We all - whether we like it or not - will go through many and varied storms of life. What do we need when storms come our way? Here in Oklahoma - Tornado Alley - we prepare ahead of time knowing full well that at some point we will be faced with the threat of a tornado. I have personally witnessed many. How do we prepare?
First of all, we have a plan in place. Many homes have installed storm shelters either in their garage or just within a short distance of their homes. Melinda and I have a basement we go to when necessary. Many homes have stockpiles of food and water and other necessities of life that would last them several days should the damage a tornado could do became a reality. Many in the city limits have designated storm shelters they can easily get to. Basically, one wants and needs shelter when faced with going through a storm. As in real life, so it especially applies in our spiritual life.
When the storms of life blow through, Satan would like us to think that we are all alone…and have nowhere to turn…to believe we have no shelter - because he knows that when we are overcome by these feelings that we begin to walk in the flesh.
Satan is a liar! The truth is this: even if we’re beaten, thrown in prison, or killed…we have a hope and a refuge in our Lord Jesus. As David walked in an intimate relationship with God, so we, too, can walk in an intimate way – and because of the blood of Jesus, we can walk even more intimately with God! David put it like this:
Keep me as the apple of the eye;
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings…
Psalm 17:8 NASB
What does it mean to hide in the shadow of God’s wings? When a mother hen is raising her brood of chicks, they are programmed to run to her for safety when threatened in any way. A hawk flies over, she clucks and they all run to her wings and tuck in beneath them. When caught in a sudden rainstorm, they do the same. When the night grows cold, they nestle deep beneath and within the shelter of her wings.
Let us rest in the shadow of His presence every moment of every day. When I am being attacked, all I have to do is cry out to Him and He spreads His wings and takes me into the shelter of His presence and truth.
When hard times come, what are we to do? Remember the shelter and foundation of God’s Word:
2 Corinthians 4:6-10 NASB says, 6 For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; 8 [we are] afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
My plan when the storms of life blow through? Seek shelter in Jesus. He is a firm foundation that cannot be moved - regardless of our circumstances! Run to the shelter of His mighty wings - as often as necessary!
Dennis Jernigan
To listen to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast on this subject and to hear a song to help reinforce this truth in your life, just go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/in-the-shadow-of-thy-wings/
Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/06/03/08/57/chicks-1433016_1280.jpg