Why did Jesus come into the world in the first place? To save us from our sin. To save us from ourselves! He came as Savior and He came as Lord. We get the Savior part pretty easily, but we sometimes lack clarity on what it means for Him to be Lord.

To say Jesus is Lord is to simply declare that He is our master and guide and leader. He is NOT a dictator. Let me make that very clear. He is a Good Lord - a good Shepherd - who never beats His sheep into submission, but rather, leads us by example. He is a Shepherd Who desires relationship with His sheep. We can hear His voice and we can know His voice. Our life is only enhanced by surrendering to His Lordship. He never forces His love upon us and never forces us to love Him. That is amazing. Let us make the lordship of Jesus Christ very simple today. Just walk relationally with Him in every area of your life!

Let us be mindful today to allow the Lord to be a part of - Lord of - every area and aspect of our life. Make it simple. Ask the Lord to show you what to wear today. Ask the Lord to show you what to eat today. Ask the Lord to bring about divine encounters with people who need encouragement today. Ask the Lord what is on His mind today. Ask Him what He thinks about certain situations and circumstances facing the world. Just communicate with Him. Talk…and listen. Simply include Him in the living out of your life. I believe you will find He is the most loving, present Lord you could ever know. Need a friend? Let Jesus be Lord of all…

Dennis Jernigan

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 NASB