The world is full of questions in need of solid, foundational answers.
The world is in political chaos. How do we find peace?
The world is in a cultural crisis. How do we genuinely value one another?
The world is gripped by fear in the face of COVID-19. How do we defeat fear?
The world seems to be falling further and further into an existential panic as insufficiently-tested vaccines are rushed into use even as new strains of the virus are beginning to pop up around the planet. Where will true healing come from?
The world is being swept around in a constant whirlpool of man-centric answers that never fully meet the truest and deepest of mankind’s need: to know and to be known. How does one find real relationship without fear of being betrayed?
The world walks in darkness while declaring the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ archaic - a thing of the past. How does one navigate the darkness when there are so many conflicting sources of ‘light’?
The world speaks fear and division while calling it love and compassion. What is real love? What is real compassion?
The world declares the need for love and tolerance as long as you believe the current man-centered worldview. How does one navigate a world hostile to those who follow the Light of Jesus Christ?
The world is in need of real truth and real answers…and there is only One I know of.
The Answer…Jesus Christ.
No matter what is going in the world around us, Jesus Christ has risen from the grave and has granted us eternal life through faith in Him and in the power of His resurrection! No matter what is going on in the world around us, Jesus is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He is in control even when the world around us is falling apart! Let us stand on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ today!
This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER [stone,]” 1 Peter 2:7 NASB