“Everyone is broken; every mortal man or woman is broken in some way, shape, or form.” Matt Hardy
“This perfection is the restoration of man to the state of holiness from which he fell, by creating him anew in Christ Jesus, and restoring to him that image and likeness of God which he has lost.” Adam Clarke
The world would have me labeled a bigot, a hater, a fool for daring to say someone might possibly dare to leave behind a homosexual identity in exchange for a heterosexual identity. The old me was undone. The new me is in a constant state of ripping away the grave-clothes…I am still being undone…and still being reborn and rebuilt. I am undone emotionally - and in every way - by His deeply passionate love for me.
This year this song was born - 2013 - was like a whirlwind. Not only was I going to be a grandfather, but a film crew would be making a documentary of my life in the hopes of obtaining major theatrical release. In addition and in conjunction with the movie, I was writing my life story in a way and to such a deep level I was left feeling naked and exposed...but in a holy and cleansing and healing way.
As I think about all these things, I am overwhelmed at God’s redeeming love in my life. As the movie, Sing Over Me, is now available on Amazon Prime and the book by the same title is also available, I am more convinced than ever of God’s plan and purpose for my life...and more convinced than ever of His deep, abiding love for me. Yes, I was once emotionally undone by my sin yet bound in a tangle of lies and deceit...but God’s love leaves me even more emotionally undone yet stable and on solid ground, all while he undoes/unravels the mess sin had made of my life. This song was born in the midst of all these happenings and, once you hear it, you will understand the awe and wonder I feel at the revelation of God’s love in my life. That is my prayer for you as well...that you would see and feel and experience God’s deep abiding love for you...in the here and now.
Being undone by God’s love requires trust. Following after Jesus in a dark world requires trust. Running the race of life with a sense of purpose and destiny requires trust. Going through middle-of-nowhere moments when it is difficult to feel loved, to see the Light, to believe your purpose, and to know God wastes nothing in the entire process of life requires trust. When I am undone, I fall apart. The best place I have found to fall apart is in the arms of Jesus. To be undone by His love is to be restored in the deepest, darkest recesses of the soul.
Yes, I am physically, emotionally, and mentally undone by Parkinson’s…but I am learning to allow that ‘undone-ness’ to teach me how to glory in - and even boast in - my weakness that He might be strong in me. God has been so faithful throughout the course of my life to pick up the broken pieces of my existence and put them back together. He has restored my soul so many countless times before. What He has been faithful to do in the past, He is faithful to do in the here and now. My diagnosis did not surprise God or catch Him off guard. He is still the same loving, redeeming God Who wastes nothing…Whose love for me is a promise from His Word to me. How does Parkinson’s change or affect His restorative love for me? It doesn’t! I am, once again, undone…and once again, Father has met me there. He is using Parkinson’s for His kingdom and for His glory…and for my good. I trust Him. Period.
Dennis Jernigan
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11 NASB
I Am Undone
Words & Music
Dennis Jernigan
March 13, 2013
You took my broken heart
Once cast aside like trash is
You made my heart brand new
Brought beauty from the ashes
And here I stand in awe
Of perfect love and power
Here I stand in awe
Of my God!
I am undone by Your mercy
I am undone by Your grace
I am undone by Your goodness
And Your sure, strong embrace
I am undone by Your dying
I am undone by such love
I am undone by Your sacrifice
Who could love me that much?
I am undone
I am undone
You took a wasted life
And made that life worth living
You filled my heart with joy
Reduced me to thanksgiving
And here I stand in awe
Of perfect love and power
Here I stand in awe
Of my God!
I am undone by Your mercy
I am undone by Your grace
I am undone by Your goodness
And Your sure, strong embrace
I am undone by Your dying
I am undone by such love
I am undone by Your sacrifice
Who could love me that much?
I am undone
I am undone
To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast of this teaching and to hear the song, go to http://podcast.dennisjernigan.com/e/i-am-undone/
Photo courtesy of https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/07/01/22/34/people-1492052_1280.jpg
Matt Hardy quote - https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/matt_hardy_942891
Adam Clarke quote - https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/adam_clarke_273288?src=t_restoration