Today we are going to be talking about the story behind my song, The Table of the King, from the recording Days of Awe. I received this particular song on March 19, 2012.
Far too often we think all we deserve is to sit beneath the table of life and settle for crumbs when, in reality, our Father has set a feast before us in the very midst of our circumstances. We are joint-heirs with Christ, entitling us to all the Kingdom has for us -- in THIS life. Unashamedly have a seat at the table and partake of God's presence. Settle for nothing less than God's best. This song came as I thought about the vast expanse of God's Kingdom available in this life...that I do not take advantage of. I am who my Father says I am - and He says I am a joint-heir with Christ!
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies...
Psalm 23:5a NASB
For far too long I sat beneath the table settling for the crumbs of God’s presence that mercifully fell from above. Believing far too many lies concerning my God-ordained identity. Since I was conceived in my mother’s womb, God has been calling me to come to the table…but I thought I had to earn my way there…and I believed I could never measure up to the requirements…could never do enough to earn my place at the table. Reality was that He had set the feast and had patiently kept calling me to the table even during my efforts to try and earn His acceptance. It was a free gift laid out before me. All I had to do was sit at the table and take and eat of His presence.
I first realized this way back in 1981 and have been fully embracing the truth of what this means for my name and for my life ever since. I stopped performing for His love and began performing BECAUSE He loved me. Big difference. I began to refuse to settle for anything less than God’s best for me. That’s why one of my personal rules is that Dennis Jernigan does not get to call himself something His heavenly Father does not call him.
By sitting AT the table WITH my King in the very midst of my enemy - in the very midst of whatever my circumstances might be - I began to claim the authority given to me by my Maker. Authority over the enemy and His lies. Authority over my own choices. Authority as a son of the Most High God! Life began to change from one of performing for acceptance and approval and a drudgery into a grand quest for life where joy rules the day and where God wastes nothing. Not one thing.
Here are some of my personal declarations that came out in the form of this song:
I am an heir with the Risen King!
I have a place Father set for me!
I will taste the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!
I will take the Bread of Life and eat!
I will take the Living Water, drink deep!
I will taste and see that the Lord, that the Lord is good!
My soul hungers!
My soul is thirsting for the presence of my King!
As you listen to this song, I urge you to see yourself seated AT the table WITH the King and I urge you to boldly take and eat of the feast of His presence. Be the overcomer Father says you are!
Dennis Jernigan
To listen to the song, The Table of the King, you will find the above teaching along with the song at The Dennis Jernigan Podcast at the following link: