If you know me, you know my message is freedom through relationship with Jesus Christ. In many ways, I find myself feeling more and more isolated from the world because of the nature of my story, but the more troubling aspect of my life is that I am feeling more and more isolated from the church for the same reason. This is not a pity-party. Quite the contrary. People reach out to me online daily and I minister to hundreds weekly online. Most ask for help concerning their identity. Many tell me they feel as if they are trapped in the middle of nowhere…between a world that defies their very desire for freedom and a church that dares not broach the subject matter. The need for the message of freedom and hope is greater than ever.

For these reasons, I am beginning work on a new recording I am calling The Middle of Nowhere. My vision is that it be produced with a level of excellence on a par with - or a cut above - that of the world. Because I am an independent artist, I must fund each recording myself. To produce such a recording will cost at least $50,000.

This is where I am asking you to help me. Would you consider being a part of a project that will minister to the lives of people long after I am gone from this world? If you feel this is a worthy cause, I ask you to give whatever you can afford, no matter how small. Every dollar helps. For being a part of the recording, I will list your name as one of the producers (unless you tell me otherwise) on the album credits. In addition, I will see that you receive a copy of the finished project.

To whet your vision and to thank you for taking the time to consider helping me out, I have provided a link to the demo of the title song below as produced by my friend, Joe Sicurella, in New York City where the recording will take place. The recording is being produced as an outreach of the ministry of my home church - which literally meets in my home - called All In All Church. To give toward the project, go to https://www.allinallchurch.com/donate-online/
Dennis Jernigan

Listen to the demo of the title song at https://youtu.be/AcP1zf58fn0