When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.
Psalm 56:3 NASB
This is the story behind one of my favorite songs of deliverance - a song from Father’s heart to ours. It is one I enjoy singing over broken-hearted people and one I sing over my own soul as I battle with Parkinson’s. The bottom line of what I have come to know is simple. God means Parkinson’s for my good. He wastes nothing. Victory and defeat are determined by the viewpoint I speak to my own soul…and I believe God wants nothing but what is best for me and will use whatever He wants to achieve that end.
Notice the date this song was received. November 7, 2007. This date is the day in 1981 when the Lord delivered me from my sin. Because I spend this day in reflection each year, many songs tend to be born on this date. Mostly they are songs of worship, but this one comes from a different perspective: that of the Father. Because of my needs through the years to hear the Father sing songs of deliverance to me (Psalm 32:7) I have become somewhat attuned to listening for what He sings over certain situations.
You are my hiding place;
You preserve me from trouble;
You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.
Psalm 32:7 NASB
Having 9 children has also helped me understand what the Father must feel towards us, His children, when we go through trying times. As the Lord would have it, the day the day I spent reflecting on God’s grace in my life this year was also a day when dear friends were facing fiery trials concerning their marriage…and a day when I was singing over one of my own children as they were going through their own fiery ordeal in their own marriage. As a Dad, I want to make everything all right…and I can’t always do that…but there is One who can make it all right.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose. Romans 8:28 NASB
Because He is perfect and is utterly concerned with our best, we can rest assured that even the trials we face are going to help us draw closer to Him and heal us in some way. As I sang over these two situations, this song was born. And, by the way, both those marriages are going and growing stronger than ever before. It is one of my favorites to sing in ministry now. To hear the song, listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast at http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/its-gonna-be-alright-1596032656/
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18 NASB
This tells me our Father is a good Father. He’s the BEST Father! Our God surrounds us with songs of deliverance. He wants what is best for His children. In fact, He rejoices over us with singing! He sings for the simple fact that we exist and are His! Need I say more? Listen to the song as often as you need to this week…and allow it’s truth to soak into your soul…allow the deep, deep love of Christ for you to permeate all the wounded places of your heart and mind…just use the song to soak up and in the presence of Father God!
Dennis Jernigan
To hear the song, It’s Gonna Be Alright, go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/its-gonna-be-alright-1596032656/
Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/08/26/18/43/sadness-5520345_1280.jpg
It’s Gonna Be Alright
It’s gonna be alright, child
Even through the darkest night, child
I’ll even use the darkness
To teach you how to hear Me
It’s gonna be alright now
Even if you don’t see how
I’ll even use your failure
To help you to draw near Me
Hear Me. I am calling,
“Child, come falling deeper in love with Me.”
Trust Me, you must let go
Or you will never know any deeper love in Me
It’s gonna be alright here
If you will let Me hold your heart near
I’ll even use your sorrows
To teach You how to love Me
It’s gonna be alright, child
I’ll hold you really close and tight child
I’ll even use Your woundings
To help you know more of Me
Hear Me. I am calling,
“Child, come falling deeper in love with Me.”
Trust Me, you must let go
Or you will never know any deeper love in Me
Why do you hold on to the things of your past
Let go and cling to Me and love that will last
How can you know Me if you do not trust My love
Let go! You’ll find My love is more than enough
Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan
November 7, 2007
©2007 Shepherd’s Heart Music, Inc.