of lies - is to cause jealousy and division between brothers and sisters in Christ. One of the ways he does this is to try and get us to compare ourselves with others. How many times have you thought to yourself, “Well, he/she is a much worse sinner than me. I told a little white lie but he/she spreads gossip like there’s no tomorrow”? While it is true that certain sins bring with them greater consequences, the bottom line of reality is that all sin is equally egregious to God. One sin, regardless of the nature of that sin, separates us from God and leaves us in need of a Savior.

One of the lessons I learned regarding the equal power of all manner of sin to leave us in need of a repentant heart came while growing up on a farm. Near our home was a ranch that raised a breed of cattle called Charlais. Charlais cattle are known for the pure whiteness of their entire body. During my days in 4H and FFA, my brothers and I raised sheep as show animals for the county and state fairs each year. While observing that local herd of Charlais, I could easily see that some cows were whiter - cleaner looking - than others. When comparing the whiteness of my sheep with the whiteness of the sheep of my brothers, it was easy to see which one appeared whiter and cleaner than the others.

I recall feeling that the cattle and sheep with the whitest coats appeared superior and healthier than those with the dingier, dirtier coats. That is the way I used to feel about comparing my personal sin with the sin I perceived others guilty of. My goal, even unconsciously at times, was to make myself feel better about myself and to excuse my sin by seeing myself as cleaner and less sinful than others.

That stinkin’ thinkin’ all came to a humiliating and painful stop the day I witnessed that herd of Charlais cattle and the sheep belonging to my brothers and me in the midst of a winter snowstorm. The snow was purest white. Dazzlingly white. Purest white. With the snow as a backdrop, I assumed the cattle and sheep would be difficult to see in the blinding snow. What I saw was astonishingly brutal to my pride.

In contrast with the purest white of that cascading snow, each and every white-as-white-can-be cow…each and every white-as-white-can-be sheep…stood out like a dirty, dingy heap of filth on four hooves, easily discernible and recognizable and easily seen even in such a massive fall of snow.

Even the whitest of those sheep and cows appeared yellowed and discolored and absolutely filthy - disgustingly so - in comparison to the snow. I began to stop comparing myself and my sin to other people and their sin…and began comparing myself to the One Whose blood washes whiter than snow. Jesus Christ. When I compare my sin to the holiness of my Savior, I easily see my need for cleansing and easily see my need for humility and easily see my need for repentance. And with that repentance my sin is washed away and my heart is left whiter than snow. That is one of the wonderful things about winter’s snow for me. This truth fills my heart with delight…and I instantly think of the holiness of God whenever it snows. Like the snow, Jesus Christ is my WInter’s Delight!

That is part of the story behind my song, Winter’s Delight. Following is a brief account of how God inspired this winter/holiday song way back on September 21, 1995. During those days, my children were still small and still living at home…and the holidays were approaching – even if they were still three months away! Having children always helped me enjoy and anticipate the Christmas season long before it ever arrived!

In 1995, the Lord seemed to be flooding me with Christmas songs. This song was one of them. While thinking on the many analogies of winter that help me understand redemption, I could not stop thinking about the cleansing power of His blood and how He had brought light and warmth to my life when I honestly thought my life would be trapped in winter forever. His forgiveness makes everything whiter than snow.

"Come now, and let us debate [your case,]"

Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet,

They shall become as white as snow;

Though they are red like crimson,

They shall be like wool.”

Isaiah 1:18 NASB

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 NASB

Let’s be mindful of the forgiving power and amazing love of Jesus Christ in the coming days. In a sense, it is like Christmas all year ‘round for the new creation! Let’s celebrate Jesus and enjoy the splendor of winter’s delight…and stop comparing ourselves to others…and compare ourselves to the One Who is Winter’s Delight!

Dennis Jernigan

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Winter’s Delight


Dennis Jernigan

September 21, 1995

Verse One

Winters come and winters go!

Sometimes leaving a blanket of snow!

Cov'ring the ground from head to toe!

No place too high or low!

Snow falls down and like a dream,

Touches places our eyes have not seen!

Cov'ring the old with a new winter scene,

Leaving everything clean!

Treetops glisten and shimmer

‘Neath this frozen delight,

Bringing peace to the winter,

Leaving everything white!


Let Your presence fall down

Like the snow completely covers the ground!

Let Your presence surround

And surprise like an overnight snow

We've just found!

You came to me in the winter of life

Leaving me covered!

Washing me white!

You came to me in my dark winter's night

Surprising and covering

With a winter's delight!

Verse Two

Once my heart was hard and cold,

Bound by sin in its wintery hold!

Then Your blood fell down like snow,

Cov'ring, leaving me whole!

You came to me redeeming,

Changing darkness to light!

"Let it snow!" I am singing!

You are winter's delight!


Let Your presence fall down

Like the snow completely covers the ground!

Let Your presence surround

And surprise like an overnight snow

We've just found!

You came to me in the winter of life

Leaving me covered!

Washing me white!

You came to me in my dark winter's night

Surprising and covering

With a winter's delight!


You came to me in the winter of life

Leaving me covered!

Washing me white!

You came to me in my dark winter's night

Surprising and covering

With a winter's delight!

©1995 Dennis Jernigan/Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.•918-781-1200

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