Today we are going to be talking about the story behind my song, You Are God and I Am Not, from the recording Days of Awe. I received this particular song on October 3, 2012.

As I was preparing for the upcoming NGCI - Next Generation Creative Institute - a three day gathering of worship, ministry, and inner healing that meets in my home twice a year, I was in the mode of listening for any words the Lord might have for me and those who would be attending. In addition, I was contemplating the many varied complexities of life and just how quickly I can allow circumstances to bog me down. It is in such moments that I have learned to see life from the King's perspective -- and that foundational perspective? He is God and I am not!

As I began to meditate on that simple truth, I began to think about the fact that I am a new creation yet that I still traverse this life as a human -- a needy human at that! The realization of my weakness, when juxtaposed with His strength, became the basis

of this song. At times, I run from Him...but He runs after me. At times, I hide...but He is always leading me to honest revelation and healing. I cry...He brings laughter.

He is God and I am not. It is when I remember this foundational truth that the circumstances begin to become nothing more than brief, momentary annoyances that remind me how much I need a Savior!

It is when I walk in fear that I feel the need to try and control my life. It is when I feel emotional pain that I try to meet my needs in my own ways. It is when I try to meet my own needs that I fail miserably and fear and pain are only compounded as a result.

For You are great and do wondrous deeds;

You alone are God.

Psalm 86:10 NASB

Let’s take a quick look at the lyrics and see what I am talking about.

I run. You run after.

God pursues us - always!

I hide. You reveal.

Honesty leads to truth and truth leads to freedom.

I cry. You bring laughter.

Laughter does the soul good and heals like a medicine.

I hurt. You heal.

God is always healing - even when we don’t know we need it and even when we don’t see it happening the way we would like.

I, weak. You are able.

When I am weak He is strong.

I lack. You're enough.

Human wisdom always falls short. His presence fills the gap and connects my heart to His even when I do not feel adequate. He is always adequate.

I turn. You're still faithful.

He loves me even when I turn from Him.

I need Your love.

It is His perfect love that casts out fear and sets my soul and emotions free.

I need. You're Provision.

He is always providing and meeting my needs even before I know I have them.

I’m lost. You, the Way.

I did not find Jesus. He found me!

I’m confused. You are wisdom.

My point of view always falls short. His point of view always helps me see the big picture where I am no longer a victim but have become victor.

I leave. You stay.

He is faithful even when I am not.

I fear. You fear nothing.

Fear comes as a result of me not seeing life from my Maker’s perspective. His perspective begins and ends with Hi perfect holy love for me.

I’m blind. You can see.

I see through a glass dimly but He sees each situation of my life fully and completely. He sees the finished version of who I am.

I reject. You are loving.

I reject His love yet He keeps loving me.

You just love me.

Bottom line: He loves me right where I am but loves me enough to not leave me there.


You are God! You are faithful!

You are strong and You are able!

You are God and I am not

And Lord, I need You!

It is when we let Him be God that we step from the throne of our own hearts and He is able to sit there enthroned on our praises for Him. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way toward allowing Him that place in our hearts.

You are God! All I'm needing!

My Redeemer, come redeeming!

You are God and I am not

And Lord, I need You!

You are God and I am not

And, Lord, I need You!  

Here is what I believe - what I see as the bottom line of my life: Jesus is the ultimate answer to every need I could ever have. In Him I live and move and find and experience my being.

Dennis Jernigan

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8: 28 NASB

To listen to the teaching and song, go to